Our Ulta-cool blog just isn't the same without youse providin' us with our daily-dose-of-Dino!
GREAT to have youse back 'round, pal!
Well, mi amici...looks like 'nother Dino-Amore Month has just 'bout ran it's course.
We is easin' our way into March.
Now, pallies o' mine...don't be discouraged!
This is by NO means the end of the Dino-love! NO WAY!
It's actually just a smooth transition into what will soon be Spring 2017!
And what's the rule with Spring??? Yes...Love is in the air!!! Haha!!
There's no end to Dino's love!
It's forever & unendin', pals!
Senza Fine!
I think I have a COOL COOL & SUAVELY SMOOTH croon for this week's final amore-drippin' Serenade!
It's off one of Dean's al b ums, which I've reached for a few times this month, "Cha Cha de Amor".
It's everythin' that Dino & L.O.V.E is 'bout!
Just bein' with a certain somebody that makes life...make sense.
"Let Me Love You Tonight" will be the PERFECTO jam to carry us forward.
What a tune!
"Live a lifetime of love in a moment." Ahhhh...such romantico words!
OK, pallies ...let's find someone to share a little vino with for this one.
If youse is solo...just the vino will do! Haha!!
I'll see youse in March!
And 'member, my Dino-Amore lovin' paisanos...ALWAYS...keep the Dino & the vino flowin'! Ha!
Let me love you tonight
Let me tell you how much I adore all your charms
Though you leave me tomorrow for this night we'll borrow a love song
Let me love you tonight
Let me thrill to the touch of your sheltering arms
Til the scent of the roses caresses and closes your eyes
Let me kiss you tonight
While the stars in the sky give a heavenly light
So when love is an ember my heart will remember this sight
Live a lifetime of love in a moment holding me tight
Then forget me darling only
Let me love you tonight
Live a lifetime of love in a moment holding me tight
Then forget me darling only
Let me love you tonight
Let me love you tonight
Let me love you tonight
Let me tell you how much I adore all your charms
Though you leave me tomorrow for this night we'll borrow a love song
Let me love you tonight
Let me thrill to the touch of your sheltering arms
Til the scent of the roses caresses and closes your eyes
Let me kiss you tonight
While the stars in the sky give a heavenly light
So when love is an ember my heart will remember this sight
Live a lifetime of love in a moment holding me tight
Then forget me darling only
Let me love you tonight
Live a lifetime of love in a moment holding me tight
Then forget me darling only
Let me love you tonight
Let me love you tonight
Let me love you tonight
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o thanks for yet 'nother outstandin' Dino-serenade, and thanks for your kindest of kind thoughts towards us...we appreciate your awesome appreciato of our work in the cause of our mighty marvelous man! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
Most awesome song Danny, top shelf!
Glad to do my part, pallies! Pleasure is ALWAYS all mine!
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