Sunday, March 31, 2013
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Duetin' with Dino Easter Special"
Buona Pasqua pals!!! Happy Easter!!! What a GREAT GREAT mood I am in today! It's just that feelin' of Spring & new beginnins' fillin' my soul pallies!
The sun is shinin' & the birds are singin'! I'm feelin' in the mood for some Springtime type tunes & I thinks I gots just what the doctor ordered for today's Easter Serenade!!! How's 'bout a little "Duetin' with Dino" featurin' his lovely & very talented girly girl, Gail!!! She def i nate ly has the knack for entertainin'...just like her dear ol' daddy, Dino.
Man, this 1966 clip is so so full of fun fun croonin'...youse can just see the happy times they are sharin'! Perfecto for a VERY special day like today!
Well pals...gots to go! There's some Easter eggs out there that need findin'! Ha ha ha!!! Enjoy the season pallies & ALWAYS keep the Dino-vibe flowin'!!!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Yesterday In Dino-history: March 29, 1973
Hey pallies, likes just realized that the month of March was a popular month for our Dino to officially break the ties with two of his wifes. As reported a few days ago, it was on March 23, 1949 that our Dino legally finished his marriage with wife numero uno, Elizabeth Anne McDonald. And, yesterday, March 29 in 1972, our great man officially ended his marriage to wife numero duo, Jeanne Biegger.
Dino has originally sought the divorce from Jeanne after he met, while playin' in 'Vegas, 21 year old Miss Gail Renshaw. Our most beloved Dino was absolutely absolutely smitten by Renshaw, then serving as Miss USA.
After a time that amore cooled, and at the point that our Dino's divorce was finalized waitin' in the wings was Miss Catherine Mae Hawn, a 24 year old beauty parlor receptionist, who he was engaged to and who would become Mrs. Dean Martin less then a month after our Dino's divorce was finalized from Jeanne.
March 29, 1973 Divorce with Jeanne Biegger is final
Dino has originally sought the divorce from Jeanne after he met, while playin' in 'Vegas, 21 year old Miss Gail Renshaw. Our most beloved Dino was absolutely absolutely smitten by Renshaw, then serving as Miss USA.
After a time that amore cooled, and at the point that our Dino's divorce was finalized waitin' in the wings was Miss Catherine Mae Hawn, a 24 year old beauty parlor receptionist, who he was engaged to and who would become Mrs. Dean Martin less then a month after our Dino's divorce was finalized from Jeanne.
March 29, 1973 Divorce with Jeanne Biegger is final
Thursday, March 28, 2013
1958: Dean Martin watching his daughter Gina Caroline Martin
Hey pallies, likes it is always cool to share a Dino-pix with all youse Dino-devotees. Today ilovedinomartin turns it's attentionado to the blog, "Bluetramontana Style - A collection of musings on people, art and fashion." A recent post there shares a very very stylish pose of our most beloved Dino from 1958 where our great man is watchin' his youngest prodigy Gina walkin' 'round the pool area in her mother's (Jeanne) shoes.
It's clear that Father Dino is takin' much delight in watchin' his little girl with the floppy shoes. How grand to have such candid Dino-shots to remember our Dino's life and times. ilovedinomartin salutes the pallies at "Bluetramontana Style" fors sharin' this family pix with their readership. To view this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-delightedly, DMP
Bluetramontana Style A collection of musings on people, art and fashion.
1958: Dean Martin watching his daughter Gina Caroline Martin
It's clear that Father Dino is takin' much delight in watchin' his little girl with the floppy shoes. How grand to have such candid Dino-shots to remember our Dino's life and times. ilovedinomartin salutes the pallies at "Bluetramontana Style" fors sharin' this family pix with their readership. To view this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-delightedly, DMP
Bluetramontana Style A collection of musings on people, art and fashion.
1958: Dean Martin watching his daughter Gina Caroline Martin
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Hey Pallies: A True Blue Dino-Lover From Dino-US
Hey pallies, likes today's post is a extraordinaryly edifyin' example of what true true Dinopalliedom means.
Back in the early days of this month, ilovedinomartin shared some absolutely awesome Dino-patter from our Singaporian Dino-holic of Dino-holics, Andy at his mighty musical blog, ""Singapore 60s: Andy's Pop Music Influence." Well, likes without my knowin' it, our Dino-diggin' pallie returned the Dino-favor by postin' my Dino-introduction to his remarks on "Was Singapore Ever On 'The Dean Martin Show'?"
Well, yester-Dino-day as I was doin' some Dino-image searchin' on the ol' 'net, I discovered Andy's delightful Dino-prose in response. Tagged, "Hey Pallies: A True Blue Dino-Lover From Dino-US," Andy's heartfelt words just brings the hugest of huge Dino-buddha-grin to this Dino-holic's face. Andy sez....
"*Dino Martin Peters is so enraptured by Dean Martin that he has dedicated a blog to Mr. Cool and has been writing it for many years using his own Dino-patter, a Dino-lingo that is in itself so unique that it is amusing yet sophisticated and encompasses everything Dean Martin. Check out the original blog by Dino-lover DMP @:"
Truly, truly ilovedinomartin is humbled by our great pallie Andy's magnanimous words which absolutely capture the heart of soul of this little Dino-blog. Thanks ever so much pallie Andy for showin' such deep, pure and true Dinopalliedom! To checks out Andy's thoughts at this great blog, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-awed, DMP
Monday, March 04, 2013
Hey Pallies: A True Blue Dino-Lover From Dino-US
DMP, with his generous heart, posts my blog on his with this introduction:
Saturday March 2nd, 2013
Was Singapore Ever On 'The Dean Martin Show'? header.
Hey pallies, likes ilovedinomartin is pleased as a bowl of spiked Dino-punch to be able to shares with all youse Dino-philes our great great Singaporian Andy's powerful Dino-patter from his majestically marvelous musical blog, "Singapore 60s: Andy's Pop Music Influence." Andy has been hangin' 'round ilovedinomartin for a long time and is truly truly one of the most devoted Dino-holics that ilovedinomartin is privileged to tag pallie.
As you will read below, Andy details how our most beloved Dino, at the pinacle of his tremedous television career "was invited to come to Singapore in the middle of 1980 to shoot a film for his series. He was invited to sell our little island by the local tourist promotion board who had noticed its immense popularity." As Andy notes, the production was to be a "special Christmas extravaganza." Sad to say, our great man ended up havin' to say no to this great opportunity.
Andy shares many many cool Dino-details in his Dino-scribin's and likes the coolest of the coolest note is that "his show was so popular it ran twice a week over RTS (Radio Television Singapore)." And, as always ilovedinomartin's awesome pallie Andy gives a huge nod of Dino-approval to ilovedinomartin and yours truly. Indeed Andy is a fabulously faithful friend of our Dino's and this humble Dino-blog.
ilovedinomartin sends out our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to our wonderfully wise pallie Andy for liftin' up the name of our Dino at his fab blog and helpin' his huge readership to grow in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our main man. To checks out Andy's reflections directly at his blog, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-delightedly, DMP
*Dino Martin Peters is so enraptured by Dean Martin that he has dedicated a blog to Mr. Cool and has been writing it for many years using his own Dino-patter, a Dino-lingo that is in itself so unique that it is amusing yet sophisticated and encompasses everything Dean Martin. Check out the original blog by Dino-lover DMP @:
Back in the early days of this month, ilovedinomartin shared some absolutely awesome Dino-patter from our Singaporian Dino-holic of Dino-holics, Andy at his mighty musical blog, ""Singapore 60s: Andy's Pop Music Influence." Well, likes without my knowin' it, our Dino-diggin' pallie returned the Dino-favor by postin' my Dino-introduction to his remarks on "Was Singapore Ever On 'The Dean Martin Show'?"
Well, yester-Dino-day as I was doin' some Dino-image searchin' on the ol' 'net, I discovered Andy's delightful Dino-prose in response. Tagged, "Hey Pallies: A True Blue Dino-Lover From Dino-US," Andy's heartfelt words just brings the hugest of huge Dino-buddha-grin to this Dino-holic's face. Andy sez....
