It is so so extemely refreshin' to find someone of "Joe Shmo's" youth.....a mere 15 years old at the time of his testimony 'bout four years so right on the Dino-mark. And, pallies, the Dino-pix that Joe has used to groovily grace his google account is indeed a very radically, really rugged pix of our regal that we wonder the history of it.
Back in the swingin' '70's while talkin' to the press 'bout creatin' a new golf course in Cali, our Dino swankly spoke of his deepest desire "to put the accent on youth" for the membership of this new small ball in the round hole project. And, of course we knows that our Dino powerfully "put the accent on youth" in his choices of female amores beginnin' with 21 year old Miss Gail Renshaw in October '69, 'long with wife numero tres, 20 somethin' Miss Cathy Mae Hawn, and nineteen year old Miss Andre Boyer in '77....among many many more.
Indeed it was our Dino who coined the term "Deanager" and without a doubt he deeply dug that absolutely awesome adulation that the youth of the '60s and '70s gloriously gave him. So, we are without a doubt we totally trusts that our most beloved Dino woulda be proudly pleased to know that the youth of today, likes Mr. Richard L. Sykes and Mr. Joe Shmo" were hugely hip to him as well!!!!!
Kudos, kudos, and more kudos to Deanager "Joe" for makin' his amazin' adulation of only our Dino so so proudly proclaimed to the wider Dino-world. As we approach the closin' days of Dino-amore month, it makes us so so potently pysched to see 'nother of today's youth accentin' our most beloved Dino as we spoke 'bove of our Dino so boldly wantin' "to put the accent on youth" himself. To checks out Joe's youtube page, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.
Likes , we can't help but also post the most classic of classic youtube vid of our most beloved Dino croonin' his numero uno signature croon, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" from the Dino'show includin' Greg Garrison's tesimonial that he "just loved this guy"...and of course that "guy" is our one and only Dino. And, we likes totally digs that Greg goes on to say that when he and our Dino had was a "love affair for 35 years. Indeed, what all us sold-out-only-to-Dino pallies have is a love affair with our most beloved Dino! And likes pallies, this is the particular youtube vid where you can find Joe's coolest of cool comment on bein' deeply devoted to our main man. Likes we continue to proudly celebrate our collective love affair with our King of Cool!
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters