Thursday, April 30, 2015


Hey pallies, likes we tries our best to keeps all youse Dino-holics up-to-date on the most recent Dino-treasure made available, but we gotta 'fess up that we somehow, someway missed two of the hugest of huge new Dino-disc releases...likes both multi disc box sets at incredibly inexpensive prices.  Today and tomorrow we will but the accent on these recent releases.

Today, we share with you a five disc set from Sony's Legacy (our Dino's most recent recordin' label) line tagged  "DEAN MARTIN ORIGINAL ALBUM CLASSICS"  The set, released on March 23, 2015 includes five of our Dino's greatest al-b-ums released on Reprise between 1964 and 1966.  Included are all the songs from "Dream With Dean," "Everybody Loves Somebody," "The Door Is Still Open To My Heart," "Houston," and  "The Dean Martin Show,"

Information is available at a number of 'net sights, but we were able to find all the croons listed at "ALL MUSIC" as shown below.  To see it at that pad, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
Most sights are offerin' for 'round 20 bucks, and we were able to order from a local joint for a similiar price.  This is a great great way for all us  Dino-philes to add to our Dino-pleasure in a huge huge way for a small small price!   Dino-delightedly, DMP

Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

This budget-priced 2015 box set rounds up five albums Dean Martin released on Reprise in the mid-'60s: 1964's Dream with Dean; 1964's Everybody Loves Somebody; 1964's The Door Is Still Open to My Heart; 1965's Houston; 1966's The Dean Martin TV Show. Although none are perfect, these are among his better '60s LPs so it's a good way to get a bunch of strong Dino records at once.

Track Listing - Disc 1

I'm Confessin' (That I Love You)
Dean Martin

Fools Rush In
Dean Martin

I'll Buy That Dream
Dean Martin

If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)
Dean Martin

Blue Moon
Dean Martin

Everybody Loves Somebody
Dean Martin

I Don't Know Why (I Just Do)
Dean Martin

Gimme a Little Kiss, Will Ya, Huh?
Dean Martin

Hands Across the Table
Dean Martin

Dean Martin

My Melancholy Baby
Dean Martin

Baby, Won't You Please Come Home
Dean Martin

Track Listing - Disc 2

Everybody Loves Somebody
Dean Martin

Your Other Love
Dean Martin

Shutters and Boards
Dean Martin

Dean Martin

A Little Voice
Dean Martin

Dean Martin

My Heart Cries for You
Dean Martin

Siesta Fiesta
Dean Martin

From Lover to Loser
Dean Martin

Just Close Your Eyes
Dean Martin

Corrine, Corrina
Dean Martin

Face in a Crowd
Dean Martin

Track Listing - Disc 3

The Door Is Still Open to My Heart
Dean Martin

We'll Sing in the Sunshine
Dean Martin

I'm Gonna Change Everything
Dean Martin

The Middle of the Night Is My Cryin' Time
Dean Martin

Every Minute, Every Hour
Dean Martin

Clinging Vine
Dean Martin

In the Misty Moonlight
Dean Martin

Always Together
Dean Martin

My Sugar's Gone
Dean Martin

You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You
Dean Martin

Take Me
Dean Martin

So Long Baby
Dean Martin

Track Listing - Disc 4

Dean Martin

The First Thing Ev'ry Morning (And the Last Thing Ev'ry Night)
Dean Martin

Hammer and Nails
Dean Martin

Little Lovely One
Dean Martin

Love, Love, Love
Dean Martin

Down Home
Dean Martin

I Will
Dean Martin

Snap Your Fingers
Dean Martin

Everybody But Me
Dean Martin

Old Yellow Line
Dean Martin

Dean Martin

You're the Reason I'm in Love
Dean Martin

Track Listing - Disc 5

If I Had You
Dean Martin
feat: Ken Lane

What Can I Say After I Say I'm Sorry
Dean Martin
feat: Ken Lane

The One I Love (Belongs to Somebody Else)
Dean Martin
feat: Ken Lane

Dean Martin
feat: Ken Lane

It's the Talk of the Town
Dean Martin
feat: Ken Lane

Baby, Won't You Please Come Home
Dean Martin
feat: Ken Lane

I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face
Dean Martin
feat: Ken Lane

Just Friends
Dean Martin
feat: Ken Lane

The Things We Did Last Summer
Dean Martin
feat: Ken Lane

Dean Martin
feat: Ken Lane

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

James Kelsey: dean martin you're nobody til' somebody loves you

Hey pallies, likes he's back 'gain our simply swingin' Dino-animator a la youtube is back with some more diggin' Dino-sounds!  Dino-croonin' Mr. James Kelsey this time 'round has chosen that well known, well beloved Dino-tune "You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You" and paired it with a Gershwin hit that we ain't rememberin' that our Dino sang, "I Can't Get Started."

The animation is simply and the croonin' certainly ain't even close to the smooth sound of our most beloved Dino, but it is clear as ever that Kelsey is absolutely sold out to our King of Cool and he is havin' a blast spreadin' his affection for our main man through his creative energies.

We sez 'gain thanks very much Mr. Kelsey for uniquely makin' your adulation of our Dino known at youtube...spreadin' your version of amore for our man of amore!  Dino-sharin', DMP

dean martin you're nobody til' somebody loves you

james kelsey

dean singing

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Scotty's Sharin': Dean Martin, Natalie Wood, and Frank Sinatra at the Premiere of the Movie 'My Fair Lady' 1964

My Photo

Hey pallies, likes our delightful Dino-devoted pallie Scotty over at "BlueisKewl" has done it 'gain dudes...shared a Dino-pix that likes we ain't ever remember seein' before.  From 1964 comes a candid pose of our most beloved Dino, Miss Natalie Wood, and his pallie Mr. Frank Sinatra at the premier of the Hollywood version of the huge Broadway hit musical "My Fair Lady."

Our Dino is certainly in his prime in this purely  powerful pose.  We are certainly curious what the trio seems to be lookin' at and where this pix was snapped.  Our Scotty is always on the look out for not-seen-at-ilovedinomartin images and he has 'gain hit the jackpot!

We sez our thanks very much to our Scotty-o for his ever increasin' adulation of our one and only Dino.  To checks this out at his cool blog, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Dean Martin, Natalie Wood, and Frank Sinatra at the Premiere of the Movie 'My Fair Lady' 1964

My Fair Lady is a 1964 American musical film adaptation of the Lerner and Loewe stage musical of the same name based on the 1938 film adaptation of the original 1913 stage play Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw. With a screenplay by Alan Jay Lerner and directed by George Cukor, the film depicts a poor Cockney flower seller Eliza Doolittle who overhears an arrogant phonetics professor, Henry Higgins, as he casually wagers that he could teach her to speak "proper" English, thereby making her presentable in the high society of Edwardian London.

