Romano has assembled a fine selection of pixs and vid clips of our Dino that nicely matches the expressed theme of his blog...."legendary bikes and lifestyle"...wells likes not sure that the cycles that our Dino used at Matt Helm are "legendary," but likes indeed our Dino has a "lengendary lifestyle!"
Very very cool to find a blog in Italiano that has picked up on one of biker theme in "The Ambushers." ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Mr. Romano for puttin' his biker pallies on to our Dino...sure to bring others to knowin', lovin' and honorin' our King of Cool. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. And, likes pallies you will note that we have included the English translation of this post at the end. Dino-awed, DMP
martedì 24 aprile 2012
Il grande Dean Martin, all’anagrafe Dino Crocetti, un’altra icona degli anni ’60. Una vita di successi, donne, gioco ed alcol…tanto alcol che probabilmente ha contribuito a “levigare” e rendere di velluto quella sua già fantastica voce…

Per il grande schermo ha impersonato la brillante risposta americana al britannico e “sciccoso” James Bond , calandosi nei panni di Matt Helm, un agente segreto che di Dean Martin aveva tutti tutti i vizi e tutti i difetti ma anche tutta la giocosa allegria e spensieratezza ed in quel ruolo non ha potuto sottrarsi al fascino di una Bonneville.
Dean Martin & Stella Stevens

Nel secondo film della serie “ The Ambushers” diretto nel 1967 da Henry Levin ne cavalca una

La saga di Matt Helm comprensiva di tutti e 4 i films (The Silencers, 1966, Murderers' Row 1966, The Ambushers, 1967 e The Wrecking Crew del 1969) e la successiva serie televisiva della metà degli anni ’70 in cui recitava Tony Franciosa , malgrado i temi caratteristici dell' " Hard boiled”, ci restituisce ancora l’immagine di un’America spensierata e giocosa, malgrado tutto ( erano gli anni del Viet Nam e della Guerra Fredda) in cui una tecnologia un po’ futuristica e bizzarra faceva da cornice ai ritmi e ai dialoghi tipici della commedia brillante americana .
L’11 settembre era solo un incubo lontano!

Dean Martin condivideva con Pablo Picasso, Ava Gardner, Ringo Starr, Joan Fontaine, Stirling Moss, Tony Curtis, e molti Principi Sauditi, l’amore per l’esclusivissima FACE VEGA HK500

The Ambushers
The Silencers
Pubblicato da Romano a 20:21
Tuesday, April 24 2012
The great Dean Martin, Dino Crocetti anagrafe, another icon of the '60s. A life of success, women, gambling and drinking alcohol ... so that probably contributed to "smooth" and make his already amazing that velvet voice ...
On the big screen he played the brilliant British and American response to the "swanky" James Bond, lowering himself into the shoes of Matt Helm, a secret agent that Dean Martin had all the vices and all the defects but also all the playful fun and carefree and in that role could not resist the fascination of a Bonneville.
Dean Martin and Stella Stevens
In the second film in the series "The ambushers" directed by Henry Levin in 1967, he rides a
The saga of Matt Helm including all 4 movies (The Silencers, 1966, Murderers' Row 1966, The ambushers, 1967 and The Wrecking Crew of 1969) and the subsequent television series of the mid-70s which starred Tony Franciosa despite the significant themes of '"Hard boiled", gives us the image of an America still carefree and playful, despite everything (they were the years of Viet Nam and the Cold War) in which a technology a bit' futuristic and bizarre was framed by the rhythms and dialogues typical of American comedy.
September 11 was just a distant nightmare!
Dean Martin shared with Pablo Picasso, Ava Gardner, Ringo Starr, Joan Fontaine, Stirling Moss, Tony Curtis, and many princes of Saudi, the love for the very exclusive FACE Vega HK500
The ambushers
The Silencers
Posted by Roman at 20:21
Love these pics! So so cool to hear the Dino-appreciato from the "old country"!
Danny G.
Hi Dino Dude
Dig the cool pics, got a question tho
That article says the ambushers was the second Matt Helm film, i thought the second one was muderers row.
I would ask Ky but she is talking boring girl talk with her friends lisa and paige
Bye Dude
Wasn't THE AMBUSHERS the third movie in the Matt Helm series, not the second?
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, I was thinkin' the same Dino-thin'..."So so cool to hear the Dino-appreciato from the "old country"!"
Keeps lovin' our Dino!
Hey pallies, likes Miss Carol and Deanager Levi, you are both on the Dino-money with this...I did notice it as well...but later in the prose he listed the quartet correctly in order of filmin' Nice to know that pallies like you are takin' these here Dino-details seriously likes a true Dino-holic does. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
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