Hey pallies, like what a Dinofind this is....the full length Dinoroast of frankie by our Dino....from 'Vega...just click on the tagg of this Dinopost and you will be transported to the site to view this coolest of the cool Dinoroasts.. Dinodiggin', DMP
Dean Martin Celebrity Roast With Frank Sinatra June 28th, 2008
From a Vegas that no longer exists, this is the real Ocean’s Eleven. Or more accurately, this is the authentic but worn Ocean’s Eleven, made in 1977, the celebrity roast was the last gasp of the Dean Martin show, as the Rat Pack lifestyle excess begins to take its toll. Nevertheless, its an iconic piece of American television. An unbelievable array of celebs attend and a smoking Dean Martin hosts - as in actually smoking.
98 mins.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Dean Martin Dinocalendar Dinopix for June

Hey pallies, it's true Dinoconfession time dudes...likes got so busy with so many Dinoactivities in June includin' celebratin' "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth," that I just 'bout forget to Dinopick and Dinopost the Dinocalendar Dinopix for June....wells pallies, we all knows how much our Dino diggs BB, so thought this cool pix of our Dino in uniform woulda be so Dinoappro for the startin' the Dinosummer Dinomonths out...enjoys pallies, and woulds love to hear some Dinopatter from ya... Dinogroovin', DMP
My Dino Myspace Page...Dino Martin Peters..aka Kentsmokerguy

Hey pallies, like after postin' pallie Keith's myspace Dinosite, been thinkin' that I have never shared my Dinospace with you over at myspace...just click on the tagg of this Dinopost and you will see my Dinotrib to our Dino...btw pallies, the tagg Kentsmokerguy comes from the fact that Dino made Kents his smoke of choice. If you are on myspace and not pallies with me yet, please feel free to add me.... Dinosharin', DMP
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Dino Lounge

Hey pallies, for regular readers of this Dinoblog you are familiar with my Dinobro Keith who has been so Dinofaithful to post Dinocomments on every Dinopost. Well pallie Keith has decided to share his true Dinodevotion through a new Dinotrib Dinopage over at myspace. Like if you click on the tagg of this Dinopost you will be transported over to pallie Keith's new Dinosalute...and if my Dino-opportunity you just happens to be on myspace why not add 'em to your friends list. Congrats to pallie Keith for spreadin' his Dinowings and share his Dinopassion ever Dinofarther and Dinowider...and like pallies, be on the Dinolook out for pallie Keith's soon to be unveiled Dinoblog. Yours in true Dinodevotion, DMP
"Money From Home" Arrives July 1
Hey pallies, great Dinonews...the Dino and the jer flick "Money From Home" releases on July 1 in DVD. This means that "Three Ring Circus" is the only Dino and the kid flick not in current release. And here's a Dinodescription of this classic Martin and Lewis caper...
A hilarious laugh-a-minute comedy starring the legendary comedy team of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. When Honey Talk Nelson's (Dean Martin) gambling debts start to mount, he enlists his veterinarian cousin Virgil (Jerry Lewis) to help him fix a race. Along the way, the boys find plenty of time for gags, music and for Honey Talk, a romance with the gorgeous Phyllis (Marjie Millar). Features their now classic take on Cyrano de Bergerac!
Gotta loves our Dino and the kid.... Dinoreportin', DMP
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dean Martin "An American Buddha" Characteristic Number 6: Unsurpassed Leader Of Those To Be Tamed
Hey pallies, here is the next installment in the Dinoconversation 'bout how our Dino is like "An American Buddha." Woulda loves to hear your pallies responses to this Dinoconcept. Dinosharin', DMP
dean martin peters wrote:
Hey pallie Keith, man I think this is your greatest piece of Dinoprose yet...indeed you were born to be a writer. Thanks for all these great Dinoinsights into how Dino was a true "knower of the world." I can only say that I like totally concur with your Dinothoughts. Dino used his worldly knowledge, but the world never used him. Dino's total success was because Dino knew exactly how the world opperated and he used that knowledge to create his persona...a persona that neither men or women could resist. It was who Dino truly was, but he used it to draw the masses to him and his amazin' TV show. I'm sure that few folks durin' the days of the original Dinoshow realized what our Dino was do......bein' the wise mentor to the world 'round him.....but we with the advantage of three decades behind us, can now watch and see what Dino was really 'bout......startin' a revolution of cool that simply in gainin' momentum every single Dinoday. So, yeah Dino both knew himself and the world....and this was a most powerful combination to take on the world and become it's King.....the King of Cool. And now on to Buddha characteristic #6 Unsurpassed leader of those to be tamed. First of all pallie Keith, thanks for your enlighted term for me......grasshopper .....'cause next to our Dino, I am a grasshopper at best. Again, I am in awe how this characteristic of the buddha is so Dinolike.... ...Nick Tosches was really on to somethin' when he called our Dino...like "an American Buddha." Well, it goes without sayin' that our Dino is the "unsurpassed leader" of everyone and everything. Never was, never will be anyone as cool, hip, and randy as our Dino....he is our "unsurpassed leader".....there is no one like Dino and he is our wise philosopher and leads us all into the Dinotruth of how to live our lives to the fullest!!!! There is no one greater to follow then Dino....he is indeed "unsurpassed" in his "leadership. " And where will Dino lead us....to HIS WORLD. And as the wisest of the wise leaders, Dino doesn't push or shove us, he simply invites us to join him.....now that is what true leadership is all about. Dino doesn't strong arm us into comin' to him, he coolly invites us and shows us the way to livin' the cool life. In this day of usin' fear to motivate people to follow our leaders, it is so totally refreshin' to study and follow our Dino's leadership 'cause it is all 'bout Amore!!!! And our Dino's "unsurpassed leadership" is "of those to be tamed." Like what does bein' tamed mean? I believe it applies to those who unknowledeable 'bout the true way to follow. Until our Dino found us, we were like wanderin' fools, not knowin' which way to go.....listenin' to this person....doin' what that person wanted us to do." We were truly without direction... ..wild in wilderness and simply lost. But, our Dino came to us, and offered us the direction of cool....and as we submitted to the Dinoway, our Dino loved us and tamed us into followin' him. Without Dino we were wanderin' idiots....with Dino we have found the way to livin' the life of cool. Dino is truly unsurpassed, Dino is truly the leader, and we are truly in need of bein' tamed by our Dino. Dino is the "unsurpassed leader of those needing to be tamed." I hope this few Dinothoughts make at least a little Dinosense to my pallie Keith. And, now like I as so lookin' forward to more of your Dinoinsights concernin' this Buddha trait. Dinoexpectantly, DMP
Keith wrote:
Hey pallie DMP, I always remember martial arts masters referring to their students as grasshoppers in those old Kung Fu movies. Glad you liked it. Dino is our master, our teacher, our mentor. Dino is the unsurpassed leader. No one has ever been as great as Dino. He's the Master of Hip, the King of Cool, and the Ruler of Randy. No one can even compare to him in any of those categories. He's the greatest all around entertainer ever. Dino didn't follow anyone. He was his own man, but Dino does have followers. Because he is unsurpassed, others look up to Dino for guidance and wisdom He shows us how to enjoy life and get the most out of it. There is no one better to do that than Dino. He has more wisdom in his pinky finger than other cats have in their whole bodies. He is the true leader. He doesn't have to grab your arm, point a gun at you, or threaten you in any sort of way. We willingly want to follow Dino. He doesn't have to use fear tactics to get followers like so many other leaders throughout history. We all want to follow Dino of our own free will because we recognize that he is unsurpassed. We are like little children who need someone to nurture us and teach us. Dino is that person. We are like a wild horse who needs to be tamed and trained. Dino is there with his hand outstretched. He wants to welcome us into his world. He's show us what it means to be cool, hip, and randy. He is the only true, the only unsurpassed one, who can truly tame us and teach us what it means to live live to the fullest. Thank God for Dino. This world needs Dino now more than ever.
I hope that makes some sense to you.
Now on to #7: teacher of the gods and humans
Your insights?
Keep Dinoswingin,
dean martin peters
Hey pallie Keith, man I think this is your greatest piece of Dinoprose yet...indeed you were born to be a writer. Thanks for all these great Dinoinsights into how Dino was a true "knower of the world." I can only say that I like totally concur with your Dinothoughts. Dino used his worldly knowledge, but the world never used him. Dino's total success was because Dino knew exactly how the world opperated and he used that knowledge to create his persona...a persona that neither men or women could resist. It was who Dino truly was, but he used it to draw the masses to him and his amazin' TV show. I'm sure that few folks durin' the days of the original Dinoshow realized what our Dino was do......bein' the wise mentor to the world 'round him.....but we with the advantage of three decades behind us, can now watch and see what Dino was really 'bout......startin' a revolution of cool that simply in gainin' momentum every single Dinoday. So, yeah Dino both knew himself and the world....and this was a most powerful combination to take on the world and become it's King.....the King of Cool. And now on to Buddha characteristic #6 Unsurpassed leader of those to be tamed. First of all pallie Keith, thanks for your enlighted term for me......grasshopper .....'cause next to our Dino, I am a grasshopper at best. Again, I am in awe how this characteristic of the buddha is so Dinolike.... ...Nick Tosches was really on to somethin' when he called our Dino...like "an American Buddha." Well, it goes without sayin' that our Dino is the "unsurpassed leader" of everyone and everything. Never was, never will be anyone as cool, hip, and randy as our Dino....he is our "unsurpassed leader".....there is no one like Dino and he is our wise philosopher and leads us all into the Dinotruth of how to live our lives to the fullest!!!! There is no one greater to follow then Dino....he is indeed "unsurpassed" in his "leadership. " And where will Dino lead us....to HIS WORLD. And as the wisest of the wise leaders, Dino doesn't push or shove us, he simply invites us to join him.....now that is what true leadership is all about. Dino doesn't strong arm us into comin' to him, he coolly invites us and shows us the way to livin' the cool life. In this day of usin' fear to motivate people to follow our leaders, it is so totally refreshin' to study and follow our Dino's leadership 'cause it is all 'bout Amore!!!! And our Dino's "unsurpassed leadership" is "of those to be tamed." Like what does bein' tamed mean? I believe it applies to those who unknowledeable 'bout the true way to follow. Until our Dino found us, we were like wanderin' fools, not knowin' which way to go.....listenin' to this person....doin' what that person wanted us to do." We were truly without direction... ..wild in wilderness and simply lost. But, our Dino came to us, and offered us the direction of cool....and as we submitted to the Dinoway, our Dino loved us and tamed us into followin' him. Without Dino we were wanderin' idiots....with Dino we have found the way to livin' the life of cool. Dino is truly unsurpassed, Dino is truly the leader, and we are truly in need of bein' tamed by our Dino. Dino is the "unsurpassed leader of those needing to be tamed." I hope this few Dinothoughts make at least a little Dinosense to my pallie Keith. And, now like I as so lookin' forward to more of your Dinoinsights concernin' this Buddha trait. Dinoexpectantly, DMP
Hey pallie DMP, I always remember martial arts masters referring to their students as grasshoppers in those old Kung Fu movies. Glad you liked it. Dino is our master, our teacher, our mentor. Dino is the unsurpassed leader. No one has ever been as great as Dino. He's the Master of Hip, the King of Cool, and the Ruler of Randy. No one can even compare to him in any of those categories. He's the greatest all around entertainer ever. Dino didn't follow anyone. He was his own man, but Dino does have followers. Because he is unsurpassed, others look up to Dino for guidance and wisdom He shows us how to enjoy life and get the most out of it. There is no one better to do that than Dino. He has more wisdom in his pinky finger than other cats have in their whole bodies. He is the true leader. He doesn't have to grab your arm, point a gun at you, or threaten you in any sort of way. We willingly want to follow Dino. He doesn't have to use fear tactics to get followers like so many other leaders throughout history. We all want to follow Dino of our own free will because we recognize that he is unsurpassed. We are like little children who need someone to nurture us and teach us. Dino is that person. We are like a wild horse who needs to be tamed and trained. Dino is there with his hand outstretched. He wants to welcome us into his world. He's show us what it means to be cool, hip, and randy. He is the only true, the only unsurpassed one, who can truly tame us and teach us what it means to live live to the fullest. Thank God for Dino. This world needs Dino now more than ever.