The film won eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Director.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Joshua Meggitt: Special Dino-programme on RRR102.7 Melbourne

Hey pallies likes are we in for the hugest of huge Dino-treats as today, as promised we share our newest pallie, down under dude Mr. Joshua Meggitt's  coolest of cool "celebration" of our hour long radio programme that is a marvelous  mix of  '70's and '80's Dino-croons and choice audio recordin's from our Dino's later work on both the small and big screens.

Featured on  the Max Headroom show from radio RRR 102.7 FM in Melbourne, Australia on 23 April 15,  the description of the show that we shared  here includes these wise words......

"Over his long and varied career, Dean Martin, "The King of Cool", was a heart throb, crooner, film star and leading member of the rat pack.

 He was also known as "The Laziest Man In Showbiz", churning out countless albums of stale standards and hosting formulaic, TV specials for over 40 years.

On Max Headroom this week, Joshua Meggitt explores this lacklustre Dino, playing choice filler from his later albums, with excerpts from such cinematic highlights asThe Cannonball Run 2."

Mr. Meggitt, as promised sent us a link here for all us Dino-philes to be able to listen to each and ever glorious minute of his hour of remarkable reflections on the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino.

Near the beginnin' of the programme, Josh shares these wise and wonderful words 'bout our Dino with his audience.......

"....and Dino who we are celebrating tonight on Max  Headroom..singer, film actor, film, TV star, comedian, hipster.  Dean Martin was the consummate low brow entertainer, spreading  his wares thin and making a lot of money.   Today he is largely remembered as kind of a lazier version of Frank Sinatra, a Las Vegas self-parody, kind of like Elvis.  His reputation rests on a few comedies he made with Jerry Lewis early on, and some charming pieces of pop fluff that once topped the charts with retro lounge revivals and appearances in mafia films.  even by the later years of his own career, his early days as a global charismatic romantic icon were long forgotten.  And, let I can't look away from these productions.  There is something so endearing in his careless I don't give a damn attitude."

And in his epistle to us that shared the link Josh also shared these words of deep, pure, and true devotion to our most beloved Dino....

"Dino is indeed one of my favourite artists and he gives so, so much. When I mention "lazy, lacklustre", I'm suing the terms very affectionately. I read the Nick Tosches book some time ago and absolutely loved it, and his word son Dino and his indifference to success were very inspiring. This is what I'm referring to, and I think his indifference to the world , and going further, his outright hostility to success, and everything, was what I was celebrating."

 We gotta 'fess up that we  grooved on each and ever moment of this purely potent programme of passionate appreciato for our King of Cool.  We particularly loved listenin' to a number of croons from our Dino's last al-b-um, "The Nashville Sessions."  And, we couldn't 'gree more with Josh that these particular croons really are remarkably revelatory of our Dino's life and times at that point...truly these croons form a stellar set of Dino-teachin's!!!!!

We coulda goes on and on, 'bout the wonderful mixin' of Mr. Meggitt's Dino-reflections with our Dino's singin', but likes we wants  youse all to enjoy this amazin' programme lovin'ly presented by in-the-know Dino-holic Mr. Joshua Meggitt.

We salute Josh for this tremendous tribute to our main man and for encouragin' his audience to develop a deeper understandin' and relationship with of our Dino by readin' Nick Tosche's Dino-bio, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dream.  And thanks ever so much to pallie Josh for even givin' a nice shout out to our humble little Dino-blog, ilovedinomartin. for doin' our part to promote his Dino-special.

In the deepest of deep Dino-appreciation, DMP

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Memory Lane"

Welcome back mi amici! Are youse ready for 'nother Sunday Serenade with our Numero Uno Paisano, Dino?
 Great! Me too! Haha!!
 Found us a good one...kinda...eerie, actually! Haha!!
 It's got that "old vinyl sound". But's more than just that old sound that makes it HAUNTINGLY cool!
 It's lyrics REALLY seem to come from a DARK place. More of a "Halloween type vibe" really.

VERY different than ANY other one of Dean's tunes that I've jammed with!
 I'm not even sure WHERE it came from, pallies! Hahaha!!! Can't seem to track down any certain al b um it was originally on!

 Could this be Dino reachin' out to us from beyond?!
 Could this be some lost Dino-gem sent down from the Heaven's?!
 Feels like I fell asleep & woke up in 1944!
 The ghost of Dean is comin' to get me!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Man o man, pals...I'm gettin creeped out!!! Haha!!
Alright Dan...relax...chill out...just breathe...breathe...breathe... OK pals...I'm calm now. Just got caught up in the Dino-moment. Ha!
Took a little ride with Dean...I'm back.

Well pallies...let's ALL take this spooky little trip with Dino together now. Close your eyes...hold on tight... we jumpin' back to some days gone by & Dean's there waitin'.
 Let's take a stroll down "Memory Lane".

I am with you wandering through memory lane
Living the years, laughter and tears over again
I am dreaming yet of the night we met
When life was a lovely refrain
You were so shy saying goodbye there in the dark
Only a glance full of romance and you were gone
Though my dreams are in vain, my love will remain
Strolling again memory lane with you
I am dreaming yet of the night we met
When life was a lovely refrain
You were so shy saying goodbye there in the dark
Only a glance full of romance and you were gone
Though my dreams are in vain, my love will remain
Strolling again memory lane with you


Friday, April 24, 2015

Tomorrow In Dino-history: April 25, 1973

Hey pallies, likes it was 42 years ago tomorrow, April 25, 1973 that our most beloved Dino marched himself down the aisle a third time and promised to love, honour, and cherish his youthful bride, Miss Catherine Mae Hawn.    As you look at the stellar weddin' poses, you can certainly certainly see how very very  much our Dino and Miss Cathy were in amore. Unfortunately our Dino's marriage to wife numero 3 lasted less then 3 years.

Permit us to share a couple of details 'bout the wedding.  The flowers alone cost a cool 85 thou, and our ever generous Dino gave his best man, Mr. Frank Sinatra, the gift of a solid gold cigarette lighter inscribed with his appreciato, "Fuck you very much."

Below is a pix of our Dino on his weddin' night with three of his daughters, Deana, Claudia, and Gina.  Don't our Dino looks so so dashin' with his girlpallies by his side?!?!?!?!