"*Dino Martin Peters is so enraptured by Dean Martin that he has dedicated a blog to Mr. Cool and has been writing it for many years using his own Dino-patter, a Dino-lingo that is in itself so unique that it is amusing yet sophisticated and encompasses everything Dean Martin. Check out the original blog by Dino-lover DMP @:"
Truly, truly ilovedinomartin is humbled by our great pallie Andy's magnanimous words which absolutely capture the heart of soul of this little Dino-blog. Thanks ever so much pallie Andy for showin' such deep, pure and true Dinopalliedom! To checks out Andy's thoughts at this great blog, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-awed, DMP
Monday, March 04, 2013
Hey Pallies: A True Blue Dino-Lover From Dino-US
DMP, with his generous heart, posts my blog on his with this introduction:
Saturday March 2nd, 2013
Was Singapore Ever On 'The Dean Martin Show'? header.
Hey pallies, likes ilovedinomartin is pleased as a bowl of spiked Dino-punch to be able to shares with all youse Dino-philes our great great Singaporian Andy's powerful Dino-patter from his majestically marvelous musical blog, "Singapore 60s: Andy's Pop Music Influence." Andy has been hangin' 'round ilovedinomartin for a long time and is truly truly one of the most devoted Dino-holics that ilovedinomartin is privileged to tag pallie.
As you will read below, Andy details how our most beloved Dino, at the pinacle of his tremedous television career "was invited to come to Singapore in the middle of 1980 to shoot a film for his series. He was invited to sell our little island by the local tourist promotion board who had noticed its immense popularity." As Andy notes, the production was to be a "special Christmas extravaganza." Sad to say, our great man ended up havin' to say no to this great opportunity.
Andy shares many many cool Dino-details in his Dino-scribin's and likes the coolest of the coolest note is that "his show was so popular it ran twice a week over RTS (Radio Television Singapore)." And, as always ilovedinomartin's awesome pallie Andy gives a huge nod of Dino-approval to ilovedinomartin and yours truly. Indeed Andy is a fabulously faithful friend of our Dino's and this humble Dino-blog.
ilovedinomartin sends out our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to our wonderfully wise pallie Andy for liftin' up the name of our Dino at his fab blog and helpin' his huge readership to grow in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our main man. To checks out Andy's reflections directly at his blog, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-delightedly, DMP
*Dino Martin Peters is so enraptured by Dean Martin that he has dedicated a blog to Mr. Cool and has been writing it for many years using his own Dino-patter, a Dino-lingo that is in itself so unique that it is amusing yet sophisticated and encompasses everything Dean Martin. Check out the original blog by Dino-lover DMP @:
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
I wish to end it to give a special thanks to the "ilovedinomartin" blog for sharing my love for the show on his site.
Hey pallies, likes ilovedinomartin is always always thrilled to receive a shout out from 'nother pallie on the's so so refreshin' to receive a nod of approval from 'nother Dino-devotee, but on this very Dino-day, we here at our humble little Dino-home are -specially pleased to share with all youse Dino-philes a nod of Dino-approval from our pallie Mr. Tyler Michael over at his self tagged blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL."
Faithful readers of ilovedinomartin will know that for 'bout the past two months we have been runnin' a couple of dozen Dino-grams scribed by Deanager Ty on his two series of "Bests" from Volume 1 of the Dino-show and the Dino-roast of Mr. Bob Hope. Likes we have been thrilled to do our part to encourage our dude Ty in his pursuit of deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino.
And, likes now, we are ever more thrilled to have received this "special thanks" honor from Ty at his blog.
ilovedinomartin is truly humbled and honored by your kindest of kind Dino-remarks Ty and delighted that we could be on Dino-support in helpin' the wider Dino-world know of your passion for our most beloved Dino. Deanager Ty, thanks ever so much for honorin' our little Dino-efforts on your behalf. To checks this out in it's original format, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-honorin', DMP
Well that's it for this year of Dean Martin lists however I wish to end it to give a special thanks to the "ilovedinomartin" blog for sharing my love for the show on his site. I am very honored and grateful to be recognized for my talent and love and yes I'll prepare another list of Moments from the show and Roasts for next year. Thanks for your support and help because it's people like you who inspire me to go on.
Here's the link to their site
Tune in soon for another Top Favorite List!
Faithful readers of ilovedinomartin will know that for 'bout the past two months we have been runnin' a couple of dozen Dino-grams scribed by Deanager Ty on his two series of "Bests" from Volume 1 of the Dino-show and the Dino-roast of Mr. Bob Hope. Likes we have been thrilled to do our part to encourage our dude Ty in his pursuit of deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino.
And, likes now, we are ever more thrilled to have received this "special thanks" honor from Ty at his blog.
ilovedinomartin is truly humbled and honored by your kindest of kind Dino-remarks Ty and delighted that we could be on Dino-support in helpin' the wider Dino-world know of your passion for our most beloved Dino. Deanager Ty, thanks ever so much for honorin' our little Dino-efforts on your behalf. To checks this out in it's original format, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-honorin', DMP
Well that's it for this year of Dean Martin lists however I wish to end it to give a special thanks to the "ilovedinomartin" blog for sharing my love for the show on his site. I am very honored and grateful to be recognized for my talent and love and yes I'll prepare another list of Moments from the show and Roasts for next year. Thanks for your support and help because it's people like you who inspire me to go on.
Here's the link to their site
Tune in soon for another Top Favorite List!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Celeboid Playing Cards:: Dean Martin
Hey pallies, likes his tag is Todd Coats, and he proclaims 'bout himself..... "Can't sit still. Compulsive doodler. Prolific stuff maker. Trying to leave the world better than I found it." Well likes he certainly has with his most recent creation of Dino-art.
From his posterous pad, "Oddco," comes his series of "Celeboid Playing Cards, wich of course includes a Dino-homagin' bit of Dino-creativity. Coats chose the 4 of Hearts as our Dino's card and you can view it below.
Likes there is simply simply no end to ways that pallies all 'round the globe are usin' Dino-artistry to pay great tribute to our great man.
ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Todd Coats and thanks him for helpin' to grow in their Dino-devotion. ( Just one note man, our Dino's smoke of choice as Kents with the all white look.)
To checks this out at Todd's pad, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-always, DMP
Celeboid Playing Cards:: Dean Martin
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Small Fry"
Hey pals...welcome to 'nother Sunday Serenade. Today I decided to pay some homage to our Dino's golden boy & definately the apple of his eye...Dino Jr.
It's been 26 years since that sad sad day that completely changed the life of our bestest pal. Thinks it's only fittin' to 'member the good times in his honor & play the "Small Fry" vid.
It brings a smile to this pallies face & some warmth to my heart seein' Dean with Dino Jr. & feelin' the ab so lute love that was shared between this father & son! "That's my boy!" says Dean with total pride & admiration for his young prodigy.
It was definately a life cut too short but still a life led to the fullest. Here's to you Dino Jr....Salute pal!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
......and he thought Dean would love the evening if he knew he was here.
Hey pallies, likes we have finally arrived at the last of our Deanager Tyler Michael's dozen posts puttin' the accent on our Dino's roastin' of Mr. Bob Hope. Likes it has been the hugest of huge pleasures to have been of encouragement to our 19 year old pallie Ty as he has shared two sets of 12 post eachs rich in homagin' of our main man. Ty's last thoughts are his fav roaster of Hope, the king of insults Mr. Don Rickles.
So, likes as we close out the hard Dino-work of pallie Ty Michael at his prolific blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL," we sends out our deepest of Dino-appreciato to Ty dude for helpin' mucho to bring his readership into the knowin', lovin', and honorin' of our most beloved Dino. We'll be waitin' for more Dino-patter from you in the years ahead. To check out Ty's pad, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Dean Martin introduces my number 1 favorite guest as "The Master Of Insults","The only man who holds a Black Belt for hatred", Evel Knievel's next jump "through his mouth" and Dean hopes you had your rabies shots cause here's my number 1 Favorite Guest on the Bob Hope Roast...