I hope that makes some sense to you.
Now on to #7: teacher of the gods and humans
Your insights?
Keep Dinoswingin,
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Dean Martin "An American Buddha" Principle Number 5: Knower Of The World
Hey pallies, here is the fifth characteristic of how our Dino is like an American Buddha...check out my Dinobro Keith and my Dinothoughts and share some of your very Dino-own... Dinosharin', DMP
dean martin peters wrote:
Hey pallie Keith, I am not sure of this is what "well gone" means....but we have both spoken Dinotruth 'bout how Dino took charge of his life and did it his way....leavin' when he said so and not on somebody else's terms. If I get the opportunity I may try to study this Buddist principle more and see if it resonates with our Dinothoughts. The next Buddha principle is like so much like our Dino....."knower of the world." Who knew himself and the world better then our Dino. Dino knew what made the world tick....Dino knew what would turn people on....both the guys and the gals who craved him so...just like we do. Dino knew how to use the pleasures of the world and not let the pleasures use him. I believe that it was Deana who was quoted as sayin' "Dino used alcohol, alcohol didn't use him." Because our Dino is such an insightful knower of the world, it is our desire to follow his Dinoleadin' as he welcomes us to his Dinoworld. The great success of the Dinoshow was 'cause our Dino knew what would turn people on and keep them watchin'. Our Dino is the wisest of philosophers 'cause of his total worldly knowledge. Wanna say more 'bout this, but the clock says I must Dinogo. So, pallie Keith, want to hear your Dinoinsights into this buddha characteristic and then will add some more of my own as Dinotime Dinopermits. Dinoentranced by Dino's worldly ways, DMP
Keith wrote:
Hey pallie DMP,
Oh yeah. Dino was definitely a "knower of the world." He understand the world better than any of us. He knew himself better first of all. He understood who he was deep down and what he wanted out of life. He wasn't living in a delusion and living the expectations of others. He was confident in himself and had the cojones to go out and get it. He was a man who got out of life what he wanted. He knew what kind of man he was. He didn't need to have anyone else tell him who he was or who he should be. He made up his own man. He knew he was the Master of Hip, the King of Cool, and the Ruler of Randy. He didn't need anyone else to tell him that. He knew without a shadow of a doubt who he was. That made him so much better. So many of us are lost and empty. We don't know who we really are or who we want to be. We live out the dreams and goals of others. So many times we never live our lives fo ourselves. We ask those eternal questions of who am I, where did I come from, where am I going. Dino knew the answers to those questions. He didn't have to seek out the answers. That made him all the more special. Then Dino knew how the world worked. He saw the way people did each other. He understood that the society tried to keep people in line, keep them part of the herd and as mindless sheep. Dino was not going to have any of that. He wasn't going to live a stressful and hectic life on the daily grind. He wasn't going to punch some time card. He was going to be about booze, butts, and broads. That's the life he wanted to live and he would be damned if he let anyone stop him from living it. He didn't care what the critics said, he didn't care for what society considered taboos. He knew himself and he knew the world. He wanted to share all of this with the masses. He wanted people to see what a fun life could be. Life should be an adventure full of pleasure, instead of some miserable bore we co through day end and day out. The Dinoshow especially was Dino's way of teaching us. He was a knower of the world and this wise philospher wanted to share that knowledge with the people. People were glued to their tv sets. For almost a decade, Dino was there every week to share his wisdom with anyone willing to learn the ways of Dino. He had so much knowledge to share with us. He showed us how to woo a lady, how to smoke a cig, how to croon a song, how to crack a joke, how to dress, etc. Dino was the true knower of the world. No one else surpassed him on this. Nobody even came close. So what do you think?