So so sorry that most likely we ain't gonna be on the 'net tomorrow and we certainly wanna make note of this important date in the life and times of our most beloved Dino!

Likes below the pix are some more  details of the weddin'.  Dino-rememberin', DMP

Dean Martin with 3 of his daughters at his 3rd marriage (to Catherine Hawn) 1973 - back is Deana, white dress is Gina, lavender is Claudia.

Entertainer Dean Martin married his girlfriend of two years, Cathy Hawn, 25, in a small ceremony at his Hollywood home,Wednesday evening. Frank Sinatra was his best man. It was the third marriage for Martin, 55. It was Miss Hawn's second marriage, and her 6-year old daughter, Sasha, was the flower girl. The bride word a peach champaign French chiffon satin bias-cut gown with a high draped neck and a long train for the ceremony at Martin's home in the Bel Air area.

Dean Martin Man Of A Thousand Faces

Hey pallies, likes first off, please stay tuned early next week for a link to Aussie Mr. Joshua Meggitt's
wonderful programme on our most beloved Dino mentioned the last couple of days here at ilovedinomartin.  At this very Dino-moment as we are typin' this Dino-gram to you we are beginnin' to listen to the programme and likes it is totally totally stunnin!  We just need 'nought time to give it the special treatment that it deserves!

So, for this Dino-day we share with you a new youtube vid that came 'cross our email yester-Dino-day from the pallies at google Dino-'lerts.  It's tagged "Dean Martin Man Of A Thousand Faces" and is shared by someone who tags themselves "Nome De Plume."  It's almost three and one half minutes of wee clips from the Dino-show that captures the many many "faces" of our King of Cool.  It is likes such fun to sit back and watch all these great moments with our Dino!

We sez our thanks to "Nome De Plume" for the efforts in sharin' this marvelous montage of magnificant moments  with our one and only Dino!  Likes pallies keeps celebratin' DINO!
In the deepest of deep Dino-devotion, DMP

An Unabashed Look At The Hilarity Of Dean Martin And All His Many Characters And Scenes...

I Hope It Tickles Your Funny Bone...

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Made pizza on Saturday and Dino is my favourite cooking music, heck, some of my favourite music fullstop.

Hey pallies, likes we decided to do a bit more researchin' with yester-Dino-day's Dino-devotion provider, and our newest pallie,  Mr. Joshua Meggitt aka Joshualine and we discovered that he has a trio of blogger blogs.   So, likes we set to searchin' each to see if perhaps Meggitt had shared some patter 'bout our most beloved Dino at any of his blogs.  We hit pay dirt with Joshua's musical blog tagged "...As Though The Shame Would Outlive Him - music and listening"

At the end of his June 6, 2011 post tagged "Recent Listening" we indeed found us a wee bit of some delightful Dino-adulation.  Seems the Saturday before Meggitt had done him some pizza creatin' and Joshua 'fessed up that "Dino is my favourite cooking music, heck, some of my favourite music fullstop."  Now, likes how coolly cool is that dudes?!?!?!?!?!

We sez our thank you very much to Mr. Joshua Meggitt for speakin' so so openly and so so boldly 'bout his Dino-delight!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Monday, 6 June 2011

Recent Listening

Dean Martin: Italian Love Songs

Made pizza on Saturday and Dino is my favourite cooking music, heck, some of my favourite music fullstop. Not usually about offering downloads but he's dead and these labels aren't worth troubling yourself over, so do yourself a favour and get the album, in FLAC here:

Dean Martin: Italian Love Songs

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Over his long and varied career, Dean Martin, "The King of Cool", was a heart throb, crooner, film star and leading member of the rat pack.

Hey pallies, likes it's not too often that pallies contact us 'bout the Dino-devotion that they are sharin'. Usually we have to do the seekin' and searchin' to brings it your way.  Well, likes when we opened our email account this mornin' we found that a dude who goes by "Joshualine" shared some patter with us via yesterday's Dino-gram.

Joshualine scribed the followin'....."Hey not the best spot to put this but I'm doing a one hour Dino special on radio tomorrow 7pm Melbourne time. On  So, likes we headed over to the Aussie web pad of RRR 102.7 FM to find out all the details on this dude's Dino-special, which we shares below.

Joshualine is actually Mr. Joshua Meggitt and his is headlinin' a programme tagged Max Headroom on April 23.  Likes we ain't got a clue how many hours difference there is between times zones here in America and at Melbourne, so we likes don't know what times to tells you to listen in.  

So, likes if any of youse pallies can do the math to find out what time this programme will air eastern, central, or mountain time, let's us know.  We sez our thanks to Mr. Joshua Meggitt for lettin' us know of his efforts.  To checks out Radio RRR, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.

Max Headroom

23rd Apr 15
Over his long and varied career, Dean Martin, "The King of Cool", was a heart throb, crooner, film star and leading member of the rat pack.
 He was also known as "The Laziest Man In Showbiz", churning out countless albums of stale standards and hosting formulaic, TV specials for over 40 years.
On Max Headroom this week, Joshua Meggitt explores this lacklustre Dino, playing choice filler from his later albums, with excerpts from such cinematic highlights asThe Cannonball Run 2

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

DEAN MARTIN Memorial Lounge

Hey pallies, likes our Dino-devoted car guy pallie Jesse receives our awesomest of awesome appreciato for sharin' the subjuct of today's Dino-devotion and showin' such deep, pure, and true Dinopalliedom with us here at ilovedinomartin.  Jesse, as devoted readers of our humble little Dino-blog may remember hangs his hat at his everythin' car blog "Just A Car Guy."  You can checks his blog out by clickin' on the tag of today's Dino-discussion.

Recently, we received the followin' Dino-gram from Jesse....

"Hope this spring is finding you as well or better than ever. I came across this photo, and knew I had to check with you in hopes that I surprise you with a bit of Dean admiration that you haven't heard of before. That's my goal ya know!"

The first photo below is the one that Jesse is referrin' to tagged "DEAN MARTIN Memorial Lounge"  Jesse found it   here and when we went searchin' for more informatio of the Dino memorial lounge we found at bit more here as well.  Both are from the car blog "GO AWAY GARAGE."

Likes that's all we can know for now pallies, but if any of youse dudes knows more about the who, what, when, where of the DEAN MARTIN Memorial Lounge please shoot us some patter...we woulda loves to know where to visit this, as Jesse coolly calls it, " bit of Dean admiration.  We sends out our greatest of great gratitude to our Dino-diggin' car-lovin' pallie Jesse for always always bein' on the look up for the unusual in Dino-adulation to shares with all the pallies here at our humble little Dino-blog.    In our Dino, DMP

Dean Martin passed away on the Christmas day of 1995. I learned his passing from a newspaper while I was in a laundromat. in Manhattan, KS.

