Sunday, June 23, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL "Month Coolness Came to Earth" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Somebody Loves You"

 Welcome back, ol' pals o' mine! 

Happy Summer 2024! 

Hot, sunny days are here! Yay!!! 

Hope everyone made it through our first heatwave! Man! Hot stuff, pallies...literally! Haha!! 

Now, mi it just me...or do youse worry 'bout Summer flyin' by? I know...I know...I get like this every year...'bout every season! I must be crazy! Haha!! Summer just started 2 days ago... & I'm already 'fraid of it slippin' through my Dino-diggin' fingers! Haha!! Maybe 'cause Spring seemed to sail by this year...SO SO quickly! Oh well, pals...we'll hold onto these long, muggy days...extra tight! 

OK, pallies...let's gets to some tunes! I'm thinkin' this is the PER FEC TO time to kick off the season with one of Dean's FUN FUN "Latin type" tunes, mi amici. Just the way we likes it...REAL bouncy!  

GREAT way to keep our "Month Coolness Came To Earth" vibe flowin' too! 

Now who says "Summer fun" better than Dino? No one! He's the party-master! Ha! 

Well...I guess the best place to start is ALWAYS one my FAVE summery Dino-al b ums..."Cha Cha De Amor". Yes, pals...this little vinyl Frisbee is JAM-PACKED with HOT HOT & yet VERY VERY COOL Dino-tunes. Let's grab a little "Somebody Loves You", for today's Serenade. 

This one will REALLY set the mood. 

Picture this, my friends...It's a hot...sweaty...Summer night. A little breeze keeps it tolerable, though. Youse grabs some yummy...icy...beverage of choice. Put the needle on the vinyl...& melt away with Dean. Ahhhhhh. That's good stuff, mi amici. 

Cheers to 'nother Summer with Dino, pals! 


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