So let me say "Grazi" to him and get right to today's tune. I picked "In a Little Spanish Town" from the "Dino Latino" alyum, I mean ALBUM, ALBUM, I just had my nose fixed and now my typin' fingers don't work! Ha ha! Anyway, I picked this upbeat little number for two reasons. 1) Great song. and 2) Great Youtube vid.
Some cool cool Dino-holic has taken the time to put some B-U-Tiful art workins' to this fun, saucy little Dino-ditty! They fit the song perfectly and actually seem to follow the flirtatious natures of the lyrics..."I whispered, Be true to me... and she sighed...SI Si Si!" "Man the skies have turned to gray, because we're far apart, Many moons have passed away but still she's in my heart."
Pure Dino-poetry pallies! No one puts that Dino-accent on a lyric like Dean! Between the music and the vid, one could think they were actually in a little Spanish town! BTW, is it just me, or are the male paintins' supposed to be our great man??!!! Perhaps the artist based his work around Dino singin' this paticular tune...maybe pals. Enjoy the Serenade! And remember...keep the vino and the Dino flowin'!
Danny G.
In a little Spanish town it was on a night like this
Stars were peek-a-booing down
It was on a night like this
I whispered be true to me and she sighed si si si
Man the skies have turned to gray because we're far apart
Many moons have passed away and still she's in my heart
We made a promise and sealed it with a kiss
Ah, in a little Spanish town it was on a night like this
I whispered be true to me and she sighed oh si si
Man the skies have turned to gray because we're far apart
Many moons have passed away and still she's in my heart
We made a promise and sealed it with a kiss
In a little Spanish town it was on a night like this
In a little Spanish town it was on a night like this
In a little Spanish town it was on a night like this
Hey pallie, likes Danny G. wanna officially welcome you to your Dino-post with team ilovedinomartin.
Might I say what a total total pleasure it is to have someone with the depth of your Dino-devotion sharin' regular
Dino-reflections with the Dino-faithful here at our humble Dino-home!
Loves today's serenade with our Dino....full of deep, pure, and true Dino-passion....and as always, keeps lovin' our beloved Dino!
Oh, wow.
I bought the album "Dino Latino" back when I was in high school. "In a Little Spanish Town" was my favorite song on that album and might have, years later, influenced me to major in Spanish in college.
I remember dancing all around the room as I played this tune over and over during my high school years. While my peers were into rock, I was into Dino's sounds.
Thanks, Danny G., for reminding me again of how much I love this song.
Oh, and that's definitely our Dino in the artist's work on the video. No doubt in my mind about that.
Glad you enjoyed this weeks Serenade Miss AOW! Always happy to bring a great Dino memory to one's mind!
Danny G.
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