Don Rickles thanks Dean for the introduction and he thought Dean would love the evening if he knew he was here.He tells Neil Armstrong that's he's no longer on the moon (Which means he's done being famous for being on the moon), mocks him being up on the moon and says he's a great hero cause he keeps telling him that. He mocks Sugar Ray Robinson and tells Ray that he knows the Blacks cause "his lips lock" which means he can't talk. He gets booed and tells the audience there's no booing allowed or he's going to have Bob tell his jokes. He tells Bob he's old and washed up and if he's not laughing he'll show him a picture of Jack Benny. He then says he's at the home because he's with Jack Benny and an offended Milton Berle which Don assures him it's a joke and he takes it back. Dean insults Don and tells him he hasn't reached his year of being a great comedian and gets the tongue from one of the guests. He tells Dean that Frank Sinatra has a contract for him to be hit, but he says we need Italian people because we wouldn't know where the mail goes. He makes fun of Bob not being any race except American and when he was born their was an American Flag wrapped around him. He makes fun of James Stewart and tells him if he stands the movement can make him ill. He tells Governor Regain that he's feed up with him. He tells everyone Billy Graham helped him how to walk faster and does an impression. After all the insults he gives a sweet end to his roast on Bob. This is one of Don Rickles best and boy were people insulted by him here.
Those are my 12 Favorite Roast From The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast: Bob Hope. I hope you got some laughs and on the Roast you'll also see Captain Foster Brooks,Billy Graham,Jimmy Stewart,Omar Nelson Bradly,Dr. Henry Kissinger and more. Before I end my Dean Martin themed lists, I have one more post.
So, likes as we close out the hard Dino-work of pallie Ty Michael at his prolific blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL," we sends out our deepest of Dino-appreciato to Ty dude for helpin' mucho to bring his readership into the knowin', lovin', and honorin' of our most beloved Dino. We'll be waitin' for more Dino-patter from you in the years ahead. To check out Ty's pad, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Dean Martin introduces my number 1 favorite guest as "The Master Of Insults","The only man who holds a Black Belt for hatred", Evel Knievel's next jump "through his mouth" and Dean hopes you had your rabies shots cause here's my number 1 Favorite Guest on the Bob Hope Roast...
Don Rickles thanks Dean for the introduction and he thought Dean would love the evening if he knew he was here.He tells Neil Armstrong that's he's no longer on the moon (Which means he's done being famous for being on the moon), mocks him being up on the moon and says he's a great hero cause he keeps telling him that. He mocks Sugar Ray Robinson and tells Ray that he knows the Blacks cause "his lips lock" which means he can't talk. He gets booed and tells the audience there's no booing allowed or he's going to have Bob tell his jokes. He tells Bob he's old and washed up and if he's not laughing he'll show him a picture of Jack Benny. He then says he's at the home because he's with Jack Benny and an offended Milton Berle which Don assures him it's a joke and he takes it back. Dean insults Don and tells him he hasn't reached his year of being a great comedian and gets the tongue from one of the guests. He tells Dean that Frank Sinatra has a contract for him to be hit, but he says we need Italian people because we wouldn't know where the mail goes. He makes fun of Bob not being any race except American and when he was born their was an American Flag wrapped around him. He makes fun of James Stewart and tells him if he stands the movement can make him ill. He tells Governor Regain that he's feed up with him. He tells everyone Billy Graham helped him how to walk faster and does an impression. After all the insults he gives a sweet end to his roast on Bob. This is one of Don Rickles best and boy were people insulted by him here.
Those are my 12 Favorite Roast From The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast: Bob Hope. I hope you got some laughs and on the Roast you'll also see Captain Foster Brooks,Billy Graham,Jimmy Stewart,Omar Nelson Bradly,Dr. Henry Kissinger and more. Before I end my Dean Martin themed lists, I have one more post.
On This Day In Dino-history: March 23, 1949

Waitin' in the wings was what is said to be our Dino's true true love, beauty queen Miss Jeanne Biegger, who would be united in marriage to our great man in just a few short months.
Ain't it great to become more and more in the Dino-know...gainin' in our knowlege of the life and times of our King of Cool. Likes pallies, let's keep lovin' and learnin' 'bout our most beloved Dino! Dino-growin', DMP
March 23, 1949 Betty and Dean's divorce is final
Friday, March 22, 2013
He's happy that NBC renewed Dean's liquor license for another year
Hey pallies, likes our journeys with our Dino-devoted Deanager pallie Tyler Michael are almost at a close. Below is his second-to-last Dino-roast post at his great self-tagged blog, ""HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL." This time 'round Ty shares his delight in Mr. Bob Hope gettin' his turn at answerin' all the pallies who have been roastin' him.
ilovedinomartin has been thrilled to share the many many Dino-efforts by our pallie Ty and applaud his efforts to share his passion for our Dino with his readership in the hugest of huge Dino-ways. Still one more Dino-message from Ty will be comin'. To checks out Deanager Ty Michael's work, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-ever and ever, DMP
Bob's Hope's wife Dolores Hope introduces not a guest who's my 2nd favorite but the man of the hour himself...
Now it's Bob's turn to insult the people who insulted him and does he succeed, would it not be on my list if he didn't succeed. He says it's nice to see his Dolores and he hasn't been traveling lately and as result got to know the family personally. He's happy that NBC renewed Dean's liquor license for another year and makes fun of Dean reading queue cards on his show by saying he erases it when he breaths on it if he didn't like the joke. He asks Flip Wilson if it was all of him cause he's never seen him without High heels before and he said his series got canceled because Flip is no Sonny Bono. He thanks Governor Regain for his "kind words" but tells him he has no presidential aspirations and had 43 states tell him he's not running for anything. He insults Milton Berle by telling him he's the first comic to be impeached. He insults Johnny Bates by saying "he wears more padding than Phyllis Diller" and he says he doesn't care about Baseball and prefers looking at the chicks while smiling after smoking grass every afternoon. He says Phyllis Diller was the inspiration for "Psycho" and he's amazed by her recent operation but he can still tell that "the stitches on the right are still holding". He says John Wayne's going to do great in the sequel to "True Grit" because he's wearing the eye patch over his mouth. He insults Sugar Ray Robinson by teaching kids to bet on all sports he's involved in. He tells everyone that not only Ginger Roger stole the show in Alaska with him but also stole the electric blankets. As for Billy Graham he just thanks him and says he's the star of Radio, TV and Heaven. He says Jimmy Stewart's "a man of few words and even fewer laughs and tells everybody what a boring time he spent with him recently. He says it's nice to see Zsa Zsa Gabor free but takes it back and says Divorced and claims she's never been free. He tells a funny story about General Bradly in 1944. He tells Nipsey Russel if he keeps it up he'll be pumping gas for Chico and the man. As for Don Rickles he says some interesting news about him and insults him being on commercials. Bob Hope got even with everyone and some of his insults are really great.
ilovedinomartin has been thrilled to share the many many Dino-efforts by our pallie Ty and applaud his efforts to share his passion for our Dino with his readership in the hugest of huge Dino-ways. Still one more Dino-message from Ty will be comin'. To checks out Deanager Ty Michael's work, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-ever and ever, DMP
Bob's Hope's wife Dolores Hope introduces not a guest who's my 2nd favorite but the man of the hour himself...
