Hey pallies, likes the more we're learnin' through researchin' 'bout the greatest comedic team of all time...our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis, likes the more we completely craves to dive deeper and deeper into their decade long relationship as pallies and partners. So, likes we continue to use the remarkable resources available on the world wide web to grow ever deeper and deeper in keen knowledge and awesome affection for our Dino and Jerry.
Today we share yet 'nother fantastic fruit of our Dino-efforts, a hugely historic vid of a 1954 television interview that our Dino and Mr. Lewis did with noteworthy newsman Mr. Edward R. Murrow on his famous show "Person To Person With Edward R. Murrow. It's an incredibly intriquin' interview that's fun to watch and the Q 'n A 'tween Mr. Murrow and our Dino and Jerry provides many insights into these legends of stage, screen, and television.
Jerry speaks candidly 'bout the "feud" they had earlier, but says 'bout his relationship with Dino, "We like each other pretty much!" This amazin' affection between our Dino and Jerry is also noted by Murrow and gladdens our Dino-hearts to view for ourselves. We coulda goes on and on 'bout this wonderful Dino-find, but we would simply encourage all youse Dino-holics to immerse yourselves in these almost 9 minutes of remarkable revelations 'bout our Dino and Jerry.
We sez our thanks to "soapbxprod" for puttin' up this vital vid on youtube for Dino-philes everywhere to grow deeper and deeper in the powerfully potent partnership that was known as Martin & Lewis.
We Remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis on Person to Person with Edward R. Murrow 1954
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis on Person to Person with Edward R. Murrow 1954.
Hey pallies, likes reverently rememberin' the beginnin's & endin's of the decade long powerful partnership between our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis, and then sharin' a trio of Dino & Jerry vid tribs, we gotta 'fess up that we couldn't help ourselves but to reach back in the virtual vaults of the ol' world wide web to share with all youse Dino-holics an awesome article scribed by Miss Beth Berlo for BU Today (Boston University) tagged "Jerry Lewis talks about his career and friendship with Dean Martin."
Likes this potent prose was shared on November 1, 2005 followin' Mr. Lewis' appearance at Boston University's School of Management auditorium who was at the time promotin' his new Dino-tome, "DEAN & ME (A Love Story). Miss Berlo shares with us the coolest of cool comments that Mr. Lewis shared with the audience that evening when he was interviewed by Miss Robin Young, host of WBUR's Here and Now.
Of course, we are most deeply drawn to the primo portion of the incredible interview that focuses on Mr. Lewis' remarkable relationship with our Dino. We gotta 'fess up that we are most majestically moved with Lewis speakin' of on meetin' our Dino for the first time sayin'....“I just remember thinking, God, I wish he was my friend.” Likes what dino-phile 'mong us wouldn't desperately desire the same thin'?!?!?!?! We ubber understand why and awesomely appreciate Lewis bein' so completely candid when he spoke of his deepest of deep devotion to our Dino speakin of havin' "a man-crush" on our Dino and then "referring to Martin as the most handsome man he ever knew."
Likes how remarkably refreshin' to had been lovin'ly led to this intriguin' interview after all these years and hear Mr. Jerry Lewis' perfect passion for his beloved Dino. The Martin & Lewis partnership ended after the decade of superior success, but it is clear that Mr. Lewis' lastin' love for our Dino never ever ended. We thanks the folks at BU Today and in particular Miss Beth Berlo for originally scribin' these wonderful words...and that they still remain up at the site after all these years.
To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
We Remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
BU Today
Jerry Lewis talks about his career and friendship with Dean Martin
Interview at BU promotes his newly-released memoir
By Beth Berlo
Fans ranging in age from 15 to 85 filled the School of Management auditorium Friday night for a rare opportunity to see and hear legendary comedian Jerry Lewis, who was in town promoting his newly-released memoir, Dean and Me: A Love Story.
Lewis appeared for an on-stage interview with Robin Young, host of WBUR’s Here and Now. At 77 pounds lighter, the man who has brought laughter to audiences for decades said he feels terrific.
Lewis has battled a host of health problems over the years and had gained considerable weight as a result of a drug he took for a lung ailment. The slapstick comic of “Hey Laaa-dy” fame will turn 80 in March. He took questions from the audience seriously, but kept them laughing as he playfully bantered with Young between answers. He even appeared sentimental at times, speaking openly about the importance of love and about his “inner nine-year-old.”