I guess we can also move on to the next Buddhist characteristic:
6. unsurpassed leader of persons to be tamed
Your thoughts, grasshopper? :-)
Keep Dinoswingin
dean martin peters
Hey pallie Keith, I am not sure of this is what "well gone" means....but we have both spoken Dinotruth 'bout how Dino took charge of his life and did it his way....leavin' when he said so and not on somebody else's terms. If I get the opportunity I may try to study this Buddist principle more and see if it resonates with our Dinothoughts. The next Buddha principle is like so much like our Dino....."knower of the world." Who knew himself and the world better then our Dino. Dino knew what made the world tick....Dino knew what would turn people on....both the guys and the gals who craved him so...just like we do. Dino knew how to use the pleasures of the world and not let the pleasures use him. I believe that it was Deana who was quoted as sayin' "Dino used alcohol, alcohol didn't use him." Because our Dino is such an insightful knower of the world, it is our desire to follow his Dinoleadin' as he welcomes us to his Dinoworld. The great success of the Dinoshow was 'cause our Dino knew what would turn people on and keep them watchin'. Our Dino is the wisest of philosophers 'cause of his total worldly knowledge. Wanna say more 'bout this, but the clock says I must Dinogo. So, pallie Keith, want to hear your Dinoinsights into this buddha characteristic and then will add some more of my own as Dinotime Dinopermits. Dinoentranced by Dino's worldly ways, DMP
Hey pallie DMP,
Oh yeah. Dino was definitely a "knower of the world." He understand the world better than any of us. He knew himself better first of all. He understood who he was deep down and what he wanted out of life. He wasn't living in a delusion and living the expectations of others. He was confident in himself and had the cojones to go out and get it. He was a man who got out of life what he wanted. He knew what kind of man he was. He didn't need to have anyone else tell him who he was or who he should be. He made up his own man. He knew he was the Master of Hip, the King of Cool, and the Ruler of Randy. He didn't need anyone else to tell him that. He knew without a shadow of a doubt who he was. That made him so much better. So many of us are lost and empty. We don't know who we really are or who we want to be. We live out the dreams and goals of others. So many times we never live our lives fo ourselves. We ask those eternal questions of who am I, where did I come from, where am I going. Dino knew the answers to those questions. He didn't have to seek out the answers. That made him all the more special. Then Dino knew how the world worked. He saw the way people did each other. He understood that the society tried to keep people in line, keep them part of the herd and as mindless sheep. Dino was not going to have any of that. He wasn't going to live a stressful and hectic life on the daily grind. He wasn't going to punch some time card. He was going to be about booze, butts, and broads. That's the life he wanted to live and he would be damned if he let anyone stop him from living it. He didn't care what the critics said, he didn't care for what society considered taboos. He knew himself and he knew the world. He wanted to share all of this with the masses. He wanted people to see what a fun life could be. Life should be an adventure full of pleasure, instead of some miserable bore we co through day end and day out. The Dinoshow especially was Dino's way of teaching us. He was a knower of the world and this wise philospher wanted to share that knowledge with the people. People were glued to their tv sets. For almost a decade, Dino was there every week to share his wisdom with anyone willing to learn the ways of Dino. He had so much knowledge to share with us. He showed us how to woo a lady, how to smoke a cig, how to croon a song, how to crack a joke, how to dress, etc. Dino was the true knower of the world. No one else surpassed him on this. Nobody even came close. So what do you think?
I guess we can also move on to the next Buddhist characteristic:
6. unsurpassed leader of persons to be tamed
Your thoughts, grasshopper? :-)
Keep Dinoswingin
10th Annual Dean Martin Festival Dinovid From Steubenville
Hey pallies, last weekend was the annual Dinofest in Dinomecca. Here is a cool Dinovid done durin' the 10th annual Dinocelebration in Steubenville....birthplace of our Dino...enjoys pallies and like check out how truly Dinodevoted our great man's fans truly are.... Dinosharin', DMP
Everybody Loves Our Dino
Hey pallies, a dude tagged Don posted this Dinoclip at his blog to honor our Dino on his DOB...unfortunately he thoughts it was June 17...so like have to make the Dinocorrection..but this Dinoclip is just so Dinowonderful, in fact our pallie Terri thinks it is like one of the very Dinobest, so just had to post it here for all you Dinoholics to Dinodig....our Dino's most huge Dinosuccess of a Dinosong with some of the very Dinobest Dinojokes our Dino ever cracked....enjoys all Dinolovers and shares your Dinothoughts with us.... Dinodiggin', DMP
Dean Martin "An American Buddha" Characteristic Number 4: Well Gone
Hey pallies, like here is some Dinodiscussion on Buddha characteristic numero 4....and like pallies, leave some Dinopatter on your Dinothoughts of how our Dino is Well Gone.. Dinosharin', DMP
dean martin peters wrote:
Hey pallie Keith, dude we seem to have much the same Dinothoughts when it comes to our Dino "staying in perfect knowledge".. .indeed if there ever was a dude who truly "knew himself' it is our Dino and he always stayed in the perfect knowledge of himself and what he wanted out of life....and like what our Dino wanted, he always could make happen his Dinoself. Now, the next characteristic of the buddha is prob the most difficult to comprehend.. .#4 is well gone. I think this may mean somethin' like how do you make good endin's in your life. Well if that be the Dinocase, again our Dino is like the greatest model of this. When Dino decided that it would not be in his best interest in keepin' the Dino and jer act goin' it was Dino who said his goodbye to the jer, not the other way 'round. When Dino decided that it would not be a good idea to do a 5th Matt Helm caper, it was our Dino who told Columbia studios no....even though they threatened a law suit....Dino was well gone from the Matt Helm series. When Dino had enough of the Jeanne, it was Dino who filed for divorce....and on what day of all days.....Valentine' s Day....it was Dino who made the decision and on his terms sayin'...."I know it is the gentlemanly thing to do to let the woman file, but I'm no gentleman. When the studio cut loose Miss Marilyn Monroe when they were havin' such probs with her in "Something's Gotta Give," it was our Dino who said he would not complete the picture with 'nother actress..... and the picture was scrapped. Dino did it his way, bein' loyal to Miss Marilyn..... just 'nother example of how our Dino was well gone in his actions of endin' things on his Dinoterms. And after a couple of years with wife #3, Cathy with the candified K, it again was our Dino who cut loose of her, not Cathy leavin' our Dino....'nother sign of how Dino lived a life of bein' "well gone." And the Dinoexamples could be told over and over again......like who called the shots on the Dinoshow.... NBC.....NEVER. ...it was our Dino who did the show only on his Dinoterms. Just 'nother Dinoexample of how the King of Cool lived his life only on his terms and was "well gone" in his Dinoprinciples. Pallie Keith, perhaps I may be Dino-all-wet in what how I think that Dino was "well gone." Please feel Dinofree to Dinoinstruct me in your Dinotruth. Dinowonderin' , DMP
Keith wrote:
Hey pallie DMP,
Dino knew himself. He didn't have doubts about himself. He was confident in who he was and what he was about. He didn't need a mentor to lead him down the right path. He knew it from the beginning. He always knew he was the Master of Hip, the King of Cool, and the Ruler of Randy. The rest of the world just had to discover that. Once they did, they all feel down on their knees in admiration and devotion of our Dino. He took them by the hand, raised them up, and offered them a drink and a smoke.