Now it's Bob's turn to insult the people who insulted him and does he succeed, would it not be on my list if he didn't succeed. He says it's nice to see his Dolores and he hasn't been traveling lately and as result got to know the family personally. He's happy that NBC renewed Dean's liquor license for another year and makes fun of Dean reading queue cards on his show by saying he erases it when he breaths on it if he didn't like the joke. He asks Flip Wilson if it was all of him cause he's never seen him without High heels before and he said his series got canceled because Flip is no Sonny Bono. He thanks Governor Regain for his "kind words" but tells him he has no presidential aspirations and had 43 states tell him he's not running for anything. He insults Milton Berle by telling him he's the first comic to be impeached. He insults Johnny Bates by saying "he wears more padding than Phyllis Diller" and he says he doesn't care about Baseball and prefers looking at the chicks while smiling after smoking grass every afternoon. He says Phyllis Diller was the inspiration for "Psycho" and he's amazed by her recent operation but he can still tell that "the stitches on the right are still holding". He says John Wayne's going to do great in the sequel to "True Grit" because he's wearing the eye patch over his mouth. He insults Sugar Ray Robinson by teaching kids to bet on all sports he's involved in. He tells everyone that not only Ginger Roger stole the show in Alaska with him but also stole the electric blankets. As for Billy Graham he just thanks him and says he's the star of Radio, TV and Heaven. He says Jimmy Stewart's "a man of few words and even fewer laughs and tells everybody what a boring time he spent with him recently. He says it's nice to see Zsa Zsa Gabor free but takes it back and says Divorced and claims she's never been free. He tells a funny story about General Bradly in 1944. He tells Nipsey Russel if he keeps it up he'll be pumping gas for Chico and the man. As for Don Rickles he says some interesting news about him and insults him being on commercials. Bob Hope got even with everyone and some of his insults are really great.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Also On This Date In Dino-history: March 21, 1964

From the blog pad, "The Old Disc Jockey's Almanac" comes word from blogger Mr. Bob Dearborn that is it was on this very day in 1964 that our most beloved Dino left his hand and footprints in cement at Hollywood's Grauman's Chinese Theatre Likes, oh how I woulda loved to have been there that Dino-day to see our great man leave his great mark! This is certainly one stop that likes our true Dino-holics wanna visit in their Dino-pilgrimages to Hollywood.
Hats off to Mr. Bob Dearborn for remindin' all us Dino-holics of this very special event in the life and times of our King of Cool. To view this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-desirin', DMP

March 21, 1964…Dean Martin left his handprints at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.
Dino Martin Jr. Funeral
Hey pallies, in researchin' what is available on the 'net to help us honor the passin' of our most beloved Dino's prodigy's death, I came across the followin' brief vid clip from youtube of a television new's report of the funeral of Dino Martin Jr. What a privilege to be able to go back in history and see just a bit of how Dino Jr. was mourned and honored. Dino-sharin', DMP
What REALLY happened to Dean Martin's son, Deano?
Hey pallies, likes in doin' my Dino-researchin' to prepare Dino-honorin' material on our remembrance on the death of Dino Martin Jr., I came across the followin' reproductions of newpaper articles scribed at the time of our most beloved Dino's most beloved name-sake boy pallie Dino Martin Jr. demise. From the blog, "TREASURENET," is a thread tagged, "What REALLY happened to Dean Martin's son, Deano?," that includes plenty of interestin' patter, and most interestin', the four bits of newpaper prose shared below.
ilovedinomartin is grateful to all the pallies at "TREASURENET" for their interest in researchin' the untimely death of our great man's great son. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-studyin', DMP
ilovedinomartin is grateful to all the pallies at "TREASURENET" for their interest in researchin' the untimely death of our great man's great son. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-studyin', DMP
On This Day In Dino-history: March 21, 1987
Hey pallies, likes today, March 21st, simply simply has to be the saddest day of all days in the life and times of our most beloved Dino, 'cause it is on this day in the year of our Dino 1987 that his namesake prodigy, the heir to the throne of the King of Cool, his most beloved boypallie, Dino Martin Jr., died in that fateful jet crash on a California mountainside. As we all knows our great man never ever recovered from the hugest lost of his entire life and our Dino's amazin' life simply spiraled down followin' this tragic loss.
ilovedinomartin shares with you a wonderfully written trib to the life and times of Dino Jr. first published in the April 13, 1987 edition of People magazine. Titled, "Actor, Athlete and Dashing Pilot, Dean Paul Martin Dies When His Jet Crashes on a Mountainside," this amazin' prose was scribed by Mr. Ron Arias.
As this is a fully copyrighted article, we invite you to click on the tag of this Dino-postin' to goes directly to the People mag pad to soak in each and every word of Arias' Dino Jr. homagin'. Let's all take a bit of time today to pause and remember the untimely death of Dino Martin Jr and the huge loss it was and is to family Martin. Dino-remembering, DMP
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Dino At His Comedic and Ad Lib Best!
Hey pallies, likes today we are in for a real real Dino-treat! Our great pallie Miss AOW (Always On Watch) has favored us with a great guest Dino-post tagged "Dino At This Comedic and Ad Lib Best." It is simply some vid clip examples from The Tonight Show of our most beloved Dino simply showcasin', as Miss AOW so astutely puts it, his "genius" as entertainer extraordinare.
ilovedinomartin salutes our much Dino-devoted pallie Miss AOW for usin' a bit of her precious share these most precious moments of Dino-delight. And, btw pallies, know that ilovedinomartin is always open to your Dino-contributions as well...simply contact me at
Dino At His Comedic and Ad Lib Best!
By Always On Watch
The genius of our Dino on The Tonight Show in 1969 and 1977:
Nothing on television today even begins to compare with the above excellent entertainment!
ilovedinomartin salutes our much Dino-devoted pallie Miss AOW for usin' a bit of her precious share these most precious moments of Dino-delight. And, btw pallies, know that ilovedinomartin is always open to your Dino-contributions as well...simply contact me at
Dino At His Comedic and Ad Lib Best!
By Always On Watch
The genius of our Dino on The Tonight Show in 1969 and 1977:
Nothing on television today even begins to compare with the above excellent entertainment!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Dean says
Hey pallies, addin' an additional Dino-gram this day to work at timely sharin' all of our Deanager Tyler Michael's Dino-efforts with youse. How many teenagers likes do you know who woulda takes such time and effort so put such a huge huge accent on our great man? Not many woulda be my Dino-guess. ilovedinomartin is thrilled to share each and every Dino-effort by our up and comin' Dino-manic...pallie Tyler Michael.
To view's Ty's work at his prolific blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL," likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Likes, let's all follow Ty's Dino-example of devotion and keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino! Dino-delightedly, DMP
This isn't a guest this is Dean showing and mocking a montage of clips of Bob's...

Dean says Bob's films were very high class, but he shows a montage of clips of Bob and Bing Crosby playing Patty Cake and fake punching somebody in their funny "Road To..." Films. I wonder why Bing Crosby didn't attend this event? He shows a clip of why Bob never won an Oscar and it's a clip of him poorly and being over the top with his acting when he's stranded at sea and an actor ruins his scene. Then we see a montage of Hope dancing who has great rhythm "until he reaches his feet". This montage is so funny and so true that I wish it were longer.
To view's Ty's work at his prolific blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL," likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Likes, let's all follow Ty's Dino-example of devotion and keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino! Dino-delightedly, DMP
This isn't a guest this is Dean showing and mocking a montage of clips of Bob's...

Dean says Bob's films were very high class, but he shows a montage of clips of Bob and Bing Crosby playing Patty Cake and fake punching somebody in their funny "Road To..." Films. I wonder why Bing Crosby didn't attend this event? He shows a clip of why Bob never won an Oscar and it's a clip of him poorly and being over the top with his acting when he's stranded at sea and an actor ruins his scene. Then we see a montage of Hope dancing who has great rhythm "until he reaches his feet". This montage is so funny and so true that I wish it were longer.
...and boy as he had me laughing hard.
Hey pallies, likes we're gettin' down to the count with our pallie Tyler Michael as his self-tagged blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL." Just four fav guests for our Deanager Ty to unveil, and likes below is his next fav Dino-roaster of Mr. Bob Hope.
ilovedinomartin is thrilled to offer our Dino-devoted pallie Ty as much Dino-support as possible as this young man (all of 19) spread so so much Dino-love at his blog. To check's it out directly, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Hats off to our Dino-addicted Deanager Ty Michael for so boldly showin' such devotion to our most beloved Dino! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Dean introduces my 4th Favorite guest on the roast...
Rich feels like he has his "whole act up here". He mocks Howard Cosell and says he's pretending to have a good time and is hoping that the Roast ends soon and does his impression on him. He does an impression of Jimmy Stewart saying "It's Bob Hope". He says he can do almost everybody on here and he gets into an argument with Flip Wilson and ends the argument with impersonating Flip's character Geraldine. Rich Little is mighty good at impersonations and boy as he had me laughing hard.
ilovedinomartin is thrilled to offer our Dino-devoted pallie Ty as much Dino-support as possible as this young man (all of 19) spread so so much Dino-love at his blog. To check's it out directly, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Hats off to our Dino-addicted Deanager Ty Michael for so boldly showin' such devotion to our most beloved Dino! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Dean introduces my 4th Favorite guest on the roast...
