Hey pallies, likes Dino-devotees are some of the most generous folks in the entire universe. So likes how do we know that dudes? Well, every so often a faithful reader of the ol' ilovedinomartin blog will sends our way some delightful Dino-treasure that they have uncovered in their personal quest for all thin's Dino! Just a few 'go our deeply devoted to Dino pallie, DeansPalley, put us on to that huge homage of our Dino from the folks at The Desert Sun that you will find HERE. Truth is dudes that if our pallie DeansPalley hadn't sent it our way, we may very well have never ever uncovered it ourselves.
Same thin' just happened yesterday, when 'nother of our faithful Dino-blog readers, LovesOldStuff,
sent us come patter to goes to the blog "Pen Name: Buddy Rogers" where someone who uses the pseudonym "Buddy Rogers" has superbly scribed a poignant poem, "The Crooner's Song" that absolutely awesomely accents our most most beloved Dino.
As with all great poetry, it's hard to capture the beauty of our Dino with mere mortal's words, 'though it obviously a mortal who put pen to paper to create it. So, we dare not try and say anymore, then to urge each and every Dino-phile that reads this post to goes straight down and read "Buddy's" touchin' tender thoughts that evoke such stirrin's of poetic passion for our one and only Dino that such gloriously great poetry will do. "Buddy" offers incredible images of what hearin' our Dino croon can mean to mere mortals likes us.
The poem's last line that we have used for the tag of this post stirs the deepest of deepest devotion within our beings as we read it...."As Dean Martin fills my being." What coulda more marvelously movin' then to have our Dino fill each of our bein's to the fill?!?!?!?!?
We solemnly salutes "Buddy Rogers" for sharin' his intimate Dino-feelin's with his readership, with tremendous thanks to "LovesOldStuff" for sendin' us the link to this deeply deep devotion to our Dino. And, not only did LovesOldStuff" send us to "The Crooner's Song," but to 'nother poetic Dino-treasure by "Buddy Rogers" that we plans to share tomorrow. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Deeply Deeply in Dino, DMP
Wow! Very cool indeed! Poetic justice done Dino-style!
Hey pallies, likes Danny-o..."Poetic justice done Dino-style!" Likes what absolutely awesome Dino-phrasology! Likes we digs it to the Dino-max! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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