The "well gone" concept was a little confusing to me. I appreciate your insights. I think they opened up my mind to what this is all about. Dino was the one who offered the Jer part of his $50 to join his act. He wasn't asked to join, but offered the Jer to be a part of an act with him. Then when he realized that it wasn't working anymore because of the Jer's jealousy and dictatorship attitude, he was the one who said goodbye. It wasn't the Jer. It was Dino. Dino had had enough and moved on. It's the same with Jeanne. Dino and her lived seperate lives for so many years. They lived in the same house, but had different bedrooms. It wasn't Jeanne though who decided when it was over. It was Dino. He had had enough and was ready to move on. He had spent enough time with Jeanne and realized that they had different ideas of how to live life. He moved on and got his own pad. It was the same way with his third wife. She didn't leave him. Dino was tired of it and moved on. It was Dino who left the last tour with Sammy and Frankie. Frankie was getting on his nerves with his demands. Dino didn't want to be on the road anymore. He missed his boypallie Dino Jr. His heart wasn't into performing anymore. The swingin' Rat Pack days were behind him. It wasn't Frank who said goodbye. Dino had enough and was ready to go home. There are many cases of Dino doing this. When he had enough, he was "well gone." Dino didn't do what others told him. He made his own decisions. He didn't follow the crowd or society. He wasn't one of the mindless sheep in the herd. He was his own man. If he didn't like something or had enough of it, he packed his bags and was "well gone."
What do you think of that?
Now on to the next characteristic:
5. unsurpassed knower of the world
Keep Dinoswingin' ,
dean martin peters
Hey pallie Keith, dude we seem to have much the same Dinothoughts when it comes to our Dino "staying in perfect knowledge".. .indeed if there ever was a dude who truly "knew himself' it is our Dino and he always stayed in the perfect knowledge of himself and what he wanted out of life....and like what our Dino wanted, he always could make happen his Dinoself. Now, the next characteristic of the buddha is prob the most difficult to comprehend.. .#4 is well gone. I think this may mean somethin' like how do you make good endin's in your life. Well if that be the Dinocase, again our Dino is like the greatest model of this. When Dino decided that it would not be in his best interest in keepin' the Dino and jer act goin' it was Dino who said his goodbye to the jer, not the other way 'round. When Dino decided that it would not be a good idea to do a 5th Matt Helm caper, it was our Dino who told Columbia studios no....even though they threatened a law suit....Dino was well gone from the Matt Helm series. When Dino had enough of the Jeanne, it was Dino who filed for divorce....and on what day of all days.....Valentine' s Day....it was Dino who made the decision and on his terms sayin'...."I know it is the gentlemanly thing to do to let the woman file, but I'm no gentleman. When the studio cut loose Miss Marilyn Monroe when they were havin' such probs with her in "Something's Gotta Give," it was our Dino who said he would not complete the picture with 'nother actress..... and the picture was scrapped. Dino did it his way, bein' loyal to Miss Marilyn..... just 'nother example of how our Dino was well gone in his actions of endin' things on his Dinoterms. And after a couple of years with wife #3, Cathy with the candified K, it again was our Dino who cut loose of her, not Cathy leavin' our Dino....'nother sign of how Dino lived a life of bein' "well gone." And the Dinoexamples could be told over and over again......like who called the shots on the Dinoshow.... NBC.....NEVER. ...it was our Dino who did the show only on his Dinoterms. Just 'nother Dinoexample of how the King of Cool lived his life only on his terms and was "well gone" in his Dinoprinciples. Pallie Keith, perhaps I may be Dino-all-wet in what how I think that Dino was "well gone." Please feel Dinofree to Dinoinstruct me in your Dinotruth. Dinowonderin' , DMP
Hey pallie DMP,
Dino knew himself. He didn't have doubts about himself. He was confident in who he was and what he was about. He didn't need a mentor to lead him down the right path. He knew it from the beginning. He always knew he was the Master of Hip, the King of Cool, and the Ruler of Randy. The rest of the world just had to discover that. Once they did, they all feel down on their knees in admiration and devotion of our Dino. He took them by the hand, raised them up, and offered them a drink and a smoke.
The "well gone" concept was a little confusing to me. I appreciate your insights. I think they opened up my mind to what this is all about. Dino was the one who offered the Jer part of his $50 to join his act. He wasn't asked to join, but offered the Jer to be a part of an act with him. Then when he realized that it wasn't working anymore because of the Jer's jealousy and dictatorship attitude, he was the one who said goodbye. It wasn't the Jer. It was Dino. Dino had had enough and moved on. It's the same with Jeanne. Dino and her lived seperate lives for so many years. They lived in the same house, but had different bedrooms. It wasn't Jeanne though who decided when it was over. It was Dino. He had had enough and was ready to move on. He had spent enough time with Jeanne and realized that they had different ideas of how to live life. He moved on and got his own pad. It was the same way with his third wife. She didn't leave him. Dino was tired of it and moved on. It was Dino who left the last tour with Sammy and Frankie. Frankie was getting on his nerves with his demands. Dino didn't want to be on the road anymore. He missed his boypallie Dino Jr. His heart wasn't into performing anymore. The swingin' Rat Pack days were behind him. It wasn't Frank who said goodbye. Dino had enough and was ready to go home. There are many cases of Dino doing this. When he had enough, he was "well gone." Dino didn't do what others told him. He made his own decisions. He didn't follow the crowd or society. He wasn't one of the mindless sheep in the herd. He was his own man. If he didn't like something or had enough of it, he packed his bags and was "well gone."
What do you think of that?