Rich feels like he has his "whole act up here". He mocks Howard Cosell and says he's pretending to have a good time and is hoping that the Roast ends soon and does his impression on him. He does an impression of Jimmy Stewart saying "It's Bob Hope". He says he can do almost everybody on here and he gets into an argument with Flip Wilson and ends the argument with impersonating Flip's character Geraldine. Rich Little is mighty good at impersonations and boy as he had me laughing hard.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Dean introduces my 5th favorite guest who's known around the world as Geraldine
Hey pallies, likes movin' right 'long today we makes 'nother stop at our extemely Dino-devoted pallie Tyler Michael's big and small screen blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL " as we proceed with the count down of his 12 fav moments for the Dino-roast of Mr. Bob Hope. As you will may remember Ty is a true Deanager.....showin' such promise as a life-long Dino-devotee at the tender age of 19, and ilovedinomartin is thrilled to play our part in helpin' encouragin' his sharin' of the that Dino-cool at his active blog.
Ty dude, thanks for puttin' such a huge accent on our main man and helpin' your readership to groove on the man known as Dino. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-supportively, DMP
Dean introduces my 5th favorite guest who's known around the world as Geraldine and has worked many years to achieve stardom. He mentions a time when he wore a wig and dress and wasn't recognized by anyone except for "a couple of psychiatrists and a hand full of Vice Squad Officers". Here she is, my 5th Favorite guest on the roast...
Flip Wilson did a little research on how Bob treated the black community and has learned that Bob has stiffed them. He tried to find out if he gave "a little bread for the brothers" but no, he finds out that Bob washes his own car. What and he and Bob have in common is they both love to play Golf. He doesn't have to tell Bob what his handicapped is because Bob told him what it is when he tried to join his club. He envied Bob for having his own Golf Tournament called "The Bob Hope Dessert Classic". Flip decided to have one of his own called "The Flip Wilson Ghetto Open". Since Bob's tournament is playing for the "Eisenhower Hospital", his will be played for the "Richy Pryor Clinic For Rat Bites And Bullet Wounds". He claims the winner of the tournament will receive a check for 36,000 dollars "or if he prefers a hundred dollars in actual cash". If there's a tie it will be settled by sudden death that way they won't have to play an extra Hole. The person will also win a car as a prize if the winner makes a hole in one, the model will be determined sometime late at night. He then ends with talking about the group of celebrities that will be playing on each team. Flip Wilson not only does a funny monologue and insult to Bob but just watch him throughout the Roast as he moves around, joins in on the jokes,gets into arguments and even gets offended at one point.
Ty dude, thanks for puttin' such a huge accent on our main man and helpin' your readership to groove on the man known as Dino. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-supportively, DMP
Dean introduces my 5th favorite guest who's known around the world as Geraldine and has worked many years to achieve stardom. He mentions a time when he wore a wig and dress and wasn't recognized by anyone except for "a couple of psychiatrists and a hand full of Vice Squad Officers". Here she is, my 5th Favorite guest on the roast...
Flip Wilson did a little research on how Bob treated the black community and has learned that Bob has stiffed them. He tried to find out if he gave "a little bread for the brothers" but no, he finds out that Bob washes his own car. What and he and Bob have in common is they both love to play Golf. He doesn't have to tell Bob what his handicapped is because Bob told him what it is when he tried to join his club. He envied Bob for having his own Golf Tournament called "The Bob Hope Dessert Classic". Flip decided to have one of his own called "The Flip Wilson Ghetto Open". Since Bob's tournament is playing for the "Eisenhower Hospital", his will be played for the "Richy Pryor Clinic For Rat Bites And Bullet Wounds". He claims the winner of the tournament will receive a check for 36,000 dollars "or if he prefers a hundred dollars in actual cash". If there's a tie it will be settled by sudden death that way they won't have to play an extra Hole. The person will also win a car as a prize if the winner makes a hole in one, the model will be determined sometime late at night. He then ends with talking about the group of celebrities that will be playing on each team. Flip Wilson not only does a funny monologue and insult to Bob but just watch him throughout the Roast as he moves around, joins in on the jokes,gets into arguments and even gets offended at one point.
Our Dino O'Martin Sings "An Irish Lullaby"
Hey pallies, likes top of the mornin' to all you Dino-holics. Likes hopes all youse had a great time yesterday on the wearin' of the green, and even though ilovedinomartin is a day late in wishin' all of you a Happy St. Patrick's Day, we would be truly truly remiss it we did make our annual post of the vid clip of our Dino O'Martin singin' "An Irish Lullaby" to Jerry O'Lewis. 'Though I am not a huge fan of the Martin and Lewis flick, "At War With The Army," likes I am a huge huge fan of our Dino croonin' this gentle and sweet Irish melody to his partner.
On St. Patrick's Day, everybody has a bit of the blarney in 'em, and even our Italian stud Dino displays a bit of Irish pride in this touchin' tune. 'Gin sorry for bein' late, but enjoys our great man with this great great Gaelic song. Dino-devotedly, DMP
On St. Patrick's Day, everybody has a bit of the blarney in 'em, and even our Italian stud Dino displays a bit of Irish pride in this touchin' tune. 'Gin sorry for bein' late, but enjoys our great man with this great great Gaelic song. Dino-devotedly, DMP
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: On An Evening In Roma"

"On An Evening In Roma" is def i nate ly one of Dean's classics & is def i nate ly fittin' for just such a special occasion! With Spring & Easter right 'round the beginnin's are takin' place everywhere...& I'm thinkin' we ALL could use a fresh start!
Don't know what the country's comin' too...but in Rome do as the Romans do pallies!!! Enjoy!
Como e' bella ce' la luna brille e' strette
strette como e' tutta bella a passeggiare
Sotto il cielo di Roma
Down each avenue or via, street or strata
You can see 'em disappearing two by two
On an evening in Roma
Do they take 'em for espresso
Yeah, I guess so
On each lover's arm a girl I wish I knew
On an evning in Roma
Though there's grining and mandolining in sunny Italy
The beginning has just begun when the sun goes down
So please meet me in the plaza near your casa
I am only one and one is much too few
On an evening in Roma
Don't know what the country's coming to
But in Rome do as the Romans do
Will you on an evening in Roma
Como e' bella ce' la luna brille e' strette
strette como e' tutta bella a passeggiare
Sotto il cielo di Roma
Don't know what the country's coming to
But in Rome do as the Romans do
Will you on an evening in Roma
Sott'er celo de Roma
On an evening in Roma
strette como e' tutta bella a passeggiare
Sotto il cielo di Roma
Down each avenue or via, street or strata
You can see 'em disappearing two by two
On an evening in Roma
Do they take 'em for espresso
Yeah, I guess so
On each lover's arm a girl I wish I knew
On an evning in Roma
Though there's grining and mandolining in sunny Italy
The beginning has just begun when the sun goes down
So please meet me in the plaza near your casa
I am only one and one is much too few
On an evening in Roma
Don't know what the country's coming to
But in Rome do as the Romans do
Will you on an evening in Roma
Como e' bella ce' la luna brille e' strette
strette como e' tutta bella a passeggiare
Sotto il cielo di Roma
Don't know what the country's coming to
But in Rome do as the Romans do
Will you on an evening in Roma
Sott'er celo de Roma
On an evening in Roma
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Dean slurs the name
Hey pallies, likes today we are back 'gain at our Dino-hearted pallie Deanager Tyler Michael's self-tagged blog, " HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL," for his next fav moment from the Dino-roast of Mr. Bob Hope. Likes we are now begin the second half of his dozen of fav guests, and this time 'round he salutes none other then Mr. Howard Cosell. You can read Deanager Ty's patter below.
ilovedinomartin continues to salute this youthful Dino-holic who has invested so so much of his blog space to homagin' our main main man. Likes simply wonderful to see someone of Ty's youth so full of passion for our King of Cool. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-devotedly, DMP
Dean introduces my 6th Favorite guest on the Roast as the "Outspoken Master of the English Language" and has spoken so many big words that he has "stretch marks on his mouth". Dean slurs the name of my 6th Favorite guest...
