O, Hey there, pals!
Didn't see youse there.
I was just SO SO caught up in this week's jam...I almost FORGOT that I is 'sposed to be writin' 'bout it! Ha!
Well, anyways, pallies...Welcome back to nother' Sunday Serenade with our one & only, Dino!
What an AB SO LUTE LY BEA U TI FUL day this is...& man o man...has I gots us an AB SO LUTE LY BEA U TI FUL tune to go with it!
Yea, I was just kinda daydreamin' 'bout how CRAZY this world of ours is, right now, pals.
Between pandemics, protests & unemployment...I sometimes get the feelin'...that we is all on a sinkin' ship!
But then, mi amici...I take a deep breath...take a little sip o' vino...& chill out to some Serenadin' from my faithful pallie, Dino.
He get's me right back on track!
Reminds me that, with time & some effort...all thins' shall pass.
We ALL just need to work together, pals o' mine.
Which leads me to this week's Serenade!
"What A Difference A Day Made".
O, & talk bout' bein' molto romantico!
Our pal, Dean, could pour it out & REALLY ooze it on!
That velvety smooth stuff that warms the hearts of the lonely & completely MELTS "young" lovers of ALL ages!
I'm POS O TIVE the ladies will be swoonin' to this endearin' croonin'!
But mainly, pals...it promises us that EACH day is INDEED a NEW day & GOOD things will eventually come!
Dean is teachin' us 'bout love & the power of faith on this one, my friends.
It's sung to PURE PURE Dino-perfection & has just the right amount of a Latin/Italian flair sprinkled on top for a little added HEAT!!!
Dean has never let us down & I am SO SO sure that he dosen't plan on startin' now!
So as we say, "Farewell", to May...& gets prepared to jump into "The Day that Coolness Came to Earth" month...let's ALL just sit back & relax.
And 'member... the two things that youse can ALWAYS count on...Every day is a NEW day... & most definately...we will ALWAYS have Dino!