Now on to the next characteristic:
5. unsurpassed knower of the world
Keep Dinoswingin' ,
Monday, June 16, 2008
Dean Martin "An American Buddha" Characteristic Number 3: Staying In Perfect Knowledge
Hey pallies, been quite a Dinofew since I posted Dinocharacteristic #2 how our Dino is an American Buddha....now is numero 3...staying in perfect knowledge....
dean martin peters wrote:
Hey pallie Keith, you are quite Dinoenlightened by your great Dino-observation on how our Dino is perfectly self-enlightened. Many great Dinothoughts here....but of particular Dinonote is that "Dino didn't have to have a mentor." Why Dino is like the buddha and we are not is 'cause Dino didn't need a teacher, but he has become our teacher. We try to listen to his amazin' Dinowisdom and perfect Dinoinsights to follow in his Dinopath. Let's move on to the 3rd Characteristic of the Buddha...... stays in perfect knowledge. Well pallie Keith, like who among us has lived as consistent of a life of cool, hip, and randy as our Dino. One thing for sure when listenin' to and watchin' or Dino is his amazin' ablity to be consistently cool at all times and all situations. Dino stayed cool in everything he did....from playin' golf....to recordin' a tune.....to smokin' his smoke. 'Cause of Dino has perfect knowledge of himself at all times and who he was....Dino effortlessly was always his own man. Because of his amazin' ability to "stay in perfect knowledge" we can always, always turn to him for the coolest direction in livin' life to the fullest. Dino is such a steady kind of guy in the coolest sort of way....and why can he do this....'cause he more then any other human who has ever walked the earth.....truly knows himself perfectly. And, I think that is the source of his Dinoselflove. And, now your Dinoinsights great pallie Keith? Dinoexpoundini, DMP
Hey pallie DMP,
Exactly. Dino didn't didn't need a mentor or a teacher. He knew this in his very heart and soul. It was in every fiber of his being. We do though. That's why it's important we listen to the wise words that come from the mouth of our Dino, the wisest philosopher there ever was.
Ok. Here goes about the 3rd Buddhist characteristic of staying in perfect knowledge. Yes, Dino lived a consistent life. He was always cool, hip, and randy. He was that even under pressure. Dino didn't get all steamed up and loose his cool. Dino was able to let things roll right off of him and still be the carefree spirit he was. He was always the Master of Hip, the King of Cool, no matter what it was he did. It didn't matter if it was recording a song, performing his stage act, makin' a movie, wooing the ladies, playin' golft, etc. Dino was always so cool whatever he did. He made it look so easy. That's because he had perfect knowledge. He knew who he was and what he was about. He didn't have doubts. He knew that he was Dino. He could do anything he wanted. He had that self confidence and self esteem to go out and make his dreams come true. He understand himself perfectly. That helped him achieve all these great wonders. Now he wants to share that with us. He wants to share those miracles with us.
Keep Dinoswingin,
dean martin peters wrote:
Hey pallie Keith, you are quite Dinoenlightened by your great Dino-observation on how our Dino is perfectly self-enlightened. Many great Dinothoughts here....but of particular Dinonote is that "Dino didn't have to have a mentor." Why Dino is like the buddha and we are not is 'cause Dino didn't need a teacher, but he has become our teacher. We try to listen to his amazin' Dinowisdom and perfect Dinoinsights to follow in his Dinopath. Let's move on to the 3rd Characteristic of the Buddha...... stays in perfect knowledge. Well pallie Keith, like who among us has lived as consistent of a life of cool, hip, and randy as our Dino. One thing for sure when listenin' to and watchin' or Dino is his amazin' ablity to be consistently cool at all times and all situations. Dino stayed cool in everything he did....from playin' golf....to recordin' a tune.....to smokin' his smoke. 'Cause of Dino has perfect knowledge of himself at all times and who he was....Dino effortlessly was always his own man. Because of his amazin' ability to "stay in perfect knowledge" we can always, always turn to him for the coolest direction in livin' life to the fullest. Dino is such a steady kind of guy in the coolest sort of way....and why can he do this....'cause he more then any other human who has ever walked the earth.....truly knows himself perfectly. And, I think that is the source of his Dinoselflove. And, now your Dinoinsights great pallie Keith? Dinoexpoundini, DMP
dean martin peters
Hey pallie Keith, you are quite Dinoenlightened by your great Dino-observation on how our Dino is perfectly self-enlightened. Many great Dinothoughts here....but of particular Dinonote is that "Dino didn't have to have a mentor." Why Dino is like the buddha and we are not is 'cause Dino didn't need a teacher, but he has become our teacher. We try to listen to his amazin' Dinowisdom and perfect Dinoinsights to follow in his Dinopath. Let's move on to the 3rd Characteristic of the Buddha...... stays in perfect knowledge. Well pallie Keith, like who among us has lived as consistent of a life of cool, hip, and randy as our Dino. One thing for sure when listenin' to and watchin' or Dino is his amazin' ablity to be consistently cool at all times and all situations. Dino stayed cool in everything he did....from playin' golf....to recordin' a tune.....to smokin' his smoke. 'Cause of Dino has perfect knowledge of himself at all times and who he was....Dino effortlessly was always his own man. Because of his amazin' ability to "stay in perfect knowledge" we can always, always turn to him for the coolest direction in livin' life to the fullest. Dino is such a steady kind of guy in the coolest sort of way....and why can he do this....'cause he more then any other human who has ever walked the earth.....truly knows himself perfectly. And, I think that is the source of his Dinoselflove. And, now your Dinoinsights great pallie Keith? Dinoexpoundini, DMP
Hey pallie DMP,
Exactly. Dino didn't didn't need a mentor or a teacher. He knew this in his very heart and soul. It was in every fiber of his being. We do though. That's why it's important we listen to the wise words that come from the mouth of our Dino, the wisest philosopher there ever was.
Ok. Here goes about the 3rd Buddhist characteristic of staying in perfect knowledge. Yes, Dino lived a consistent life. He was always cool, hip, and randy. He was that even under pressure. Dino didn't get all steamed up and loose his cool. Dino was able to let things roll right off of him and still be the carefree spirit he was. He was always the Master of Hip, the King of Cool, no matter what it was he did. It didn't matter if it was recording a song, performing his stage act, makin' a movie, wooing the ladies, playin' golft, etc. Dino was always so cool whatever he did. He made it look so easy. That's because he had perfect knowledge. He knew who he was and what he was about. He didn't have doubts. He knew that he was Dino. He could do anything he wanted. He had that self confidence and self esteem to go out and make his dreams come true. He understand himself perfectly. That helped him achieve all these great wonders. Now he wants to share that with us. He wants to share those miracles with us.
