Hey pallies, likes just a quick little Dino-gram to let's you know that our pallies at Amazon has put up the graphic for the Dino-collection of DVDs bein' released on October 30 by the dudes at Time-Life. Likes still no patter on what this 17 DVD set is gonna include, but here's the cover Dino-graphics. So so loves me a good Dino-mystery, so likes stay tuned for more Dino-details as they gets revealed. To view this graphics at Amazon, just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-reportin', DMP
It`s dissappointing this set will just be a complilation of previously released shows, I had suspected that, so I`m not surprised.
However it`s wonderful news the Christmas Show will be sold separatley :)
Hoping it definately is the 67` episode with Dean and Frank with family :)
Hey pallie, likes Miss Ky I knew your response woulda be same as mine and all other true Dino-devotees...in the midst of this latest disappointment, we still keeps lovin' our Dino...likes what else can Dino-holics do?!
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