O, Hey there, pals!
Didn't see youse there.
I was just SO SO caught up in this week's jam...I almost FORGOT that I is 'sposed to be writin' 'bout it! Ha!
Well, anyways, pallies...Welcome back to nother' Sunday Serenade with our one & only, Dino!
What an AB SO LUTE LY BEA U TI FUL day this is...& man o man...has I gots us an AB SO LUTE LY BEA U TI FUL tune to go with it!
Yea, I was just kinda daydreamin' 'bout how CRAZY this world of ours is, right now, pals.
Between pandemics, protests & unemployment...I sometimes get the feelin'...that we is all on a sinkin' ship!
But then, mi amici...I take a deep breath...take a little sip o' vino...& chill out to some Serenadin' from my faithful pallie, Dino.
He get's me right back on track!
Reminds me that, with time & some effort...all thins' shall pass.
We ALL just need to work together, pals o' mine.
Which leads me to this week's Serenade!
"What A Difference A Day Made".
O, & talk bout' bein' molto romantico!
Our pal, Dean, could pour it out & REALLY ooze it on!
That velvety smooth stuff that warms the hearts of the lonely & completely MELTS "young" lovers of ALL ages!
I'm POS O TIVE the ladies will be swoonin' to this endearin' croonin'!
But mainly, pals...it promises us that EACH day is INDEED a NEW day & GOOD things will eventually come!
Dean is teachin' us 'bout love & the power of faith on this one, my friends.
It's sung to PURE PURE Dino-perfection & has just the right amount of a Latin/Italian flair sprinkled on top for a little added HEAT!!!
Dean has never let us down & I am SO SO sure that he dosen't plan on startin' now!
So as we say, "Farewell", to May...& gets prepared to jump into "The Day that Coolness Came to Earth" month...let's ALL just sit back & relax.
And 'member... the two things that youse can ALWAYS count on...Every day is a NEW day... & most definately...we will ALWAYS have Dino!
If there is ever a more appropriate song than this I don't know what it is. What an insane week this has been to say the least. It seems every single moment of the day and night more bad news come crashing down on us all. As you said so well Danny G., it seems we are on a sinking ship. The best way to try and forget things for a bit is to unplug everything and just try and relax. And what better way than to do that than with Dean Martin and this great song. The perfect choice my friend. Let us hope things calm down a bit this week.
Glad youse dug the jam, Scotty my friend! We definitely ALL could use some cool cool relaxin' with a little, Dino...right 'bout now! Have a great week, pallie!
I just love this easy listening version of a classic!
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