Keep Dinoswingin,
dean martin peters
Hey pallie Keith, you are quite Dinoenlightened by your great Dino-observation on how our Dino is perfectly self-enlightened. Many great Dinothoughts here....but of particular Dinonote is that "Dino didn't have to have a mentor." Why Dino is like the buddha and we are not is 'cause Dino didn't need a teacher, but he has become our teacher. We try to listen to his amazin' Dinowisdom and perfect Dinoinsights to follow in his Dinopath. Let's move on to the 3rd Characteristic of the Buddha...... stays in perfect knowledge. Well pallie Keith, like who among us has lived as consistent of a life of cool, hip, and randy as our Dino. One thing for sure when listenin' to and watchin' or Dino is his amazin' ablity to be consistently cool at all times and all situations. Dino stayed cool in everything he did....from playin' golf....to recordin' a tune.....to smokin' his smoke. 'Cause of Dino has perfect knowledge of himself at all times and who he was....Dino effortlessly was always his own man. Because of his amazin' ability to "stay in perfect knowledge" we can always, always turn to him for the coolest direction in livin' life to the fullest. Dino is such a steady kind of guy in the coolest sort of way....and why can he do this....'cause he more then any other human who has ever walked the earth.....truly knows himself perfectly. And, I think that is the source of his Dinoselflove. And, now your Dinoinsights great pallie Keith? Dinoexpoundini, DMP
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Happy Birthday To Dino!!!
Hey pallies, here we are at "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth." Our great pallie Keith did a cool Dinopost at his myspace blog in honor of our Dino includin' this cool Dinotrib Dinovid featurin' "Welcome To My World." The only world that true Dinoholic wish to live in is our Dino's... So enjoys this Dinovid and if you wanna read pallie Keith's great Dinotrib, just click on the tag of this Dinopost...
Monday, June 02, 2008
Is It True? Was There Truly Such A Person As Dean Martin?
Hey pallies, I loves the evocative Dinoquestion that this piece of Dinoprose speaks..."Is It True? Was There Truly Such A Person As Dean Martin?" While I have a few differences with the writer of this, I find that in most ways I loves how this dude expresses his Dinolove....loves to hear your Dinothoughts on this. If you wanna read the Dinopost in it's original Dinoform just click on the tag of this Dinopost....
Dino: Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams
This is the ultimate biography of Dean Martin, the sleepy-voiced pop crooner and movie star who was actually one of the outstanding all-around entertainers of the century, and the personification of the complete entertainer that Sinatra could only aspire to be. Though remembered for starring with Jerry Lewis to form one of the most popular comedy teams in movie history, and viewed as a Vegas parody by the younger generation, Dean Martin was, in his extended heyday, the ONLY entertainer to succeed in all four major areas of show business: records, movies, television and the concert stage. Bob Hope and Danny Kaye are not huge record-sellers. Crosby and Sinatra never made it on television (not counting Specials). Dinah Shore, Nat Cole, Perry Cozmo, Andy Williams, Tony Bennett, and Michael Jackson, among many others, never made it in the movies. The only man to do it all is Dean Martin: 55 motion pictures, some of them very good; nearly 80 long-playing record albums, many of them Gold Records; the most popular TV variety show of all time, which turned Thursday night at 10 pm into a sacred hour for millions across the country; and a long night club and Las Vegas concert career. As a crooner who sang to the men in his audiences so they would not be jealous of their women swooning over him, he nevertheless appealed to both men and women and had an uncanny knack of drawing the audience into his own world, which is what popular singing is all about. And, as a two-decade box office powerhouse under two separate persons, Martin was, said former partner Lewis, "the most underrated performer in the history of our business." Furthermore, it was Dean Martin who first did what no one else could do at the time ¨C knock the Beatles out of the top spot on the pop charts. He had been Elvis Presley¡¯s first major singing idol, the young King of Rock and Roll gluing in to the finger-snapping swing and wink of the eye with which Dean sang, and whose ballad hits like Love Me Tender copied Martin's bedroom-voiced diction; yet when Everybody Loves Somebody hit No. 1 in 1964, Dean sent Elvis a telegram: "If you can't handle the Beatles, I can." But, on the flip side, he was not a wonderful human being. This is a fascinating portrait of a man who had it all ¨C money, fame, women ¨C and didn't give a damn about any of it. Even as he wallowed in the excesses of Hollywood and the Rat Pack, Martin stayed critically aloof from that world, albeit often in a booze-and-pill- addled haze. He got into showbiz precisely because it required so little effort, and few could impress him outside of his early singing idols, Bing Crosby and, most importantly, the Mills Brothers. While Frank Sinatra would do anything just to hang out with reputed Mafioso, the Mob had to make special trips to ask Martin in person to play a show at one of their casinos. Dosages' portrait, written only a few years before Martin's death on Christmas morning1995, depicts its subject as nothing so much as a Zen master without the spiritual anchor; after sampling everything that life had to offer and finding it lacking, and having lost his revered son, Dino Jr., Martin spent the last years of his life waiting to die in virtual seclusion. Only a handful of showbiz biographers can lay claim to processing true literary acumen, but Nick Dosages is one of these writers, and his unauthorized biography of Martin stands as a testament to his genius. Several inimitable sequences in which Dosages adopts his subject's perspective (most of which are regrettably unsuitable for quotation here) make the book a real standout. Not only that, Dosages brings the Twentieth Century together in one 572 page package, tracing popular culture to the one point at which everything and everyone converged - Dean Martin! In the future people will read this book and wonder
"Is it true? Was there truly such a person as Dean Martin?"