Howard Cosell speaks his big words in a very insulting manner. He thanks Dean for having him on the Roast and mocks his song lyrics such as "Amore" for example and how he points it out, it is kind of true but still great songs! He tells Bob that he looks great but makes fun of his tuxedo. He ends it with talking about Bob entertaining the troops and announces that this Christmas he'll be going to "Mattel Toys" to entertain the "G.I. Joe Doll". Dean tells Howard he's great with words but not with jokes. This seemed more like Howard and Dean roasting each other then Howard roasting Hope. I will admit his punch line to the joke on Bob Hope entertaining the troops is perhaps the best insult of Bob's career with performing for the troops.
ilovedinomartin continues to salute this youthful Dino-holic who has invested so so much of his blog space to homagin' our main main man. Likes simply wonderful to see someone of Ty's youth so full of passion for our King of Cool. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-devotedly, DMP
Dean introduces my 6th Favorite guest on the Roast as the "Outspoken Master of the English Language" and has spoken so many big words that he has "stretch marks on his mouth". Dean slurs the name of my 6th Favorite guest...
Howard Cosell speaks his big words in a very insulting manner. He thanks Dean for having him on the Roast and mocks his song lyrics such as "Amore" for example and how he points it out, it is kind of true but still great songs! He tells Bob that he looks great but makes fun of his tuxedo. He ends it with talking about Bob entertaining the troops and announces that this Christmas he'll be going to "Mattel Toys" to entertain the "G.I. Joe Doll". Dean tells Howard he's great with words but not with jokes. This seemed more like Howard and Dean roasting each other then Howard roasting Hope. I will admit his punch line to the joke on Bob Hope entertaining the troops is perhaps the best insult of Bob's career with performing for the troops.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Dean introduces
Hey pallies, likes once 'gain we return to our Dino-hearted pallie Tyler Michael to continue his count down of fav moments from the Dino-roast of Mr. Bob Hope. Today we get a peek at Deanager Ty's 7th fav moment with the likes of Ronald Reagan takin' his shots at Hope.
Likes we are half way through Ty's terrific list of fav moments with half to go at his very interestin' flick blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL." To checks this post out directly at Ty's pad, simply clicks on this Dino-report. Dino-ever, DMP
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Dean introduces My 7th favorite guest on the roast, who's the Governor of California at the time, an ex actor and future President...
Ronald Regan is "surprised" to be honoring Bob Hope and by "surprised" he means "Annoyed". Already a good insulting start. Ronald Regan is not there for Hope, he just happen to be in town for a guest shot on "Hollywood Squares" which is more important then honoring Hope. On a nice note, he thinks Bob would be good in Politics due to him being so popular with being seen by millions of Troops and TV viewers but criticizes his movie career, which is coming out of the mouth of a man who probably did worse films then Bob did, which he's aware of. Again on another good note, he says Bob "is a man of remarkable accomplishments. He's been America's most favorite comedian at a time when America was in her most wildered state of mind". Again, how nice of him to say that but "He's entertained for Six Presidents, He's performed for 12". He ends it by saying "The state legislature has unanimously passed a bill naming you California far most citizen". Again, what a generous thing to do and the look on Bob's face is priceless...until Ronald tells him that he "Vetoed it". Ronald goes from being nice to down right harsh. Like him as President, Actor or not, he still is a funny man.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Thank You, Dean Martin
Hey pallies, likes yester-Dino-day's fab Dino-reflections on our most beloved man energized me so so much that I just had to do more researchin' for older Dino-grams that I have failed to post here in the past. Spendin' some quality Dino-time with google blog search, I came 'cross this 2008 post by a dude tagged "iowahawk" at the Typepad blog, "Bolus." Likes while I noted that I had dropped some Dino-patter when I first read this homagin' of our Dino, never gots 'round to sharin' it with all youse Dino-holics.
Likes what I loves so much 'bout this thoughtful "Thank You" to our Dino is that iowahawk put likes the hugest of huge accent on our Dino as spyster Matt Helm. as this midwesterner Dino-phile notes...
"Hot stuff, but Dino's TV series paled in comparison to his Matt Helm spy-spoof theatrical movies. I kept a vigilant watch on the TV Guide for Matt Helm reruns, because the innuendo was bigger (and the bikinis smaller) than anything made for the small screen. Between 1966 and 1969 four of these classics were made, with a boozy, lecherous Dean surrounded by some of the hottest dames ever to wear white fur unmentionables."
Trustin' that iowahawk has made acquisition of that fab "Matt Helm Lounge Dino-dvds and is watchin' to his Dino-heart's content, our great man doin' the great job of simply playin' his ol' so cool, hip, and randy self.
ilovedinomartin salutes our pallie iowahawk and is psyched to share his deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion with all youse pallies...a bit late...but likes better late then never. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-devotedly, DMP
January 28, 2008
Thank You, Dean Martin
Some of the fondest memories of my childhood were provided by the former Dino Paul Crocetti of Steubenville, OH, a/k/a Dean Martin. Not that I was a big fan of his crooning or comedic stylings; but I knew whenever Dino appeared on the cathode ray tube, he would be accompanied by a bevy of bouffant & bikini babes who would invariably leave my Roebucks in a highly tightened condition.
Case in point: the Golddiggers. This scantily clad singing / dancing troupe began simply as "Dean's Girls" when his TV variety show debuted in 1965, but were rechristened as the Busby Berkelyesque "Golddiggers" for a 1968 summer replacement series. They continued as a Dean feature for the '68 and '69 season, and during the Moon landing summer of '70 starred in "Golddiggers in London," with comedy relief provided by bug-eyed Brit Marty Feldman. This was the program that first introduced Monty Python to the US audience. Here are the Golddiggers in action with Dean circa 1968:
Dean Martin's Golddiggers were disbanded in 1972, and replaced with a pared down quartet of girls named "the Ding-a-ling Sisters" for the waning years of Dean's series. What they lacked in numbers they made up for in frenzied go-go action. Witness this bit with Dean and Sinatra, circa '72:
Hot stuff, but Dino's TV series paled in comparison to his Matt Helm spy-spoof theatrical movies. I kept a vigilant watch on the TV Guide for Matt Helm reruns, because the innuendo was bigger (and the bikinis smaller) than anything made for the small screen. Between 1966 and 1969 four of these classics were made, with a boozy, lecherous Dean surrounded by some of the hottest dames ever to wear white fur unmentionables. Here's a sequence from "The Silencers" (1966) which featured a Stella Stevens and an opening title vamp by a lovely Cyd Charisse.
The second Matt Helm release of 1966, "Murderer's Row," paired Dino with Ann-Margaret at the the peak of her kittenish powers. Here's the closing scene featuring some alluring extras:
Next up: "The Ambushers" (1967), and a scene seared forever in my brain.
Dean's final Matt Helm appearance was in 1969's "The Wrecking Crew," co-starring Sharon Tate and with fight scenes choreographed by Bruce Lee. It would be the first screen appearance by Chuck Norris and the final for the tragically ill-fated Tate, who would soon after be murdered by the Manson family. Here she is is in a knockdown dragout with the exotic Nancy Kwan:
Just... wow.
On behalf of lechers everywhere, thank you Dean Martin. We lift a highball glass in appreciation.
Likes what I loves so much 'bout this thoughtful "Thank You" to our Dino is that iowahawk put likes the hugest of huge accent on our Dino as spyster Matt Helm. as this midwesterner Dino-phile notes...
"Hot stuff, but Dino's TV series paled in comparison to his Matt Helm spy-spoof theatrical movies. I kept a vigilant watch on the TV Guide for Matt Helm reruns, because the innuendo was bigger (and the bikinis smaller) than anything made for the small screen. Between 1966 and 1969 four of these classics were made, with a boozy, lecherous Dean surrounded by some of the hottest dames ever to wear white fur unmentionables."
