It is this same Italiano city ilovedinomartin reported last month, on the anniversary of our Dino's entrance onto the planet, that dedicated a local park in deep deep devotion to our most beloved Dino. How wonderful to know that the city of our Dino's biological roots is so so passionate 'bout celebratin' their "son's" life and times. After all dudes, likes what a stunnin'ly stellar honor Montesilvano has in boastin' of their Dino-heritage!
ilovedinomartin salutes the town of Montesilvano for hostin' a great great yearly celebration of our great great man. And, likes we thanks "" for puttin' us on to this Dino-informatio. To checks this out in it's original postin', clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-homagin', DMP
A Montesilvano, Sixth Edition "Award Dean Martin"
Thursday, July 11, 2013, 15:31
Foundation Dean Martin
The festival, now in its sixth edition, and 'organized by the Foundation Dean Martin and the City of Montesilvano and retraces the journey with his guests Emigrant, the same as Gaetano Crocetti (father of Dean Martin), which I leave August 29, 1913 'the Adriatic town to arrive on 11 September of the same year (this year marks the centenary) in America in search of fortune.
arrival Luck 'with his son, actor and singer of international fame, which counts among its successes songs as "That's Amore" and "Everybody loves somebody sometime." Dino Paul Crocetti, this is his real name, will be 'the star of the evening to be held' Saturday, July 13 from 21, in the square opposite Porto Allegro, area Grand Hotels. Just at this location ', which was once called by the Dead River , Gaetano lived, the more 'slender and more' youngest of five brothers, he worked "in days" as a farmhand. knew barely read and write and when received by the brother Joseph and a $ 25 ticket, the dream became reality in the Americas'. Little use of the weeping mother and father's disagreement. It was the last child and still as custom, was deputy to be stick for old age for John and Mary.Gaetano took the train from Pescara to Naples. - Through 'as he later told her children, countryside and city' that he had never seen and that he would never more '. On board the "Hamburg" parties 'Naples from 30 August 1913 to arrive at Ellis Island on Tuesday' always on September 11, 1913. The figure of the famous showman of origin montesilvanese 'was always of attraction for tourists, who have participated every year numerous event.
arrival Luck 'with his son, actor and singer of international fame, which counts among its successes songs as "That's Amore" and "Everybody loves somebody sometime." Dino Paul Crocetti, this is his real name, will be 'the star of the evening to be held' Saturday, July 13 from 21, in the square opposite Porto Allegro, area Grand Hotels. Just at this location ', which was once called by the Dead River , Gaetano lived, the more 'slender and more' youngest of five brothers, he worked "in days" as a farmhand. knew barely read and write and when received by the brother Joseph and a $ 25 ticket, the dream became reality in the Americas'. Little use of the weeping mother and father's disagreement. It was the last child and still as custom, was deputy to be stick for old age for John and Mary.Gaetano took the train from Pescara to Naples. - Through 'as he later told her children, countryside and city' that he had never seen and that he would never more '. On board the "Hamburg" parties 'Naples from 30 August 1913 to arrive at Ellis Island on Tuesday' always on September 11, 1913. The figure of the famous showman of origin montesilvanese 'was always of attraction for tourists, who have participated every year numerous event.
Thanks to the Foundation of the same name the city 'of Montesilvano is trying to give a cultural, recreational and social through Dean Martin and his father Gaetano.
latter reminds us of the difficulties' of immigrants in the area. Montesilvano has primacy in fact encompasses the largest number of immigrants in Abruzzo.
fact, there are community 'of Senegalese, with which the City has also organized events in the past years for intercultural exchanges and to create dialogue between different customs and traditions.
Same situation for other communities' existing, from the Romanian Albanian-Russian up to the Venezuelan, everyone will be invited to the Prize Dean Martin.
latter reminds us of the difficulties' of immigrants in the area. Montesilvano has primacy in fact encompasses the largest number of immigrants in Abruzzo.
fact, there are community 'of Senegalese, with which the City has also organized events in the past years for intercultural exchanges and to create dialogue between different customs and traditions.
Same situation for other communities' existing, from the Romanian Albanian-Russian up to the Venezuelan, everyone will be invited to the Prize Dean Martin.
Dean Martin would have turned 7 June, 96 years, 'died in 1995, on Christmas Day. The City on the anniversary of his birth had dedicated a park a few weeks ago, the same morning, and 'was also presented the Foundation Dean Martin, chaired by journalist Alessandra Portinari. Inauguration of which took part in different realities' cultural towns and not only that it 'was a moment of celebration to mark one of the older' famous Montesilvano.
