Hey pallies, likes as we take a wee pause from all of our huge homagin' of our most beloved Dino on his day of comin' to earth, The Day That Coolness Came To Earth, to share with all you Dino-holics a swankly special trib to our King of Cool on Daddy-o Day 2018 for there is no Daddy- o likes our Daddy-o Dino! Likes when we were growin' up as a deeply devoted Deanager we coolly completely craved havin' our most beloved Dino as our own daddy-o....
Likes whata coulda ever likes be better then livin' in fam Martin and havin' our King of Cool as your old man.... What a powerfully perfect privilege it woulda be to grow up in the potent presence of our Dino and have him as your coolest of cool role model. We were so jealous of Dino Martin Jr. not only havin' our great man as his daddy-o, but also carryin' on his amazin' legacy through his name.
Youse can absolutely see how devoted our Dino was to Dino Jr. and Dino Jr. was devoted to his daddy-o in this great vid from the Dino-show that often has been featured here at ilovedinomartin.
Below are a few more most lovin' of lovin' poses of our great man with his prodigy. To our most beloved Dino on Daddy-o Day.....thanks for bein' such a lovin' father and remarkable role model not just for your youngens , but for youth from one generation to the next who continue to gets to know, love, and honor your presence in their lives.
We Remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
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