On this twenty-first day of Dino-amore month 2015 we are makin' that rare exception and sharin with youse a post announcin' news of "Dean Martin Tribute Concert takin' place on March 8 at 18 hours.
The reason for the exception dudes is 'cause the concert is takin' place in Timisoara, which is the capital city of Timiș County, in western Romania.
When we gots a glimpse at the prose scribed by Mr. Zoltan Varga of "Press Alert" and discovered that this special event is bein' tagged "Everybody Loves Somebody," likes we just knew that we had to spread this news as far and wide as ilovedinomartin can! This news was meant to be spread 'cross the pages of our humble little Dino-blog 'cause we loves! loves! loves news of internationale Dino-adulation and 'specially in this very special month of Dino-amore.
Likes how completely cool to know that passion for our Dino is alive and well 'mong the Romanian citizenship in Southeastern-Central Europe! And we totally totally digs the prose settin' the tone for this concert of Dino-croons..."designed to give smiles, add harmonies to each of us." We hear at ilovedinomartin are certainly smilin' the biggest of big Dino-buddhagrin only wishin' that we coulda be 'mong the Dino-devottes gathered in Room Baroque Art Museum of Timisoara on March 8.
We salute Mr.Zoltan Varga and all the pallies at "Press Alert" for puttin' us on to this completely cool concert of deep, pure, and true amore of our most beloved Dino! To checks this out in it's original source, likes clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Deeply Diggin' Dino, DMP
Dean Martin tribute concert: a special event in Timisoara
By Zoltan Varga - February 11, 2015
Timişoara music lovers will get a special event called "Everybody Loves Somebody", in which the ears of those present will be part of a tribute to the late Dean Martin.
The concert which will be held in Room Baroque Art Museum of Timisoara will occasion a mixture of genres: from Big Band Easy Listening. passing through traditional pop sounds, stationary for several minutes to vocal jazz and swing final destination.
Vadim Cruscov - vocals, Horia Fagarasanu - piano, Johnny Bota - bass, Zsolt Szabó Csongor-- percussion are those who bring in terms of pure music currently Dean Martin, giving it the right size in a concert which intends to become a classic -trend-setter. "Everybody Loves Somebody", is designed to give smiles, add harmonies to each of us is the best mărţişor of all nostalgia for those old times and beyond - a souvenir given away or wear them to the next reunion. The concert will take place on 8 March at 18.00.
Dean Martin was an American singer considered one of the best entertainers of the 20th century, and among his major famous songs include "Memories Has Made of This", "That's Amore", "Everybody Loves Somebody", "You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You "," Sway "," Volare "and" Is not That a Kick in the Head? ".
Melomanii timişoreni vor avea parte de un eveniment inedit, numit „Everybody Loves Somebody”, în cadrul căruia urechile celor prezenţi vor avea parte de un tribut adus regretatului Dean Martin.
Concertul care se va desfăşura în Sala Barocă a Muzeului de Artă din Timişoara va prilejui un amestec de genuri muzicale: de la Big Band la Easy Listening. sunetele trec prin traditional pop, staţionează preţ de câteva minute la vocal jazz şi au ca destinaţie finală swing-ul.
Vadim Cruscov – voce, Horia Făgărășanu – pian, Johnny Bota – contrabas, Szabó Csongor-Zsolt – percuţie sunt cei care aduc în planul prezent muzica pură a lui Dean Martin, dându-i dimensiunea potrivită într-un concert care intenționează să devină un classic-trend-setter. „Everybody Loves Somebody”, este menit să ofere zâmbete largi, să adauge armonii fiecăruia dintre noi, este cel mai bun mărţişor dintre toate pentru cei cu nostalgia vremurilor de demult şi nu numai – un suvenir de dat mai departe sau de purtat cu ei până la reîntâlnirile viitoare. Concertul va avea loc în data de 8 martie de la ora 18.00.
Dean Martin a fost un solist american considerat unul din cei mai buni entertaineri ai secolului 20, iar printre marile lui şlagăre se numără “Memories Are Made of This”, “That’s Amore”, “Everybody Loves Somebody”, “You’re Nobody till Somebody Loves You”, “Sway”, “Volare”, sau “Ain’t That a Kick in the Head?”.
Our Dino continues to be honored -- as he well should be!
Hey pallie, likes youse knows Miss AOW, we can't disagree with you one Dino-bit...we are 'specially delighted to she the huge huge internationale nature of Dino-homagin! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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