Strange place you sez to find some Dino-devotion...truly, but the Dino-focus found here is as unusual as the site it is found at! It's in the form of a poem written by a Mr. Louis Phillips 'bout watchin' our beloved Dino and the kid with his wife and four-year-old twin sons all snuggled in one bed at 8 a.m. on a Sunday morning.
And makin' this even more intriguin' is that fact that the poem was read by Mr. Phillips at the memorial service for his 26 year old son Matthew.
ilovedinomartin offers our deepest condolences to the Phillips family on the loss of their beloved son Matthew, and offers thanks to the folks at Mondoweiss for lettin' others read this. As usual, to view this in it's original format, just clicks on the title of this Dino-message. Dino-amazed, DMP

On watching a Dean Martin/Jerry Lewis movie at 8 a.m. on a Sunday morning with my wife and our four-year-old twin sons all snuggled in one bed
by Louis Phillips on April 11, 2011
This poem by Louis Phillips was read at his son Matthew Phillips's memorial service yesterday at Riverside Chapel in New York. Matthew Phillips, 26, who died on April 4, was a frequent contributor to this site.
In Puritan Massachusetts,
We wd all be out to death for such blasphemy,
This squandering of human resource.
A day of worship, as all days,
Tho no complancencies of the peignor here,
Merely electron resurrection of days gone by,
Infantile slapstick one cannot quite forget.
I am the old man worrying about time,
Explaining to my sons
Why the skinny man with the high voice
Is acting like an idiot, tho of course,
Not more idiotic than us, More hours
Lost to "the holy hush of ancient sacrifice."
God, forgive us for our sins!
It is mid-July. I can't even use
Bad weather for an excuse.
We are just being stubborn.
Think of it as an intellectual exercise:
My sons are learning what to do
When caught on a deck of a submarine
Making a dive. One must rise
To the occasion, climb to the top
Of the periscope, then pray for help.
It's the same lesson, I think,
We wd have learned in church.
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