Lewis called Boston “a special place,” because it is where he first saw his name lit up on a marquee. The sign at Steuben’s Vienna Room read Jerry Lewis — Good Steaks, he said, laughing. What was supposed to be a 2-week stay stretched to 47. “I practically lived on Boylston Street,” he said.
Lewis talked candidly about his relationship with pal and longtime sidekick Dean Martin — a man-crush, he called it, referring to Martin as the most handsome man he ever knew. He recalled the first time they met, on the corner of Broadway and 54th Street in New York City, in 1946: Martin, hair slicked and wearing a camel-hair coat, appeared tan, and, Lewis said, “I just remember thinking, God, I wish he was my friend.”
Dean, the Italian crooner, and Lewis, often referred to as “the monkey,” began their smash partnership at Atlantic City’s 500 Club. Young recalled the reaction to the show: “They didn’t get laughs. It was pandemonium. They were knocking over tables.”
The two went on to collaborate on what many say was the best vaudeville act of all time and to make 16 films. But on July 25, 1956, 10 years to the day after they met, their professional relationship and their friendship ended, after a final gig at Manhattan’s famed Copacabana. Martin increasingly was being pushed into the background, while Lewis stole the spotlight. Tired of playing second fiddle, Martin went his own way, and the two did not speak for 20 years.
When they were reunited onstage by their friend Frank Sinatra during Lewis’ annual Labor Day muscular dystrophy telethon, Lewis remembered panicking, pleading to God for something clever to say. “So, you working?” Lewis asked. The audience loved it, but even after that, Lewis said, the two did not talk. It was the death of Martin’s son, Dino, that connected them again. Lewis said that Dean phoned to tell him that in his life there had been two men he had loved, one his son and the other Lewis.
Despite Martin’s reputation throughout his career for drinking heavily, Lewis insisted that it was always apple juice in the glass at the piano. It wasn’t until Dino died that “Dean let himself go,” he said, and became reclusive and alcoholic.
Martin died on Christmas Day 1995. Lewis said he “took on the press” for often slighting Martin while lauding Lewis throughout their partnership. “I told them who he was,” he said. “I told them if he wasn’t there, I would have been a record act and nothing else.”
Asked what Martin would have thought of the book, Lewis said, “He would have loved it. I gave him every bit of credit he deserved.”
Welcome to 'nother STEAMY Sunday Serenade with our one & only Dino!
How's Summer treatin' youse so far?
Too hot?
Too muggy?
Well...I've heard...some like it HOT!
I, for one, will take the sticky heat...over the frigid cold...ANYTIME & EVERYTIME!
But, mi amici...I knows it can be hard to find some much needed shade...some days.
Hard to keep our brains on ice.
With these hot hot sticky days hangin' 'round...I figured I pick 'nother really cool & easy...SULTRY...dare I say SEXY hahaha... type tune...to help chill thins' out.
A smooth smooth tempo to get us swoonin' & ignorin' the sweatin'.
This week's Dino-jam, "I'll Buy That Dream", off his 1964 al b um, "Dream with Dean", is the PERFECTO kinda song for a late night float in the pool...drink in hand...of course!
Maybe even a relaxin' ride in the moonlight, on a hot & muggy July evenin'!
What a cool cool image!
Now, pallies...pool or no pool...I thinks we ALL can grab that drink... turn this Dino-ditty WAY up...and let Dean take us away.
Hey pallies, likes as we round out this momentous week in Dino-history when we reverently remember both the begginn's and the endin's of Martin and Lewis, we share one more touchin' and tender tribute to our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis. Today's youtube vid was coolly created by Miss Susan Moore who tags herself "whitef0x82."
This vid begins with our beloved Dino, durin' what we think is a skit from the Colgates, sayin' to his
beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis, "You know I don't want to be alone. I want you to be with me all the time. You know why? Because you and me belong together." If ever prophetic words were spoken on film it woulda be these wonderfully wise words from our Dino to Jerry. Likes indeed our Dino and Jerry beautifully belonged together and they created a delightful decade of memorable moments of togetherness with a swank samplin' of 'em shared here by Miss Moore.
We thanks Miss Susan Moore for her energetic efforts to lovin'ly laud the remarkable relationship that our Dino and Jerry shared with each other and with the whole wide world as well. We are totally totally thrilled to find so so many tremendous tributes a la youtube and we hope to soon return to share more of them with all youse Dino-holics gathered 'round ilovedinomartin.
We Remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Tribute | Who Knew
My first tribute to the amazing comedy duo - Martin & Lewis - set to P!nk's "Who Knew".
I own nothing in this video. Just created this for fun and because adore them so much. :)
Hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!
Hey pallies, likes there are simply tons and tons of touchin' 'n tender tribute vids to our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis. We shared one yester-Dino-day and we will close out this Dino-week with 'nother today and yet 'nother on the Dino-morrow. and we are certain that from Dino-time to Dino-time we will be sharin' more of 'em with Dino-holics gathered 'round our humble little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole.
Today's trib vid was shared by a pallie tagged "haronidu23 and is titled "Martin and Lewis - The Kings Of Bromance." Likes it begins with a brief clip of Mr. Lewis proudly proclaimin' bout his relationship with our Dino that, "Well what we had was a love affair, Two men that adored one another, and that was the key." This is followed by many many marvelous moments when our Dino and Mr. Lewis show awesome affection for each other. Fittin'ly the vid concludes with our Dino and Jerry eagerly embracin' at the 1976 MDA Telethon when they were reunited after simply a ton of years by Mr. Frank Sinatra.
We thanks Mr. "haronidu23" for their time and energy in puttin' this thrillin' trib together. It's so so warms our Dino-hearts to find so so many pallies wonderfully wantin' to huge homage the lovin' partnership between our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis.
We Remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Martin and Lewis - The Kings of Bromance (Tribute)
I adore this two so much! This guys are super talented , funny and sweet, I just recently read Jerry Lewis Book - Dean and Me - A Love Story it mealts your heart to know how much Jerry love Dean , You have to love Jerry!
Hey pallies, likes July 24 and July 25 are two of the hugest of huge days in all of Dino-history....the beginnin' (July 25) and the endin' (July 24) of the powerfully potent perfect partnership of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis. Likes never before, and never 'gain will there be anythin' likes the tremendous team of Martin and Lewis.
What our Dino and Mr. Lewis has together, in the words of Mr. Lewis was "a love affair" and today we are proudly pleased to share a wonderful youtube vid created by a pallie tagged "FandomMisfit."
Likes it is the coolest of cool almost 4 minutes of mighty memorable moments of our Dino and Mr. Lewis makin' funny, with tons of brief clips from both their silver screen classics and their small screen antics.
We gotta 'fess up pallies that this vid, touchin' 'n tenderly tagged, "Martin and Lewis - "A Moment of Love," makes our hearts yearn to return to the days when our Dino and Jerry perfectly partnered together to make us sweetly smile and lovin'ly laugh to our hearts content. Enjoy relivin' so so many of our Dino and Jerry's decade of delight. We thanks Mr. "FandomMisfit" for the terrific time and enormous energy put into this wonderful vid.
Hey pallies, likes yesterday was a day of rememberin' the last time that our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis performed on stage together, and today is that huge of huge historic day in all of Dino-history that Martin and Lewis began their decade long partnership of comedy. seventy-two years ago this very day, July 25, 1946 our great great man and the ever ever funny Jerry Lewis did their first nightclub performance in Atlantic City together at the Club 500...and the world was never ever the same again...and likes never ever will be!
Today's Dino-remembrance comes from the blog pad "Triviazoids - Day-To-Day Look At History Links" by Mr. Brad Williams. Likes everythin' our Dino does it likes purely purely perfect...to the point that the team of Martin and Lewis performed for exaxtly 10 years to the day....beginnin' July 25, 1946 and endin' as we shared yesterday on July 24, 1956. Certainly this was the decade of comedic brilliance between our beloved Dino and Mr. Lewis.
So so loves rememberin' and honorin' these incredibly important days in the life and times of our amazin' King of Cool. ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Mr. Brad Williams for reverently rememberin' and hugely honorin' this very very special day in the life and times of our most beloved Dino!
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
“Layyyyyy-deeee!” Did you know the comedy team of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis performed together for the first time on 25th in 1946 at a club in Atlantic City? Martin and Lewis also officially broke up on July 24th, 1956.
Hey pallies, likes 62 years 'go this very day, July 24, in 1956 our most beloved Dino had likes his hugest of hugest endin' and likes his newest of newest beginnin' when he called it quits with his partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis...exactly a decade after they had created the greatest comedy partnership in all of world history.