Dosages has wound up reality so tightly with this book that once you've read it you may feel the need to reread it every few months or so before it all begins to...unravel. This is the hardback edition with some wear around the edges of the dust jacket, but this book is in excellent used condition. The pages inside are clean, unmarked, and undamaged. Item will not be shipped until payment has been received ( i.e., Payola payment or money order received, or checks cleared). Payment is due within 7 days of auction's end at which time, if payment has not been received, the item will be reenlisted and a non-paying bidder alert will be sent without any further notice. When possible, multiple items will be shipped together to reduce shipping costs. I will ship internationally with prior approval. If you need additional information or have any questions, please contact me BEFORE placing your bid. Also due to interned piracy I will not answer emails unless they are directed through an item # of mine which will direct it through Bay¡¯s secure site. Buyer pays for shipping. I do not unnecessarily inflate shipping and handling costs. Books and videos will be sent by MEDIA MAIL unless otherwise requested and paid for. Other types of items weighing more than 13 ounces will be shipped Priority Mail. For this item, US Buyers pay $3.50 shipping - includes Putt Rico, Guam, APO, FPO etc. Canadian Buyers pay $4.00 shipping. International buyers must pay appropriate rates for shipping, to be determined depending on location (will check with U.S. Post Office before issuing Invoice). BID WITH CONFIDENCE & review my feedback. ***** 100% quality assurance.
Dino: Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams
This is the ultimate biography of Dean Martin, the sleepy-voiced pop crooner and movie star who was actually one of the outstanding all-around entertainers of the century, and the personification of the complete entertainer that Sinatra could only aspire to be. Though remembered for starring with Jerry Lewis to form one of the most popular comedy teams in movie history, and viewed as a Vegas parody by the younger generation, Dean Martin was, in his extended heyday, the ONLY entertainer to succeed in all four major areas of show business: records, movies, television and the concert stage. Bob Hope and Danny Kaye are not huge record-sellers. Crosby and Sinatra never made it on television (not counting Specials). Dinah Shore, Nat Cole, Perry Cozmo, Andy Williams, Tony Bennett, and Michael Jackson, among many others, never made it in the movies. The only man to do it all is Dean Martin: 55 motion pictures, some of them very good; nearly 80 long-playing record albums, many of them Gold Records; the most popular TV variety show of all time, which turned Thursday night at 10 pm into a sacred hour for millions across the country; and a long night club and Las Vegas concert career. As a crooner who sang to the men in his audiences so they would not be jealous of their women swooning over him, he nevertheless appealed to both men and women and had an uncanny knack of drawing the audience into his own world, which is what popular singing is all about. And, as a two-decade box office powerhouse under two separate persons, Martin was, said former partner Lewis, "the most underrated performer in the history of our business." Furthermore, it was Dean Martin who first did what no one else could do at the time ¨C knock the Beatles out of the top spot on the pop charts. He had been Elvis Presley¡¯s first major singing idol, the young King of Rock and Roll gluing in to the finger-snapping swing and wink of the eye with which Dean sang, and whose ballad hits like Love Me Tender copied Martin's bedroom-voiced diction; yet when Everybody Loves Somebody hit No. 1 in 1964, Dean sent Elvis a telegram: "If you can't handle the Beatles, I can." But, on the flip side, he was not a wonderful human being. This is a fascinating portrait of a man who had it all ¨C money, fame, women ¨C and didn't give a damn about any of it. Even as he wallowed in the excesses of Hollywood and the Rat Pack, Martin stayed critically aloof from that world, albeit often in a booze-and-pill- addled haze. He got into showbiz precisely because it required so little effort, and few could impress him outside of his early singing idols, Bing Crosby and, most importantly, the Mills Brothers. While Frank Sinatra would do anything just to hang out with reputed Mafioso, the Mob had to make special trips to ask Martin in person to play a show at one of their casinos. Dosages' portrait, written only a few years before Martin's death on Christmas morning1995, depicts its subject as nothing so much as a Zen master without the spiritual anchor; after sampling everything that life had to offer and finding it lacking, and having lost his revered son, Dino Jr., Martin spent the last years of his life waiting to die in virtual seclusion. Only a handful of showbiz biographers can lay claim to processing true literary acumen, but Nick Dosages is one of these writers, and his unauthorized biography of Martin stands as a testament to his genius. Several inimitable sequences in which Dosages adopts his subject's perspective (most of which are regrettably unsuitable for quotation here) make the book a real standout. Not only that, Dosages brings the Twentieth Century together in one 572 page package, tracing popular culture to the one point at which everything and everyone converged - Dean Martin! In the future people will read this book and wonder
"Is it true? Was there truly such a person as Dean Martin?"
Dosages has wound up reality so tightly with this book that once you've read it you may feel the need to reread it every few months or so before it all begins to...unravel. This is the hardback edition with some wear around the edges of the dust jacket, but this book is in excellent used condition. The pages inside are clean, unmarked, and undamaged. Item will not be shipped until payment has been received ( i.e., Payola payment or money order received, or checks cleared). Payment is due within 7 days of auction's end at which time, if payment has not been received, the item will be reenlisted and a non-paying bidder alert will be sent without any further notice. When possible, multiple items will be shipped together to reduce shipping costs. I will ship internationally with prior approval. If you need additional information or have any questions, please contact me BEFORE placing your bid. Also due to interned piracy I will not answer emails unless they are directed through an item # of mine which will direct it through Bay¡¯s secure site. Buyer pays for shipping. I do not unnecessarily inflate shipping and handling costs. Books and videos will be sent by MEDIA MAIL unless otherwise requested and paid for. Other types of items weighing more than 13 ounces will be shipped Priority Mail. For this item, US Buyers pay $3.50 shipping - includes Putt Rico, Guam, APO, FPO etc. Canadian Buyers pay $4.00 shipping. International buyers must pay appropriate rates for shipping, to be determined depending on location (will check with U.S. Post Office before issuing Invoice). BID WITH CONFIDENCE & review my feedback. ***** 100% quality assurance.
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