Garage goons love his music, life and attitude. Thus the sign, "Dean Martin Memorial Lounge" used to hang at the office of the garage.

We still listen to his music and consume adult beverage.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Scotty's Sharin': Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra Prepare to Board a Learjet, 1965

My Photo

Hey pallies, likes he's done it 'gain dudes!  Our greatest of great Dino-adorin' pallie Scotty-o over at "BlueisKewl" has shared 'nother great Dino-find with his growin'-in-Dino readership.  Circa 1965 is a powerful pose of our most beloved Dino and Mr. Sinatra preparin' to board a Lear jet.

Likes, it's crazy dudes, 'cause likes after we saw the first pix, we likes said to ourselves that we wishes that they was a more up close and personal shot of this, and when we scrolled down on Scotty's post...there it was a second pix mucho mucho more up close!  Likes it's like Scotty was readin' our Dino-minds!

We 'gain sez, likes thanks so so very much Scotty-o for your continuous contributions to the cause of Dino-devotion here at ilovedinomartin and for, likes helpin' big time in spreadin' the message of Dino-cool 'round the universe!  To checks this out in it's original source,  simply clicks on the tag of this  Dino-gram.

Gotta 'fess up that likes we are wonderin' what sorta patterin' was goin' on between our most beloved Dino and his beloved pallie Mr. Frank Sinatra.  The world is truly truly full of so so much Dino-mystery!  Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!   I remain,  Yours in Dino, Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra Prepare to Board a Learjet, 1965

Photographed by John Bryson.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Last Time I Saw Paris"

What's shakin', pals?
 Now THIS is Spring! Am I right?
 Sunny skies! Singin' birds! Cool breezes & mornin' showers. Don't forget a yummy drink or two! Haha!!
 Sounds good to me, pallies!

 Hey pals...youse know that ol' expression..."Youse can't teach an ol' doggie new tricks"? Well, mi amici...I guess that goes for ol' Dino-holics too!
Lets me explain.
 Few days back...I had a GREAT idea to keep the Springtime groove flowin' with 'nother GREAT GREAT tune off Dino's "French Style" al b um.  Same al b um as last week's Serenade. SO SO perfect for the season!

Well...guess what?
 Diggin' through my archives of Serenades...sure 'nuff...not only did I ALREADY do today's jam...BUT...I HAD THE SAME IDEA THEN AS I DO NOW!
 Man o REALLY got me thinkin' brain is COM PLETE LY Dino-programmed! hahaha!!!

O well, pals...nothin' wrong with that!

So...that bein' said...let's have a little "deja vu".
 I'm takin' us back to May 4th, 2013.
 And yes...this is STILL a perfecto follow up to last week's Serenade. we go...hopes youse still dig on this encore's 2 year revival...
"The Last Time I Saw Paris"! Haha!!
 Never gets old to me, pals!

The last time I saw Paris
Her heart was warm and gay
I heard the laughter of her heart
In every street cafe
The last time I saw Paris
Her trees were dressed for spring
And lovers walked beneath those trees
And birds found songs to sing
I dodged the same old taxicabs
That I had dodged for years
The chorus of the squeaky horns
Was music to my ears
Oh, the last time I saw Paris
Her heart was warm and gay
No matter how they changed her
I'll remember her ah that way
Dodged the same old taxicabs
That I had dodged for years
The chorus of the squeaky horns
Was music to my ears
Yeah, the last time I saw Paris
Her heart was warm and gay
No matter how they change her
I'll remember her that way
The last time I saw Paris
The last time I saw Paris

Friday, April 17, 2015

James Kelsey: dean martin sings brand new!

Hey pallie, likes our swingin' singin'   animator of our Dino, Mr. James Kelsey is back askin' the provocative quire...."Image ol' Dino bein' melancholy?"  Likes it all part of his most recent vid, "dean martin sings brand new!" at youtube where Kelsey has accented three "Baby" Dino-croons...."Baby Face," "Pretty Baby," and "Melancholy Baby."

We thinks it is so so cool of Kelsey instead of puttin' himself before the camera to do some Dino-emulation how he has found the way to do some some very simply Dino-animation for our Dino listenin' and viewin' pleasure.  We can't wait to see what Kelsey will come up with next in his pursuit of homagin' our King of Cool.  One thin' for sure, we're sure that he will close out each vid with our Dino's signature croon, "Everybody Loves Somebody, Sometime."

Hats off 'gain to Mr. James Kelsey for some more fun Dino-magic via youtube!  Dino-delightedly, DMP

dean martin sings brand new!

james kelsey

dino entertains

Scotty's Sharin': Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra at 'The Sands Hotel' 1960

My Photo

Hey pallies, likes our ever lovin', ever devoted-to-Dino pallie Scotty is at it 'gain dudes!  From his coolest of cool blog, "BlueisKewl" our perfect pallie Scotty-o has captured our Dino in action in 'Vegas---baby-'Vegas circa 1960 where our most beloved Dino and his beloved pallie Mr. Frank Sinatra are havin' themselves some liquid libations when do a bit of gamblin' as well.

Leave it to our Dino be be where the action is pallies!  And, leave it to our Dino-devoted pallie Scotty for findin' the awesome action for share with all us Dino-holics here at ilovedinomartin.  Likes we gotta 'fess up that we deeply deeply digs Scotty's own swingin' salutation,...."(Who wouldn't want to be playing at that table!)"

Likes we couldn't 'gree with you more Scotty-o......likes how absolutely awesome woulda it be to be sittin' beside our King of Cool and playin' at Dino-sides....fantastically fabulous!!!!!  We salute our much devoted to Dino pallies Scotty for bringin' all us dudes some Dino-action this very Dino-day.  Likes to checks this out in it's original form, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  And, likes while youse does it dudes, why not leave a bit of patter to encourage our Scotty on his Dino-journey?!?!?!?!?!   In Dino, DMP

(Who wouldn't want to be playing at that table!)

The Sands Hotel was a historic Las Vegas Strip hotel/casino that operated from December 15, 1952, to June 30, 1996. Designed by the architect Wayne McAllister, the Sands was the seventh resort to open on the Strip.

During its heyday, the Sands was the center of entertainment and "cool" on the Strip, and hosted many famous entertainers of the day. Regulars were able to mingle with the stars in the lounge after their late-night shows. In its time, the Sands was located next door to the Desert Inn. The two adjacent properties were owned by the reclusive businessman Howard Hughes in the mid-1960s. Today, The Venetian stands where the Sands once stood.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Doddling with Dean.