To remember it even better Saturday, July 13 will be: the music critic Dario Salvatori, the comedian 'nduccio, Antonello Angiolillo (actor, singer and dancer), actress and showgirl Nathalie Caldonazzo, the lead singer of Montesilvano Valerio Di Rocco and many people who have crowned the American dream through their work, bringing their montesilvanesita abroad '. To accompany the artists and musicians a band of the School of Music Hall. The evening will be 'presented by Mila Cantagallo journalist. In addition to the screening of video along with the extraordinary actor Jerry Lewis guests will perform between gags and music from the twenties to the sixties, in a repertoire that was also Dean Martin.
A Montesilvano, sesta edizione " Premio Dean Martin"
giovedì 11 luglio 2013, 15:31
Fondazione Dean Martin
Fondazione Dean Martin
La kermesse, giunta alla sesta edizione, e' organizzata dalla Fondazione Dean Martin e dal Comune di Montesilvano e ripercorre con i suoi ospiti il viaggio dell'Emigrante, lo stesso di Gaetano Crocetti (padre di Dean Martin), che il 29 agosto 1913 lascio' la cittadina adriatica per approdare l'11 settembre dello stesso anno (quest'anno ricorre il centenario) in America in cerca di fortuna.
La fortuna arrivo' con suo figlio, attore e cantante di fama internazionale, che vanta tra i suoi successi canzoni come "That's amore" ed "Everybody loves somebody sometime".
Dino Paul Crocetti, questo il suo vero nome, sara' il grande protagonista della serata che si svolgera' sabato 13 luglio dalle 21, nel piazzale antistante Porto Allegro, zona Grandi Alberghi.
Proprio in questa localita', che un tempo veniva denominata via Fiume Morto, abitava Gaetano, il piu' esile ed il piu' piccolo di cinque fratelli, lavorava "a giornate" come bracciante agricolo.
Sapeva a malapena leggere e scrivere e quando ricevette dal fratello Giuseppe 25 dollari ed un biglietto, il sogno delle Americhe divenne realta'. A nulla servirono i pianti della madre ed il disaccordo del padre. Era l'ultimo figlio e come tuttora usanza, era deputato ad essere bastone per la vecchiaia per Giovanni e Maria.
Gaetano prese il treno da Pescara per Napoli.- Attraverso' come avrebbe poi raccontato ai figli, campagne e citta' che non aveva mai visto e che non avrebbe rivisto mai piu'. A bordo della "Hamburg" parti' da Napoli il 30 agosto 1913 per approdare ad Ellis Island martedi' 11 settembre sempre del 1913.
La figura del famoso showman di origine montesilvanese e' stata sempre di richiamo per i turisti, che hanno partecipato ogni anno numerosi all'evento.
Grazie alla Fondazione omonima la citta' di Montesilvano sta cercando di dare un'impronta culturale, ricreativa e sociale attraverso Dean Martin e suo padre Gaetano.
Quest'ultimo ci richiama alle difficolta' degli immigrati presenti sul territorio. Montesilvano ha il primato infatti di accogliere il maggior numero di immigrati provenienti in Abruzzo.
Esistono infatti comunita' di senegalesi, con i quali il Comune ha organizzato anche negli anni passati eventi per scambi interculturali e per creare dialogo tra costumi e usanze differenti.
Stessa situazione per le altre comunita' esistenti, da quella rumena all'albanese da quella russa fino a quella venezuelana, tutti verranno invitate al Premio Dean Martin.
Dean Martin avrebbe compiuto il 7 giugno 96 anni e' scomparso nel 1995, il giorno di Natale. Il Comune nella ricorrenza della sua nascita gli ha intitolato qualche settimana fa un parco, nella stessa mattinata e' stata presentata anche la Fondazione Dean Martin, presieduta dalla giornalista Alessandra Portinari. Inaugurazione alla quale hanno preso parte diverse realta' culturali cittadine non solo e che e' stato un momento di festa per celebrare uno dei figli piu' celebri di Montesilvano.
A ricordarlo ancora meglio sabato 13 luglio interverranno: il critico musicale Dario Salvatori, il cabarettista 'Nduccio, Antonello Angiolillo (attore, cantante e ballerino), l'attrice e showgirl Nathalie Caldonazzo, il cantante di Montesilvano Valerio Di Rocco e tanti personaggi che hanno coronato il sogno americano attraverso il loro lavoro, portando all'estero la loro montesilvanesita'. Ad accompagnare gli artisti una band musicale e musicisti della Scuola di Musica Comunale. La serata verra' presentata dalla giornalista Mila Cantagallo. Oltre alla proiezione di video dell'attore insieme allo straordinario Jerry Lewis gli ospiti si esibiranno tra gag e musiche dagli anni Venti agli anni Sessanta, in un repertorio che fu anche di Dean Martin.
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