Likes it has becomes likes a touchin' 'n tender tradition on this hugely historic of historic Dino-day to revisit a reverent retellin' of what happened on that last night Martin and Lewis took the stage at the Copacabana....truly some deeply heart-felt and incredible insights 'bout our Dino and Mr. Lewis' last gig together shared at the blog "Frontier Net."
From the writings, "The Copacabana, An Illustrated History" by Kristin Baggleaar comes some deeply deeply devoted details of our Dino and Mr. Lewis' swan song. So, once 'gain, let's sit back and reflect on the meanin's of likes this most bitter-sweet day in all of Dino-history.
Likes as we often do on this day, 'gain likes gotta 'fess up pallies, likes for years we had zip, zero, nadda appreciato for Mr. Jerry Lewis whatsoever, and felt that the split-up was exactly what Lewis deserved. But, ever since readin' and rereadin' Lewis' tome "Dean and Me: A Love Story," we have greatly greatly grown in our ubber understandin' and awestruck appreciato of just how much Mr. Lewis loved, and still loves our most beloved Dino!
In fact, likes we once 'gain gotta 'fess up that we have become likes totally totally jealous of Mr. Lewis 'cause he got to spend 10 intimate and glorious years with the coolest person ever to walk the face of the earth...and got to know our Dino better then any other person alive ever has or ever will. What coulda be more wonderful then that! In fact, we remember in readin' in Tosches' outstandin' Dino-bio that Lewis was jealous of Jeanne and Jeanne was equally jealous of Lewis...and who could blame 'em...they each wanted our Dino for themselves...and don't we all likes feel likes that same Dino-way?!?!?!
Anyway, on this special Dino-day in Dino-history we remember the lovin' legacy that our Dino and Mr. Lewis had together, and see this endin' as a hugely important new beginnin' for our most beloved Dino. We are Dino-rememberin' with youse.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
The Copacabana
An Illustrated History by Kristin Baggelaar
By summer 1956, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis officially announced that they were breaking up as a team; however, together they were committed to one last engagement at the Copacabana. Perhaps because it was the last time they would ever work together, Martin and Lewis' final two-week stand at the Copa did a record-breaking business.
The diminished floorshow space was a tribute to their draw and mass impact. The Doug Coudy production numbers were curtailed as the acts, including the personable dance team of Conn & Mann, were stage waits for the headliners. Martin & Lewis worked with smoothness and no apparent personal friction despite all the press about their rift, but some dissension was evident with their Pardners bit, a cafe trailer for their soon-to-be released Paramount film of the same name. To their professional credit they played it straight, with Lewis foiling for Martin's crooning, and likewise, Martin foiling for his partner's clowning. While both were well received, it was felt that solo or team, the impact was not as resounding as in the past until their final night. Every celebrity in Manhattan was in the audience to witness the pair's swan song of one of the greatest comedy acts in history. They pulled out every schtick in their comedy bag for the star-studded crowd, from squirting seltzer down Milton Berle's shirt front to cutting off Monte Proser's necktie. The sophisticated cafe crowd wouldn't let them quit.
The final moments of the last show of their farewell engagement at the Copa on a hot Tuesday night, July 24, 1956, are pressed indelibly in the minds of those who were present. Martin's face was impassable, cool to the end. They finished with the final crescendo from Pardners: "You and me, we'll be the greatest pardners, buddies, and pals!" They joined hands for a last bow. Martin hugged Lewis. The audience exploded in an emotional uproar. Jackie Gleason jumped up and grabbed the mike, wiped away a tear, and said, "Folks, this can't be allowed to happen." The audience roared its approval, but Martin & Lewis just shook their heads, no. It was over. There was no encore. Martin took one aisle away from the floor; Lewis took the other.
Hey pallies, likes today we are in for the most delightful of delight Dino-treats as ilovedinomartin shares guest Dino-devotion from our sister in Dino, Miss Always On Watch, AOW for short. ilovedinomartin's relationship began years 'go with her first postin' of potently powerful patter on our Dino-pad and we have been totally totally thrilled to offer guest posts as well as cool comments over the course of Dino-time. If you clicks on her tag in yellow below youse will be transported to her blogger home pad with links to her bloggin' efforts.
