Hey pallies, likes as we begin today's Dino-gram to youse we simply simply must send a huge shout out to the pallies at google Dino-'lerts 'cause we're pretty sure that today's Dino-devotion woulda never seen the light of day here at ilovedinomartin without havin' received an 'lert from google that Mr. Pierre "Pete" Schumann had recently posted a musical vid over at youtube.
Likes pallies, words can't truly express our deepest of deep delight it bein' led to Mr. Schumann's lasted recorded effort, an original croon that he created in honor of his special relationship with his mother and how our most belove Dino played a potent part of that rich relationship between mother and son.
As you listen to Pete's heartful rendition of his song, "Dean Martin, Mom and Me" we learn that our Dino was one of his mom's favorite singers and how she would turn the volume up on the radio whenever she heard our Dino singin'. As we listen to the Mr. Schumann sing, we can see mother and son dancin' 'round the kitchen to the Dino-beat! As the lyric states...."Me and Mom would dance around while Dean Martin would sing."
We gotta 'fess up that we are marvelously moved in our inner bein' as we hear 'nother extraordinary example of how our Dino has touched life after life and been a fantastic force for good in bringin' family members closer together. And even when a loved one is gone, as is Mr. Schumann's beloved mother, the power of Dino is still very very much alive as Pete continues in his song, "When I hear Ol' Dino's songs it always makes me smile." Ain't it wonderful pallies how hearin' our Dino singin' can bring back such magical memories from the past as it does for Pete?!?!?!?!
Likes, 'gain we sez our thanks to the folks at google Dino-'lerts for puttin' us on to this touchin' and tender song from the life of Mr. Pierre "Pete" Schumman. And sends our thoughtful thanks to Mr. Schumman as well for sharin' this sweet sweet song with the world via youtube. Dino-delightedly, DMP
Dean Martin, Mom and Me.
Published on Nov 14, 2015
An original song by Pierre "Pete" Schumann
Hey pallies, likes we tried to add some features to the original post of this and it didn't work, so we had to create a whole new post and so we need to repost the comments.
Danny G. said: Happy for this fella. Glad Dino will ALWAYS be there to remind him of happy times with his mama. Very nice.
We replied: Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, just as our Dino reminds you of your happy time with your mom and dad as well....how wonderful that your come from a Dino-centric family and have created a Dino-centric family as well! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
Thanks so much for Sharing my song. I'm glad it spoke to your heart. :)
Mr. Schumann, THANK You so much for letting us know your approval of our postin' it!
I need to record a better quality version. It is still one of my favorite songs that I wrote. I'll let you know when that happens. Thanks again for sharing on your wonderful blog! :)
Mr. Schumann, thanks once 'gain for your most kind words. Indeed, when you do 'nother recordin' of this swank song, please do let us know so that we can once 'gain post it here at ilovedinomartin. Best Dino-wintery wishes to you and yours!
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