Man o man pals, are thins' gettin' SPOOKY 'round creepy ol' New England! Can DEF I NATE LY feel that Halloween chill in the air! Lots of TRICKS & TREATS out there this time of year pallies...let's concentrate on the Treats!
This week's Serenade, "Candy Kisses", seems just right for some Dino-treats & I thinks Dean could use sumthin' a little XTRA sweet right 'bout now! Sounds to me like this witchy woman is 'bout to jump on her broom & sail into the moonlight! Solo pals!
Not to fear though...Dean has PLENTY of those Candy Kisses to pass out for EVERYONE!!! Enjoy!!!
(Candy kisses wrapped in paper)
Candy kisses wrapped in paper mean more to you than any of mine
Candy kisses wrapped in paper you'd rather have 'em any old time
You don't mean it when you whisper those sweet love words in my ear
Candy kisses wrapped in paper mean more to you than mine do dear
(Oh candy kisses wrapped in paper mean more to you than any of mine
Candy kisses wrapped in paper)
Once my heart was filled with gladness now there's sadness only tears
Candy kisses wrapped in paper mean more to you than mine do dear
Mean more to you than mine do dear
(Candy kisses)
Candy kisses wrapped in paper mean more to you than any of mine
Candy kisses wrapped in paper you'd rather have 'em any old time
You don't mean it when you whisper those sweet love words in my ear
Candy kisses wrapped in paper mean more to you than mine do dear
(Oh candy kisses wrapped in paper mean more to you than any of mine
Candy kisses wrapped in paper)
Once my heart was filled with gladness now there's sadness only tears
Candy kisses wrapped in paper mean more to you than mine do dear
Mean more to you than mine do dear
(Candy kisses)
Such a pretty tune! Our Dino's version is the best version, IMO.
Couldn't agree more Ms. AOW!!!
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