Likes Miss AOW's Dino-inspiration today centers on a youtube vid she "stumbled" 'cross of Mr. Michael Bublé speakin' with newsman Dan Rather on his AXS TV series "The Big Interview." Durin' the interview Michael, in the words of Miss AOW, " pays homage to and analyzes our Dino's style — among that of a few other master singers of popular genres." And, she follows this with sharin' wonderfully wise words from "Elvis Australia: Official Elvis Presley Fan Club" 'bout Mr. Presley's amazin'ly awesome adulation of our one and only Dino.
ilovedinomartin once 'gain swankly salutes deep Dino-devotee Miss AOW for sharin' her powerful passion for our Dino on the pages of ilovedinomartin. Thanks Miss AOW...we hope to share more of your outstandin' oratory a la Dino at our humble little Dino-pad in the days ahead!
As one who, back in the day (late 1960s), studied with the vocal coach of "Mama" Cass Elliot, I appreciate some of the analysis in the short video clip below because my coach had me study the singing styles of the masters, including Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin — particularly their breathing and diction techniques.
In Bublé's analysis of our Dino's singing style, he misses something which every diehard Dino fan knows: Elvis Presley, in several respects, created his singing style by imitating the singing style of the most excellent master of all: our Dino.
...When Elvis Presley was introduced to Dean Martin's daughter Deana, Elvis leaned in and said, 'They call me the King of Rock and Roll, but your dad is the King of Cool', recalls Deana Martin. 'I almost died', she said. 'It has to be true, Elvis Presley thinks my dad is the King of Cool'.
There is an explanation for all this, however, and it occurs in one of the more palatable of the Presley bios, Jerry Hopkins' Elvis, and the fact that Hopkins himself didn't jump on it instead of giving it a mere passing reference shows how brainwashed these writers were by their own propaganda.
The reason it was left in Hopkins' manuscript at all was probably because it represents one of the few accredited quotes from the one person most sources agree can legitimately lay claim to having 'discovered' Elvis, the office manager of Sam Phillips' Sun Records studio in Memphis, Marion Keisker, who tells of a not entirely successful first audition Presley had with Phillips. According to Marion, Sam asked Elvis to run through some of his repertoire, which seemed to lean so heavily on Dean Martin stuff, she thought Elvis had decided '...if he was going to sound like anybody, it was going to be Dean Martin'. Horror of horrors! Now this is just not cool, fellows, I hear the myth-makers say. Hopkins himself leaves this extraordinary snippet unexplored and other writers have given it a wide berth. It takes only the most casual research of this lead to unearth evidence on a par (for the rock world at least) with the Dead Sea Scrolls. All the more remarkable since the evidence has been there all along for anybody with eyes to see and ears to hear.
Around 1955, Dean Martin had a big hit, 'Memories Are Made Of This'. Do yourself a favor and check it out if you can find it. Then take another listen to the song Elvis always said was his favorite cut, 'Don't Be Cruel', a hit in the summer of the following year, 1956. Now, apart from the fact that Elvis borrowed that descending-bass-run-followed-by-guitar-chord ending from the arrangement on Martin's record, other common elements are that sexy, wobbly, almost hiccuping baritone vocal not yet identifiably 'rock' until Elvis made it so and Martin's novel use of a four-piece male gospel-type vocal group which we may assume helped inspire Elvis, steeped as he was in traditional gospel music, to introduce the Jordanaires on his cut, effectively integrating them into a unique blend with his own lead vocal, thus establishing another rock archetype. Another obvious nod in Martin's direction, released when Elvis was well established as a pop mega-star in the summer of 1959, was Elvis' 'My Wish Came True', which had an opening four-note motif identical to Martin's 'Return To Me', (both titles having four syllables!) released in April 1958. Even the key is the same. Dean Martin and Elvis Presley were moving in such divergent paths by this time that none of this was commented upon or even noticed at the time. And I suspect that Elvis wouldn't have given a rat's ass if it had been. Because shortly after this he was to step, unnoticed, totally out of the closet with his release of 'It's Now Or Never', an English-language version of the Italian favorite, 'O Sole Mio' - a rather staid choice, one might say, for our supposed enfant terrible of rockabilly. These three songs are even more compelling evidence of Martin's influence than Elvis' actual cover of Martin's 1950 ditty, 'I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine' in 1955.