Hey pallies, likes, likes we're thinkin' likes with the excitin' explosion of Dino-creativity at youtube that really really soon it's gonna need to have it's tag changed from youtube to Dino-tube!!!!!  While the vastly vast 'mount of new Dino-vids bein' put up on the 'tube are of our most beloved Dino croonin' his tunes, more and more Dino-holics are usin' youtube to homage our most beloved Dino in a vast variety of terrifically  technological ways!

Case in point pallies is the vid below recently created by a pallie who tags himself "Daniel Plainview."  This remarkably rad vid is tagged "Doddling with Dean" and likes we are so so non-techie that while we ain't got a clue how this dude created this unfoldin' vid sketch of our King of Cool, we deeply digs watchin' it unfold before our very eyes.  We are in awe of "Daniel's" amazin' adulation of our Dino, as many many of the vids he has posted are Dino-focused.  And, likes we are in awe of "Daniel's" deep desire to use his artistic abilities with technology to hugely hugely homage our Dino in this wondrously  wonderful way.

Likes we coulda watch this unfoldin' Dino-image time after time after time, and never ever gets tired of marvelin' at "Daniel's" coolest of cool creativity in showin' his powerfully pure passion for our Dino.  We salute "Daniel Plainview" and sez thank you very much for doin' your particular part in spreadin' deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino at youtube.  We're desirin' to see so so much more Dino-devotion froms you in the future!  Dino-awed, DMP  btw, we loves that our Dino has his trademark omnipresent cigarette as part of the Dino-image!

Doddling with Dean.



Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Who Sang These Songs: Dean Martin Or Frank Sinatra?

Hey pallies, likes ring-a-ding ding dudes!  As we find ourselves at mid-Dino-week we have just the most funnest of fun bit of Dino-devotion to test all youse Dino-holics knowledge of Dino vs Frank croons.   From the new-to-ilovedinomartin blog "Teacher Problems" comes this quintessential of quintessential quiz checkin' our Rat Pack knowledge of "Who Sang These Songs: Dean Martin Or Frank Sinatra?"

The quiz contains 15 powerfully potent poses  of our Dino and Mr. Sinatra (some with other pallies) together with quires as to whether our most beloved Dino, Mr. Sinatra or neither of 'em crooned a particular tune.  Likes you will need to go directly to "Teacher Problems" to take the quiz by clickin' on the tag of this here Dino-gram 'cause we weren't able to get it posted here.  What we were able to do is to share each of the powerful pixs that accompany the musical we can bask in all this Dino-glory.  They're all probably poses that we have shared here at ilovedinomartin...but likes what true Dino-phile can ever see 'nough Dino-imges?!?!?!?!

Likes we took the quiz and you can checks out our Dino-results at the end of this post and likes we woulda be deeply delighted to have youse share some patter on how your Dino-results turns out!
We solemnly salute the dude or dudette who came up with this incredibly creative way of helpin' pallies affirm 'n grow in their knowledge of our Dino in this wonderfully wise way!  Takes the Dino-challenge pallies!   Dino-delightedly, DMP

Who Sang These Songs: Dean Martin Or Frank Sinatra?

Much of the 50’s and 60’s music was dominated by these two crooners. Take a walk down memory lane and see if you can tell us which one sang these chart topping songs!

Who Sang This Song: Dean Martin Or Frank Sinatra?

Fly Me to the Moon

You Make Me Feel So Young

New York, New York

Ain't That a Kick in the Head?

I've Gotta Be Me

I Get a Kick Out of You

That's Amore

Return to Me

What Kind of Fool Am I

The Way You Look Tonight

Mambo Italiano

Something's Gotta Give


Luck Be a Lady

Moon River

Ratpack Boss!

Wow-ee Wow Wow, you just blew the doors off of this quiz baby! You know all the primo songs from these boss performers. The 50’s and 60’s were a real gas and we can tell from your performance on this quiz that you didn’t miss a beat back then and are still on top of your game today!

We hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane and that you share this quiz on Facebook with your friends so they can enjoy it too!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

James Kelsey: in the misty moonlight dean martin

Hey pallies, likes we found one more stunnin'ly 'n sweetly simple animation of a Dino-croon by Mr. James Kelsey, and likes we do indeed trust that it is his very first attempt at homagin' our most beloved Dino with a  vid creation.  This time Kelsey has our Dino with his omnipresent cigarette in hand croon of his greatest of great hits...."In The Misty Moonlight" and then closin' with a few bars of our Dino's coolest of cool croon ever, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime.

While Kelsey's work is what we woulda consider "low technology" it is high in it's efforts of showin' his deepest of deep, his purest of pure, and his truest of true devotion  to our Dino.  It gives us likes just such a Dino-high to be able to shares with Dino-holics everywhere the ever increasin' ways that pallies like Kelsey have for hugely hugely homagin' our King of Cool.

Likes, we 'gain salute Mr. James Kelsey for his considerable efforts in the cause of spreadin' Dino-love, here, there, and everywhere!  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

in the misty moonlight dean martin
james kelsey

Published on Feb 8, 2013

deano croons

Monday, April 13, 2015

James Kelsey: you've got the cutest little babyface dean martin

Hey pallies, likes doin' a little searchin' at innovative impressionist of our most beloved Dino, Mr. James Kelsey's youtube pad has yielded some more of his very simple and very sincere efforts to create homages to our Dino through annimation.  Today we share what is one of Kelsey's first efforts posted at youtube  almost two years ago.

It's our Dino croonin' an Ames brothers tune likes that we never heard before..."Can Anyone Explain."  That is followed by a few bars of the must more familiar Dino-croon, "Baby Face."
We loves sharin' Mr. James Kelsey's unique way of spreadin' Dino-devotion 'cause it shows that no effort is too small or too simple when it is sincerely dedicated to amorin' our King of Cool.

ilovedinomartin 'gain salutes Mr. James Kelsey for usin' his time, his talents in the adulation of our one, our only Dino!  Dino-delightedly, DMP

you've got the cutest little babyface dean martin

James Kelsey

Published on May 18, 2013
dean sings ames brothers song

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "April In Paris"

 Welcome back mi amici!
 Enjoyin' Spring yet?
I know...hasn't been to "Springy" so far, pals. It's gettin' there though!
 Every mornin' seems to come a little sooner & every dusk is seemin' to come a wee bit later.
 Hang in there...warm days are comin'! Ha!
 Hey pallies...Spring is a tricky season no matter WHERE youse live! Youse gots to 'member...we just climbin' out of a long...cold...Winter! Takes a little weenin' to gets back into the Springtime swing! Haha!!