Trustin' that iowahawk has made acquisition of that fab "Matt Helm Lounge Dino-dvds and is watchin' to his Dino-heart's content, our great man doin' the great job of simply playin' his ol' so cool, hip, and randy self.
ilovedinomartin salutes our pallie iowahawk and is psyched to share his deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion with all youse pallies...a bit late...but likes better late then never. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-devotedly, DMP
January 28, 2008
Thank You, Dean Martin
Some of the fondest memories of my childhood were provided by the former Dino Paul Crocetti of Steubenville, OH, a/k/a Dean Martin. Not that I was a big fan of his crooning or comedic stylings; but I knew whenever Dino appeared on the cathode ray tube, he would be accompanied by a bevy of bouffant & bikini babes who would invariably leave my Roebucks in a highly tightened condition.
Case in point: the Golddiggers. This scantily clad singing / dancing troupe began simply as "Dean's Girls" when his TV variety show debuted in 1965, but were rechristened as the Busby Berkelyesque "Golddiggers" for a 1968 summer replacement series. They continued as a Dean feature for the '68 and '69 season, and during the Moon landing summer of '70 starred in "Golddiggers in London," with comedy relief provided by bug-eyed Brit Marty Feldman. This was the program that first introduced Monty Python to the US audience. Here are the Golddiggers in action with Dean circa 1968:
Dean Martin's Golddiggers were disbanded in 1972, and replaced with a pared down quartet of girls named "the Ding-a-ling Sisters" for the waning years of Dean's series. What they lacked in numbers they made up for in frenzied go-go action. Witness this bit with Dean and Sinatra, circa '72:
Hot stuff, but Dino's TV series paled in comparison to his Matt Helm spy-spoof theatrical movies. I kept a vigilant watch on the TV Guide for Matt Helm reruns, because the innuendo was bigger (and the bikinis smaller) than anything made for the small screen. Between 1966 and 1969 four of these classics were made, with a boozy, lecherous Dean surrounded by some of the hottest dames ever to wear white fur unmentionables. Here's a sequence from "The Silencers" (1966) which featured a Stella Stevens and an opening title vamp by a lovely Cyd Charisse.
The second Matt Helm release of 1966, "Murderer's Row," paired Dino with Ann-Margaret at the the peak of her kittenish powers. Here's the closing scene featuring some alluring extras:
Next up: "The Ambushers" (1967), and a scene seared forever in my brain.
Dean's final Matt Helm appearance was in 1969's "The Wrecking Crew," co-starring Sharon Tate and with fight scenes choreographed by Bruce Lee. It would be the first screen appearance by Chuck Norris and the final for the tragically ill-fated Tate, who would soon after be murdered by the Manson family. Here she is is in a knockdown dragout with the exotic Nancy Kwan:
Just... wow.
On behalf of lechers everywhere, thank you Dean Martin. We lift a highball glass in appreciation.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Dean Martin, Zen master
Hey pallies, likes the ol' world wide web is simply rich with tons of Dino-fruit for the pickin', likes all youse gotta does is be willin' to search a bit for it. Today's Dino-devotion comes from the blog pad CBC - Radio Canada where back almost a year ago an in-the- Dino-know Canadian jazz singer named Mr. Tim Tamashiro scribed an amazin' piece of Dino-prose tagged "Dean Martin, Zen master." Mr. Tamashiro's bio tells us that he "is the host of Tonic and a fun/jazz evangelist based out of CBC Calgary. Since 2007 he’s helped Canadians remember how cool jazz is through stories and the music on Tonic. Tim’s also a jazz singer, active volunteer and the cook in his family."
In the past ilovedinomartin has shared some wonderful words by other wise Dino-devotees 'bout our most beloved Dino bein' a Zen master and in the words of Dino's premiere biographer, Nick Tosches, "An American Buddha." And Tim's thoughts simply add even more insight into these aspects of our King of Cool.
Tamashiro has "boiled this attitude ( Menefreghista) down into “The Zen of Dean Martin.” To find this Zen you must learn Dino’s four noble truths." Indeed our new pallie Tim has captured much of the essential essence of our Dino in these four truths that you can deeply delve into below. Sorry to say, a number of vid clips that this in-the-know Dino-phile shared to make his case are no longer on youtube, but what is left is included in this Dino-report.
ilovedinomartin is truly thrilled to have stumbled via a google blog search on to these wonderfully wise Dino-reflections and shouts out our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato for Mr. Tim Tamashiro's tremendous Dino-efforts. To view this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
Dino-wisely, DMP
Dean Martin, Zen master
posted by Tim Tamashiro on May 23, 2012
posted by Tim Tamashiro on May 23, 2012
Dean Martin and The Rat Pack embodied the essence of cool. Dean Martin was cool. He was shrewd, funny and easy-going. He blew through life with a “don’t care” attitude that defied description – in English. There’s a name for people like “Dino” in Italian. They are called menefreghista, which translates loosely to “couldn't care less.”
Menefreghista is a rare quality that can only be conjured by the coolest of cool. I’ve boiled this attitude down into “The Zen of Dean Martin.” To find this Zen you must learn Dino’s four noble truths:
1. Life means living.
Frank Sinatra once said, “You gotta love livin', baby, 'cause dyin' is a pain in the ass.” Martin lived a life full of adventure. He was an accomplished singer, actor, husband, comedian, entertainer and devoted father. Dino enjoyed golf, fooling around with his pals and eating pasta e fagioli, so that’s what he did every day. If there was a sentence that could sum up Dino’s penchant for life it might be, “I don’t work and you can too.”
2. To fully live you must be yourself.
Be exactly who you are and make no bones about it. He didn’t care about anything. When members of the mafia wanted Martin to sing at one of their nightclubs, he’d make them come ask him. When you think about it, that was a pretty sly move. The mafia was asking him for a favour instead of the other way around. Smart.
3. To be yourself, you must laugh at yourself.
How many photographs have you seen of Dean Martin with a frown on his face? Martin knew that a bit part of his charm came from the mistakes he made on stage while the cameras were rolling. In fact, part of his deal with RCA to star in The Dean Martin Show was that he got to golf every day and only come to one rehearsal before the show. Martin’s magic was in his flubs and ad libs, when the show was running live. Best of all he could laugh at himself about it all.
4. To laugh at yourself is to live.
Martin was committed entirely to the life of menefreghista. He seemed to take “not giving a damn” quite seriously. Martin’s life was far from perfect but he lived the majority of it as one of the world’s most celebrated funny men. He knew how to dish out the wisecracks and he also knew how to take them on the chin. For that, Martin was as close to perfection as you could ever hope.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
boy does he enjoy doing it
Hey pallies, likes as we work our way through our great great Deanager Tyler Michael's top 12 fav moments from the Dino-roastin' of Mr. Bob Hope, we now find ourselves at his 8th fav Dino-guest, Mr. Nipsey Russel, a great comedian who often also appeared on the Dino-show.
Likes, I have said it before, and will say it 'gain, it is just so so cool to find someone of our pallie Ty's tender age (all of 19) showin' such deep, pure, and true devotion to our most beloved Dino. To checks out all of Ty's Dino-action, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to goes to his amazin' blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL." Dino-lovin'ly, DMP
Here's my 8th Favorite guest on the Roast...
Wrong image but I'm keeping it anyway
Nipsey talks about Bob Hopes benefit concert in Watts "opening with bye bye blackbird, followed by me and my shadow, followed by a mysterious fire in his house". Nipsey says Bob is the soul of propriety and tells the story of two hot woman in Bob's hotel room where Bob tells them he's a married man and that one of them will have to go. Nipsey talks about the time he rubbed elbows with the Governor of California who refused to shake his hand. He asks Bob to tell the Governor that it is time for Nipsey's people to be treated right in society, Bob's response was "Your rightful place is in the Riven section of the band". He finishes his insults by talking about Bob going on the wrong plane to his concert and the plane he was on is full of mental patients. Nipsey is really insulting Bob good and boy does he enjoy doing it.
Monday, March 11, 2013
....the rich and handsome Leonard Crawley (Dean Martin)
Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-patter comes from the chick blog "Making Nice In The Midwest," where blogger Mandi holds forth. She has written a nice review of one of our Dino's lesser known big screen efforts, the 1966 "What A Way To Go." This is that Shirley MacLaine epic that features a parcel of leadin' men....Paul Newman, Dick Van Dyke, Robert Mitchum, Gene Kelly, Robert Cummings, and of course our most beloved Dino!