Now, if it's so fashionable and cool to cite a black artist like Arthur Crudup, whose 'That's All Right, Mama' Elvis recorded, as a bona fide influence, then why not the former piece of stylistic plundering? Without wishing to minimize Crudup's contribution to Presley's fast maturing style, Martin's influence seems to be pretty much ignored as unfashionable and uncool. People are just seeing and hearing what they want to see and hear. Dare I suggest that the specter of such an artist as Martin so influencing their precious new savior was not to be countenanced by the rock religion's new priesthood?
For if we reevaluate Presley's early career in this new light we can see how many of those actions previously dismissed (or considered perverse when they could not be conveniently ignored) now fall into place quite neatly. You see, Elvis was naturally fair-haired. He dyed his hair black. (He appears as a 'dirty' blond in some early shots, his natural hair-tone already darkening through liberal applications of 'Nu-Nile'.)
Filmed later in Technicolor, Elvis' obsidian do had that same almost blue-black sheen you can see in Dean Martin's movies.
And Martin at the time of which we speak was the most bankable of matinee idols: he made hugely successful pop records; starred (with partner Jerry Lewis) in a series of low budget/high yield light comedy movies; could and did write his own ticket on the lucrative Las Vegas circuit; and (importantly for Elvis) had mucho sex appeal! (Is this starting to make a little sense?) Martin was a genuine heartthrob, and with his self-mocking approach to sexuality demonstrated to Elvis how to cash in on this most marketable of commodities with the brazenness of a male Mae West!
There are no less than seventeen references to Elvis in Nick Tosches 1992 'Dino' but for me the most telling is on page 394, when Elvis glimpses his hero in the audience during his show at the International in Vegas in January 1970. 'Seeing him at ringside, Elvis, elated sang 'Everybody Loves Somebody' in his honor'.
This is the same guy who worried about forgetting the lyrics to his own hits but was confident enough in remembering his idol's latest hit to give an impromptu performance of it!
Granted, Dean Martin was a comparative cultural and musical lightweight, but Elvis is not alone in music history in being able to combine incongruous influences into something world-shattering.
Some parallels would be the influence Anthony Newley had on the emergent David Bowie, and the effect Woody Guthrie and Rambling' Jack Elliott had on Bob Dylan.
Every great artist models himself on someone during his formative years. And, when he comes into his own will transcend his earlier influences. And we have now revealed enough points of symmetry between Dino and our fledgling Elvis to give us due pause.There were no rock'n'roll stars for Elvis to emulate - he was, after all, the first! And he was to go on and eclipse his mentor in every way.
I'm going to leave it at that for now? no sense in spoiling my case by overstating it! I am aware that I will now be considered a dangerous heretic by certain stalwarts of the true religion.
But from my point of view it's now up to those worthies to redress the balance, if they don't already have too much egg on their faces. The worst that could come out of this for me would be for there to be discovered a recording by Dean Martin of 'Hound Dog'.
I can't agree with every word of the above, though, because, as far as I'm concerned, our Dino eclipses Elvis Presley. Every time!
Welcome back, mi amici! Man! Can youse believe we is 'bout to jump into the windin' stretch of July already, pals?! These Summertime days seems to be sailin' by SO SO quickly! Well, my friends...that's how it goes...I suppose. Parties weren't meant to last! Haha!! But...we still has time! Time to celebrate with our pal, Dino...& time to let the good & sunny times roll! Let's not waste even a SINGLE day, pallies! We can keep these HOT & SULTRY Summer nights on simmer! Let's keep this party alive! We'll wait 'til the sun settles low & then get some chilled out Dino-tunes on high! Now THAT is the best way I know to savor the season! Today's Serenade, "My One & Only Love" will keep us in perfect "chill" mode, pals. It's HOT...RELAXIN'...STEAMY Dino-fun...all rolled into one! OK, ol' pals o mine...let's do this. Grab a yummy drink & drift away with Dean. These days were meant for loungin' & lettin' life's worries melt away. So let me ask youse...who better, than Dean, to melt away with? No one. Enjoy!
The very thought of you makes my heart sing Like an April breeze on the wings of spring And you appear in all your splendor My one and only love The shadows fall and spread their mystic charms In the hush of night while you're in my arms I feel your lips so warm and tender My one and only love The touch of your hand is like heaven A heaven that I've never known The blush on your cheek whenever I speak Tells me that you are my own You fill my eager heart with such desire Every kiss you give sets my soul on fire I give myself in sweet surrender My one and only love You fill my eager heart with such desire Every kiss you give sets my soul on fire I give myself in sweet surrender My one and only love