Hey pallies, likes I have been waitin' with bated breath to hear news 'bout the upcomin' release of Time-Life's second set of Dino-discs tagged 'The King of Cool, Collector's Edition.' Well, yester-Dino-day our pallies at google 'lerted that the pallies at "TV Shows On DVD" has issued a post on said DVDs. From the pen of Mr. David Labert with credit goin' to "reader Chris Greulich," we finally have a wee bit of information on this 6-DVD set.
The big question that all us dudes wanna knows...will this set have more of our Dino singin' solo or not?, has not been answered here as "In-depth details haven't been provided so far about the contents." We do know the list of entertainers that will be included..see below, as well as the followin' facts and figures..."18 episodes with 128 musical songs and countless comedy sketches."
Gotta 'fess up that I am concerned that this new set will be as edited as the previous one, 'specially when we read..."Like the previous releases of this show, we expect these episodes to contain as much material and music as Time Life is able to get clearances for, from a rights and legal standpoint." We will just have to wait and see pallies...but for this Dino-dude more Dino is always better then no Dino...so be sured I have already but my order in for this new set.
So, checks out the Dino-info contained below, and stay tuned 'cause ilovedinomartin will be sure to let you know when we finds any more Dino-details on this new release.
We sends our Dino-appreciato out to the pallies at "TV Shows On DVD"...'specially poster Mr. David Lambert and reader Mr. Chris Greulich. To checks this out in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-sharin', DMP
The Dean Martin Show - 6-DVD Set for 'The King of Cool, Collector's Edition'
Available to own starting November 8th
Posted by David Lambert
Our 6-DVD Collector's Edition captures all the glory, the glamour and the glitz of Dean Martin and the greatest era in show business. For the first time at retail, Time Life's newest DVD release gives us even more Dino -- The King of Cool: The Best of the Dean Martin Variety Show, Collector's Edition contains an irresistible blend of classic entertainment showcasing only the best moments from Dean's hit TV show.
Dean and his incredible celebrity guests fascinated us music and outrageous comedy skits. Following on the heels of the multi-platimum retail success, The King of Cool: The Best of the Dean Martin Variety Show, Collector's Edition showcases the comedy of Red Buttons, Mickey Rooney, Sid Caesar, Jackie Mason, Bill Cosby, Carroll O'Connor, Bob Newhart. Rounding out this all-star cast are musical delights by Ella Fitzgerald, Eddie Fisher, Louis Armstrong, Johnny Mathis, Liberace, Herb Albert and The Supremes. Our 6-DVD set includes 18 episodes with 128 musical songs and countless comedy sketches.
The Dean Martin Variety Show first aired on NBC in 1965 and remains a one-of-a-kind in the history of TV. For almost ten years Dean captivated the public, showing us he could do it all. Whether it was Dean's familiar entrance sliding down a pole or the famous living room door, where you never knew who was going to walk through, Dean captured all of us with his easy informality and incomparable charm and talent. He was a buddy to all the guys and a darling to the ladies...today, he's cool to all ages!
This past June, Time-Life released The Dean Martin Show - The Best Of, Collector's Edition, a six DVD set. Now we've learned that Time Life will be following up on November 8th - just three weeks away! - with another 6-disc release titled "The Dean Martin Show - The King of Cool, Collector's Edition" Priced at $59.95 SRP, you can pre-order it now from Amazon.com (see the button link just over the cover art shown below). Like the previous releases of this show, we expect these episodes to contain as much material and music as Time Life is able to get clearances for, from a rights and legal standpoint. In-depth details haven't been provided so far about the contents, however, but stay tuned and we'll pass them along if we're able to. Our thanks to reader Chris Greulich for the heads-up about this item!

Simply won't buy it if it's the same nonsense as the first. I bought the first set for Dean........well that was a waste of money. So unless the second set has much more Dean I'll most likely pass. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. I'm no fool.
Hey pallie, I hear you dude, I just viewed the single disc edition of this new set...and sorry to say, it appears to be much like the first set...so I'm sure you will not want to invest in this second set...thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter, and likes keeps lovin' our Dino...
That last set was stuff i have seen before and worst of all there wasnt many songs by Dino.
Ky dont know if she is gonna get this new set, even tho the first set was a bit boring with some of the guest stars, i still hope ky will buy this second set.
If i could i would.
Be better if they did another dvd like Thats Amore, that was so cool.
Hey pallie, likes Levi dude, cool to hear from our amazin' Deanager...this new set appears to be too much like the last set...simply not 'nough Dino..indeed all true Dino-holics wants more likes "That's Amore!" Keeps lovin' our Dino!
Hi Dean,
I tend to agree with you.
I think I`ll wait for the customer reviews this time before I rush into buying this.
The guest stars interest me a little but I hope it`s not going a lot of comedy and little singing.
We all want Dino and I think we`ll have a long wait to get what we want, if ever
Hugs and Kisses
from Kylie xxxoooxxx
Hey pallie, likes Miss Ky, as I have mentioned I broke down and got the one volume edition of this new release...it does have one song with our Dino playin' with the golddiggers and one solo Dino-tune...haven't watch all four shows on the disc, so there may be more of our Dino...keeps lovin' our Dino!
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