 For today's Serenade we takin' a trip over to a city that is also known for it's rainy seasons...& passionate feelins'!
Ahhhh what a romantico place it must be, huh pals?
Well, if anyone would's our man of the world...Dino! Hahaha!!! Dean was DEF I NATE LY a world traveler & DEF I NATE LY a master of romance! Haha!!

 I found "April In Paris" on Dino's 1962 Reprise al b um..."French Style". What a perfecto tune for this wonderful time of year!
GREAT GREAT collection of some of Dean's MOST BEA U TI FUL songs! I'm diggin' each & every one of these jams with Dino's accentin' on the language of love! Haha!!
Hey let's face it, pallies...Dino can spread the message of love no matter WHAT language he's croonin' & WHAT culture he's swoonin'! Ha! By the way, how Dean simply couldn't resist throwin' in a TINY bit of Italiano at the very end of this tune. "Cuore mio" (My Heart) Haha...that's my pallie!!!

 OK pals o' we go!!!
 Bring on the Spring!!!

April in Paris, who can I run to?
What have you done to my heart?
April in Paris, chestnuts is blossom
Holiday tables under the trees
April in Paris, this is the feeling
No one can ever reprise
I'd never know the charm of spring
Never met it face to face
I never knew my heart could sing
Never miss the warm embrace 'til
April in Paris, who can I run to?
What have you done to my heart
I never knew the charm of spring
Never met it face to face
I never knew my heart could sing
Never miss the warm embrace 'til
April in Paris, who can I run to?
What have you done to my heart
My heart, my heart
Cuore mio


Saturday, April 11, 2015

James Kelsey: dean martin sings

Hey pallies, likes through the magic of the great google 'lert pallies, today we shares with you some more delightful Dino-creativity from Mr. James Kelsey.  Kelsey is the dude who creates short 'n simply animated vids of our Dino croonin' a tune or two.  Past efforts by Kelsey that we have shared can be seen  here and  here.

Likes this time up, Kelsey has his animated Dino croonin' a couple of cool tunes.  First up for the guys to sing to the gals, "Pretty Baby" followed by the classic "Summertime."  James concludes his efforts, of course, with a few bars of our Dino's numero uno croon, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."

We loves the amazin'ly  vast and different ways that pallies of all ages and stages find to express their Dino-creativity and offer the hugest of huge homage to our most beloved Dino.  We salute Mr. James Kelsey and hopes to find more and more of his fun vids honorin' our one and only main man!  Dino-delightedly, DMP

james kelsey
summertime, baby

Friday, April 10, 2015

..... as the two sluggers danced to Dean Martin’s “That’s Amore” in between innings in the dugout.

Hey pallies, likes we all knows how much our most beloved Dino loved the game of puttin' the little 'round ball into the round hole, but our great man was a fan of a number of sports includin' America's fav past  Well today, courtesy of our ilovedinomartin team member Danny-o, of "Sunday Serenade With Dino" fame, we have a great Dino-moment captured on openin' day 2015 for the Boston Red Sox.

Danny-o sent us a Dino-gram with the tag, "Hey pal...check out my Boston Red Sox! Haha!"  Likes if you didn't know Danny-o hails from the great state of Massachusetts 'round Boston way and he had come 'cross the funnest of fun vids below at the blog pad, "NEXT IMPULSE SPORTS" where a dude tagged  Pete Blackburn captured on film Sox players Mr. David Ortiz and Mr. Hanley Ramirez celebratin' "Opening Day By Slow Dancing To 'That’s Amore' Together."

Likes you just never ever know where Dino-devotion will appear next, and we are powerfully psyched to have great BB players Ortiz and Ramirez homagin' our Dino in this most jazzy and joyful of ways!!!!!  Just goes to prove that the transformin' power of our Dino extends even to professional sports.  GO RED SOX, GO DINO!!!!!

We sez thank you very much to our deeply devoted Dino-holic Danny-o for sharin' this with us so that we could share it with all youse!  To checks this out where Danny-o found it, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  And likes how cool is it for you Danny-o to have members of your fav BB team dancin' to the croonin' of your fav man?!?!?!?!?   Dino-coolly, DMP

 btw pallies, to turns on the sound for the wee vid, simply goes to the lower right hand corner and clips on the sound symbol.

David Ortiz and Hanley Ramirez Celebrated Opening Day By Slow Dancing To “That’s Amore” Together

 The Red Sox are off to a hot start in Philadelphia on Opening Day, blasting two home runs off Cole Hamels for an early lead. The chemistry between David Ortiz and new (and former) teammate Hanley Ramirez seemed to be in midseason form, as the two sluggers danced to Dean Martin’s “That’s Amore” in between innings in the dugout.

Thursday, April 09, 2015


Hey pallies, likes we continue our journey with delightful details from The Dean Martin Association.
Over the past several days we have been accentin' the various pages from the one and only ever Dino-sanctioned fan club founded 55 years ago by Mr. Bernard Thorpe, who still man's the helm of this massive massive effort to gather pallies from 'round the globe in the hugest of huge homage of our most beloved Dino.

Today, we share with you 'nother page from the official web blog that recounts the highlights of the 55 year legacy of The Dean Martin Association.  Begun by Thorpe in 1960 at our Dino's request, the organization has had a remarkably rich history of spreadin' Dino-devotion 'round the known universe.
As we read through the many many ways the DMA organization has done it work to the honor and glory of our Dino, we stand totally totally in awe of this wonderfully Dino-centric  effort and in particular Mr. Thorpe who has given the better part of his life to the Dino-cause.

Dino-holics everywhere owe a deep debt of great gratitude to Mr. Bernard Thorpe for his deepest of deep dedication and devotion to our one and only Dino.  In our humble opinion no one ever has come close to showin' this purest of pure passion for spreadin' the Dino-message as Mr. Thorpe.

We likes invite you to take the time to read through this terrific timeline of the extraordinary efforts that Thorpe as put forth in his totally totally Dino-focused effort over the past five and one half decades.   We applaud Mr. Bernard Thorpe's amazin' adulation of our most beloved Dino and his closin' thoughts sez it all pallies....

“It has been a fantastic honour and a great privilege to be able to do what I have done for Dean,” says Bernard. “It was hard work but, from day one, truly memorable and fun and I hope that I gave Dino, a dear friend, the support he deserved. I give a huge thank you to Dino and to all of our members and friends and my family who supported both the DMA and me over all of these many glorious years.”

