Hey pallies, likes when we first read what we have chosen as the title of today's Dino-missive, taken from a recent post tagged "Modern dating: Do ‘swiping’ rewards outweigh risks?" likes we thoughts it was yet 'nother extraordinary example of the truly transformational power of our most beloved Dino!
But, likes as we read further in this prose from the blog ""saltlakecitybestbusiness," we discovered that the ravin' ref to Charles and Shirley swayin' to the Dino-croon of "That's Amore" we came to the realization that it was frankly fictitious and we were thinkin' better of sharin' it with all youse Dino-holics.
Then we had a Dino-epiphany pallies....likes, likes, we came to the Dino-conclusion that even if the Dino-ref was only created in the mind of the swank scriber of the post....it still is an exemplary
example of the power of our Dino....cause the wise writer of this potent post on modern datin' coulda used a ton of other crooners from the '50's. But, this pallie whoever they are...make the coolest of cool choice to lift up the name of our Dino and one of his coolest croons ever! So so pallies, likes in our Dino-book it is STILL AN EXTRAORDINARY EXAMPLE of the TRANSFORMATIONAL POWER OF DINO!
Likes we thanks the unnamed wise writer of the amazin' article "Modern dating: Do ‘swiping’ rewards outweigh risks?" for liftin' up the beloved name of our most most beloved Dino in their prose. To checks this out in it's original format and sees what "swiping" is all 'bout, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
We Remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Modern dating: Do ‘swiping’ rewards outweigh risks?
Flashback: Imagine it’s 1954. Charles and Shirley meet at a church dance, introduced by friends, where they sway to Dean Martin’s “That’s Amore.” After several dates to the drive-in and school sporting events, they actually fall in “amore.”
Haha!! Lighthearted Dino-fun ALWAYS has a purpose. Actual or fabricated. Dino’s name alone brings happiness & ease.
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we deeply digs how you sez, "Dino’s name alone brings happiness & ease." May our most most beloved Dino continue to lay some happiness on all his devoted pallies always 'n ever! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
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