While Miss Mandi's meditation contains scant Dino-devotion, ilovedinomartin has chosen to share this post with you 'cause it is very rare to find anythin' written 'bout this classic Dino-tale....and likes we do loves the great Dino-pix that Mandi has chosen....showin' our great man in such a swank swank pose...ever the prosperous playboy!
ilovedinomartin says our thanks to Miss Mandi for sharin' this review with her readership. To checks it out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-focused, DMP
What a Way to Go 1966
Sometimes I stumble on an old movie I’ve never seen before, and strike gold! What a Way to Go is definitely a gold strike. Starring Shirley MacLaine, who was perfectly cast in a role that could’ve easily gone to someone like Doris Day, and with a slew of leading men I just adore- Paul Newman, Dick Van Dyke, Robert Mitchum, Dean Martin, Gene Kelly, and Robert Cummings- this movie couldn’t go wrong. And not just with the cast. The plot is a hilariously bright and fun dark comedy that hits the right spot. A bright dark comedy? I promise, it’s a real thing. And you won’t want to miss it.
The story begins with a rich lady who is turned away from the IRS headquarters after she tries to write a check for millionaires of dollars, simply as a donation. She is sent to a psychiatrist to be analyzed, and so begins to tell him about her curse.
Louisa May Foster (Shirley MacLaine) was just a simple girl who wanted to marry a simple man. She would have nothing to do with the rich and handsome Leonard Crawley (Dean Martin), because she was more interested in quoting Thoreau and falling in love with a man who had no ambition and would get nowhere in life- Edgar Hopper (Dick Van Dyke). After Edgar promises never to work hard and raise their station in life, they got married and lived an idyllic life in a dingy little cabin by the lake. Until one day, Edgar did’t come home from fishing at the Lake, and Louisa May caught him working at his general store. Edgar worked so hard that they became multi-millionaires, but incidentally, he worked so hard, that it suddenly killed him. So Louisa May was left all alone with millions of dollars she doesn’t want.
After running away to Europe, she meets another poor man and falls in love with him, only to have him become rich and die. This happens to her two more times, until she is scared to ever fall in love again, because she seems to have this awful affect on men- she makes them rich, and then they die.
Oh what a fun movie! From the hilariously silly plot to the amazing cast, and let us not forget the set and costumes! Edith Head (of course!) designed Shirley MacLaine’s wardrobe, which varied greatly depending on which husband she had at the moment. She wore all pink while married to Pinky, and wore dramatic gowns painted by her artist husband when she lived in Europe. Each outfit is a treat for the eyes. The homes she lived in were immaculately designed as well, and I particularly loved the scene when a crazed painter covers the entire pool lounge area in pink paint, and proceeds to chase Louisa May with his bucket of pink paint. The humor in the film doesn’t stop at wardrobe and set design, and I love that!
It’s no surprise that What a Way to Go was nominated for two Oscars in 1965- best art direction and best costume design. But it lost out on both of them to another lavish film I love- My Fair Lady. Maybe I never saw it because it was overshadowed by the classic Audrey Hepburn musical? But I’m so glad I finally discovered What a Way to Go! Be sure to check it out- I think you’ll love it! You can rent or buy it on Amazon instant view here.
While Miss Mandi's meditation contains scant Dino-devotion, ilovedinomartin has chosen to share this post with you 'cause it is very rare to find anythin' written 'bout this classic Dino-tale....and likes we do loves the great Dino-pix that Mandi has chosen....showin' our great man in such a swank swank pose...ever the prosperous playboy!
ilovedinomartin says our thanks to Miss Mandi for sharin' this review with her readership. To checks it out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-focused, DMP
What a Way to Go 1966
Sometimes I stumble on an old movie I’ve never seen before, and strike gold! What a Way to Go is definitely a gold strike. Starring Shirley MacLaine, who was perfectly cast in a role that could’ve easily gone to someone like Doris Day, and with a slew of leading men I just adore- Paul Newman, Dick Van Dyke, Robert Mitchum, Dean Martin, Gene Kelly, and Robert Cummings- this movie couldn’t go wrong. And not just with the cast. The plot is a hilariously bright and fun dark comedy that hits the right spot. A bright dark comedy? I promise, it’s a real thing. And you won’t want to miss it.
The story begins with a rich lady who is turned away from the IRS headquarters after she tries to write a check for millionaires of dollars, simply as a donation. She is sent to a psychiatrist to be analyzed, and so begins to tell him about her curse.
Louisa May Foster (Shirley MacLaine) was just a simple girl who wanted to marry a simple man. She would have nothing to do with the rich and handsome Leonard Crawley (Dean Martin), because she was more interested in quoting Thoreau and falling in love with a man who had no ambition and would get nowhere in life- Edgar Hopper (Dick Van Dyke). After Edgar promises never to work hard and raise their station in life, they got married and lived an idyllic life in a dingy little cabin by the lake. Until one day, Edgar did’t come home from fishing at the Lake, and Louisa May caught him working at his general store. Edgar worked so hard that they became multi-millionaires, but incidentally, he worked so hard, that it suddenly killed him. So Louisa May was left all alone with millions of dollars she doesn’t want.
After running away to Europe, she meets another poor man and falls in love with him, only to have him become rich and die. This happens to her two more times, until she is scared to ever fall in love again, because she seems to have this awful affect on men- she makes them rich, and then they die.
Oh what a fun movie! From the hilariously silly plot to the amazing cast, and let us not forget the set and costumes! Edith Head (of course!) designed Shirley MacLaine’s wardrobe, which varied greatly depending on which husband she had at the moment. She wore all pink while married to Pinky, and wore dramatic gowns painted by her artist husband when she lived in Europe. Each outfit is a treat for the eyes. The homes she lived in were immaculately designed as well, and I particularly loved the scene when a crazed painter covers the entire pool lounge area in pink paint, and proceeds to chase Louisa May with his bucket of pink paint. The humor in the film doesn’t stop at wardrobe and set design, and I love that!
It’s no surprise that What a Way to Go was nominated for two Oscars in 1965- best art direction and best costume design. But it lost out on both of them to another lavish film I love- My Fair Lady. Maybe I never saw it because it was overshadowed by the classic Audrey Hepburn musical? But I’m so glad I finally discovered What a Way to Go! Be sure to check it out- I think you’ll love it! You can rent or buy it on Amazon instant view here.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "It Won't Cool Off"

O well pals...this here Dino-holic is stickin' to his guns! Long as I got Dino singin' in my & my rusty, I mean trusty, ol' snowblower will take on WHATEVER he sends my way! Ha Ha Ha! I must have Spring fever!!!
Anyway pals...picked us a nice, warm tune to cuddle up with for todays Serenade. Found it on Dean's 2009 CD "Amore". "It Won't Cool Off" is perfecto for a storm like this! The lyrics just seem to fit on this cold & blizzardy New England kinda day. Hey pals...I'm keepin' my chin up! Spring is only 10 short days away! What's a little snow when you got Dino croonin' & meltin' ALL those wintery chills away?! Stay strong pallies...we're almost there! Enjoy!
The flame that we kindled hasn't dwindled at all
It just keeps burning burning burning it won't cool off
Your smile is the gold that leads it
Your kiss is the coal that feeds it
And keeps me yearning yearning it won't cool off
And when a cloudy day begins to storm up
We'll pity those who find it hard to warm up
We've got a lovely furnace going for us glowing for us
Burning burning and it won't cool off
And when a cloudy day begins to storm up
We'll pity those who find it hard to warm up
'Cause we got a knocked out furnace going for us glowing for us
Burning burning and it won't cool off
Burning burning and it won't cool off
It just keeps burning burning burning it won't cool off
Your smile is the gold that leads it
Your kiss is the coal that feeds it
And keeps me yearning yearning it won't cool off
And when a cloudy day begins to storm up
We'll pity those who find it hard to warm up
We've got a lovely furnace going for us glowing for us
Burning burning and it won't cool off
And when a cloudy day begins to storm up
We'll pity those who find it hard to warm up
'Cause we got a knocked out furnace going for us glowing for us
Burning burning and it won't cool off
Burning burning and it won't cool off
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