Bravo Mr. Bernard Thorpe!  You are truly the premier example of the deepest, purest, and truest devotion to our Dino that a pallie can strive for.  And, btw, we love the logo for DMA...very very cool just likes our beloved Dino!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  We will continue to check back with The Dean Martin Association web pad often to brings you more of their Dino-action as it is available.  We remain, Yours In Dino, DMP


Founded by Dean Martin and Bernard Thorpe.

Dean starts regular contact with Bernard, sharing career information and insights into his life as the years progress. Dean also begins regularly supplying merchandise to the DMA as and when it is released.

Dean makes Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, Joey Bishop and Peter Lawford honorary members.
Dean closes unofficial fan-clubs in Germany and Chicago, transferring membership to the DMA, as he wants only one world-wide official organisation.

January 19th: DMA featured in pop magazine ‘Cherie’.

Dean requests Bernard’s position within the DMA to be as President with Dean himself acting as Honorary President.

June: “Let’s Be Friendly” album from EMI Records, compiled, produced and sleeve design by DMA. Bernard writes accompanying article for World Record Club magazine.

Dean changes his title from Honorary President of the DMA to Chairman.
DMA attends UK premiere of ‘The Silencers’ at London’s Odeon Leicester Square, with the Matt Helm Slaygirls in attendance.
Pop magazine ‘Diana’ runs article on the DMA and ‘super agent’ Matt Helm.

January 25th: DMA attends 20th Century Fox’s private showing of ‘Murderer’s Row’.
DMA and Pye Records release special 7” single of “I’m Not the Marrying Kind” with a special introduction by Dean.
DMA attends UK premiere of ‘Rough Night In Jericho’.

BBC Radio’s ‘Roundabout’ programme runs major feature on Dean, scripted by Bernard.
DMA attends UK premiere of ‘The Ambushers’.

January 24th: DMA asks Pye Records to release “Gentle On My Mind” as a single from the album of the same name. It reaches No.2 in the UK charts on 1st March and remains high in the charts for 23 weeks. It is also the most played single of that year.
DMA meets with Dean’s recording manager Jimmy Bowen.
October: DMA holds first ever members’ meeting.

Dean celebrates 10th anniversary of his association.
DMA produces 6xLP box set “The Dean Martin Collection” for EMI Records.
 April 23rd: DMA attends UK premiere of ‘Airport’ at Odeon Leicester Square.

DMA suggests to EMI Records songs for a compilation album of duets with Dean (including artists such as Helen O’Connell, Nat King Cole and Jerry Lewis). Released later that year as “Nat, Dean and Friends”.

Dean makes Jack Lord an honorary member.
July 31st: BBC Radio starts a ‘Dean Martin Week’ in which the DMA features.
November: DMA profiled in music publication ‘Listen Easy’.

July: DMA profiled in music publication ‘Melody Maker’.

DMA compiles album “Memories Are Made of This” for EMI Records.
Deana Martin contacts the DMA, expressing how pleased the family is with our continued hard work on Dean’s behalf.
Dean makes his god-daughter Nancy Sinatra an honorary member.

Dean and DMA compile “20 Original Dean Martin Hits”, with DMA designing the sleeve and producing for Warner Reprise. Becomes Dean’s only UK Gold Award album, reaching No. 2 on November 13th.

EMI Records ask Bernard for 16 of his favourite songs by Dean to form the album ‘The Classic Dino’. (Album goes on to remain in EMI’s catalogue for nearly 12 years.)
August: DMA profiled in both lifestyle magazine ‘Weekend’ and local newspaper ‘Croydon Advertiser’.

DMA celebrates 20th Anniversary.
EMI publicises ‘The Classic Dino’ as the recommended Dean Martin album of the year.
May: Dean gives Bernard the moniker 'Chief Executive'.

Dean contacts the DMA to proudly tell us that his Gold Award for “20 Original Dean Martin Hits” hangs in his hallway at his Beverly Hills home.

July: Last ever members’ meeting held (withdrawn because of increasing venue costs).
June: Dean and Bernard meet in London.
June: DMA attends Dean’s London concert at Apollo Victoria.

DMA celebrates 25th Anniversary.

EMI Records contacts DMA to co-produce ‘The Best of the Capitol Years’, Dean’s first digital release on CD.

DMA celebrates 30th Anniversary.

DMA compiles Music For Pleasure CD “Singles” for EMI.

DMA contributes to documentary on Dean for US television production company ‘A&E’, entitled ‘Biography’.

Following Dean’s death on Christmas Day 1995, Jeanne, Dean’s ex-wife, contacts the DMA to thank us for all our support and hard work over the years.
August: DMA produces 2xCD box set of original Reprise recordings for Charly Records.
December: DMA produces 4xCD box set of further original Reprise recordings for Charly Records.

DMA suggests to EMI a ‘two on one’ CD release of “This Time I’m Swingin’” with ”Pretty Baby” and “Dino Italian Love Songs” with “Cha Cha De Amor”. This format instigates similar highly-successful releases for other artists by EMI.
EMI ask DMA to compile songs for CD release “The Very Best of Dean Martin: The Capitol and Reprise Years”.

DMA produces Italian CD release “Again” for Joker Records.

DMA produces Italian CD release “Someone Like You” for Joker Records.
 DMA writes liner notes for concert programme for Flying Music’s ‘The Rat Pack Live In Las Vegas’.
DMA celebrates 40th Anniversary.
May: DMA writes article on Flying Music’s ‘The Rat Pack Live In Las Vegas’ for theatre magazine ‘Encore’.
August: DMA selects songs for “The Very Best of Dean Martin: The Capitol and Reprise Years Volume 2” for EMI.

DMA writes Bob Hope obituary for theatre magazine ‘Encore’.
November 17th: DMA compiles songs for exclusive HMV release “The Dean Martin Collection”.

November 25th: DMA attends stage show ‘Christmas With the Rat Pack’ in London.

July: DMA writes for concert programme for Mark Adams’ 2009 tour of ‘That’s Amore: A Celebration of Dean Martin and Friends’.
August: DMA interviews Mark Adams as part of his promotional material for ‘That’s Amore: A Celebration of Dean Martin and Friends’.
August: DMA contributes to concert programme for the 2009/2010 tour of Flying Music’s ‘The Rat Pack Live From Las Vegas’.
September: DMA allowed exclusive access to rehearsals of ‘That’s Amore: A Celebration of Dean Martin and Friends’.
November: Michael Buble writes exclusive strapline for the DMA's first website.

