Anywho, today's Dino-entry is a series of quotes gathered from the wit and wisdom of our all knowin' Dino! Sure that for lots of you Dino-holics these nuggets of Dino-insights are way way familiar...but I found at least one or two that I hadn't remembered hearin' before.
As I reflect on these Dino-sayin's I likes know that most of 'em were meant to likes makes us laugh...but there is simply so so much truth even in the funniest of our Dino's ponderin's. Truly our Dino is the wisest knower of the world, and his quotations leave all us Dino-devottes much to ponder as we try more and more to emulate our Dino...walkin' the Dino-way....livin' the Dino-life.
Thanks to the pallies at "" for compilin' and sharin' these ever wise words from our master teacher, our most beloved Dino! To view this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post.
Likes woulda loves to hear from faithful readers of ilovedinomartin, 'bout your fav bit of Dino-wisdom and how it has lead you to deeper, truer, and purer Dino-devotion!
Dino-studyin', DMP
Dean Martin Quotes

"I`ve got seven kids. The three words you hear most around my house are `hello,` `goodbye,` and `I`m pregnant."
To those who felt he joked his way through songs during concert and nightclub appearences: "You wanna hear it straight, buy the album."
Upon filing for divorce from his second wife: "I know it`s the gentlemanly thing to let the wife file. But, then, everybody knows I`m no gentleman."
On Joey Bishop: Most people think of Joey Bishop as just a replacement for Johnny Carson. That`s NOT true. We in show business know better: we don`t think of him at ALL.
On Phyllis Diller: Phyllis is the women of about whom Picasso once said, "Somebody throw a drop cloth over that."
On Frank Sinatra: In high school, Frank never participated in extra-curricular activities, like nature study, paintings or ceramics. Frank`s hobby was a most interesting one: he was an amateur gynecologist.
On James Stewart: There`s a statue of Jimmy Stewart in the Hollywood Wax Museum, and the statue talks better than he does.
On his tee-total friend Pat Boone: "I once shook hands with Pat Boone, and my whole right side sobered up!"
"I`d hate to be a teetotaler. Imagine getting up in the morning and knowing that`s as good as you`re going to feel all day."
"I can`t stand an actor or actress who tells me acting is hard work. It`s easy work. Anyone who says it isn`t never had to stand on his feet all day dealing blackjack."
"Motivation is a lotta crap."
"Someone else, would have laid around, feeling sorry for himself, for a year. But Duke, he just doesn`t know, how to be sick ... he`s recuperating the hard way. He`s two loud speaking guys in one. Me, when people see me, they sometimes say, `Oh, there goes Perry Como.` But there`s only one `John Wayne`, and nobody makes any mistakes about that." - On The Sons of Katie Elder (1965)
(on singer Eddie Fisher) The reason I drink is because when I`m sober I think I`m Eddie Fisher.
(on Frank Sinatra) When he dies, they`re giving his zipper to the Smithsonian.
(on Jerry Lewis) At some point he said to himself, "I`m extraordinary, like Charles Chaplin." From then on nobody could tell him anything. He knew it all.
If you drink, don`t drive. Don`t even putt.
On Johnny Carson: Johnny Carson is a comedian who is seen every night in millions of bedrooms all over America...and that`s why his last wife left him.
On Orson Welles: What can you say about Orson Welles that Don Rickles hasn`t already said about him?!
(on Shirley MacLaine) Shirley, I love her, but her oars aren`t touching the water these days.
I drink because my body craves, needs alcohol. I don`t drink, my body`s a drunk.
On Milton Berle: Milton Berle is an inspiration to every young person that wants to get into show business. Hard work, perseverance, and discipline: all the things you need...when you have no talent.
On Don Rickles: Don`s idea of a fun evening is to show home movies of the attack on Pearl Harbor...with a laugh track.
On Bob Hope: As a young boy, Bob didn`t have much to say. He couldn`t afford writers then.
A great collection of Dino's quotes!
I had heard most of them but not all of them.
Hey pallie, same here Miss AOW, so likes woulda loves to hear which one or ones are your Dino-favs...keeps lovin' our Dino!
My 2 faves:
On Frank Sinatra: In high school, Frank never participated in extra-curricular activities, like nature study, paintings or ceramics. Frank`s hobby was a most interesting one: he was an amateur gynecologist.
On Phyllis Diller: Phyllis is the women of about whom Picasso once said, "Somebody throw a drop cloth over that."
Hey pallie, gotta agree with you that those are just one knows how to speak such truth while bein' so so funny at the same time...thanks for sharin', and by all means, keeps lovin' our Dino!
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