The decline of the typical style of fan club - although the DMA prided itself in being more than just a fan club! - meant that the DMA had stiff and fierce competition from the more contemporary appreciation societies. The advent of the internet, of course, meant that the exclusivity that the DMA and similar organisations once had was no longer attainable or even possible.

The DMA issued its last printed edition of 'Just Dino' in 2011. (Click on the 'Just Dino' link above to access archival features and exclusive new 'Just Dino' articles.)

Without the wholehearted and genuinely sincere support from Dino, both the DMA and Bernard's commitment would not have endured for 50 years and more.

“It has been a fantastic honour and a great privilege to be able to do what I have done for Dean,” says Bernard. “It was hard work but, from day one, truly memorable and fun and I hope that I gave Dino, a dear friend, the support he deserved. I give a huge thank you to Dino and to all of our members and friends and my family who supported both the DMA and me over all of these many glorious years.”


Wednesday, April 08, 2015

“As you are so damn insistent,” the letter said, “I have great pleasure in giving you my permission to start an organisation for me.”

Hey pallies, likes today we have the profound  privilege of sharin' 'nother page from THE DEAN MARTIN ASSOCIATION founded 55 years ago by Brit Mr. Bernard Thorpe with the blessings of our most beloved Dino.  Faithful  subscribers of ilovedinomartin will remember that this past Monday we shared how we were first introduced to the DMA through an incredibly insightful blog post scribed by Mr. Thorpe's boypallie Elliot, "Dean Martin and the Meaning of Cool," perfectly prepared  for Miss  Emmy Z. Madrigal's blog, "Sweet Dreams Musical Romance Series."

Likes we were so totally totally thrilled to learn so so many delightful Dino-details from the younger Thorpe that we simply had to do a bit of searchin' to find out more 'bout the DMA and it's founder Mr. Bernard Thorpe.  Yesterday we shared the cool contents of DMA's welcomin' page and today we share with you the page tagged "Dean and Bernard."  Likes here Bernard shares the briefest of brief bio on our Dino and we gotta 'fess up that 'though the words are few, they are ladened with awesome affection for our Dino and include some info likes that we ain't ever remember readin' before, includin' the "premature" birth of our King of Cool.

We also gets a glimpse at the man who has faithfully served our Dino for 55 years...Mr. Bernard Thorpe."  We loves seein' Mr. Thorpe standin' in front of a bookcase that includes many many tomes scribed on our main man makin' us wonder which Dino-volume is his fav Dino-read.  And, we hear how the DMA was formed.  We love how Mr. Thorpe powerfully and proudly shares how our Dino gave him permission to begin what would become the only officially sanctioned Dino-organization.
Can't you just hear our Dino scribin' back to Bernard who was ever persistent in his efforts to serve our Dino.....“As you are so damn insistent,” the letter said, “I have great pleasure in giving you my permission to start an organisation for me.”  That's the Dino that all of us love and honor!

Likes pallies, takes the time to read the information for yourself and you certainly will gain even more respect for our most beloved Dino and this man who has loved servin' our Dino for the past 55 years!  Tomorrow, we return with 'nother page from the Dean Martin Assocation accentin' it rich and remarkable history.

ilovedinomartin is thrilled to share Mr. Bernard Thorpe's  deepest of deep desire to spread Dino-devotion as far and wide as possible ever bringin' new devotees to our Dino...and likes 'gain we solemnly salute Thorpe for his constant commitment to our most most beloved Dino!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-post.  Always, Dino, Always, DMP


He was born, prematurely on 7th June 1917, as Dino Paul Crocetti, at 319 South 6th Street, Steubenville, Ohio, the family home. His mother was American, Angelina, and his father, Gaetano (aka Guy), Italian.

Part of a large family, young Dino could only speak Italian until he started school and said, later in life, that his “…English was never that good, either.”

Guy was a successful barber and Angelina had a small sewing business, so they were never too short of money. Dino joined the local scout troop when he was twelve but, being somewhat against the idea of learning in general, he never took to school much, often preferring to be out playing with his friends. As he grew up through his teenage years, he developed a preference for singing, something which his friends never appreciated, often saying that he had an appalling voice. But his own perseverance saw him become professional at aged 26.

He did the rounds in various clubs and gained experience in not only living out of a suitcase but earning below that which he was used to. These were lean years for the young Dino Martini, as he called himself then.

It was at one such club that he found himself billed with a mime artiste called Jerry Lewis. This gangly Jewish comedian was struggling on the circuits as much as Dino and one fortuitous day, Jerry suggested to Dino that they pool their talents and become a double act: Martin and Lewis.

Following the partnership’s break-up after 10 years, Jerry moved more into production and direction while Dean continued his solo music career and found movie and television stardom. His subsequent friendships with Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr became life-long - and legendary, to boot.

Dean was at the top of his game, remaining a highly successful personality throughout the 1960s, 1970s and the 1980s. Even after his death on Christmas Day 1995, he continues to be one of the world’s most popular entertainers, with his material found across many forms of media.


He was born at his parents’ home in Croydon, England in the late 1930s. His mother, Florinda, was Italian while his father, Henry Cyril, was English. An only child, Bernard grew up with his mother and her many sisters and while his father served in the military, stationed in Italy during the Second World War.

Like Dean, Bernard was never a great fan of school and often preferred playing with his friends. It was during his teenage years that Bernard fell upon recordings of Dean and soon became a great follower of the American singer’s career. Following a stint in the army and various jobs, Bernard decided to create a fan club for Dean, having found one that had closed down in the mid-50s. He wrote to Dean, care of both Paramount and 20th Century Fox, and persisted for several months to obtain the man’s permission.

Bernard’s father had often wondered why Bernard was so persistent, saying to him, “Why bother with someone like him? They don’t want to know people like us.” But Dean personally replied one day. “As you are so damn insistent,” the letter said, “I have great pleasure in giving you my permission to start an organisation for me.”

Overwhelmed, Bernard immediately set in motion the creation of the fan club, finding that Dean was ever more supportive and ‘hands on’ as time went on. Dean and Bernard began a long working relationship on the club that eventually became a friendship, too. Dean was the driving force behind the formation of what eventually became The Dean Martin Association. He maintained close contact over the years.

The DMA’s reputation grew and, as the club developed, it started solid working relationships with Dean’s record and film companies, assisting in the promotion of his career and supporting him continuously.

Bernard has great memories of his life and experiences with Dino and, over the years, has been very privileged to meet with, and in some cases, becoming friends with, many of Dean’s peers and contemporaries. Equally, Dean was often vocal to Bernard in appreciating the hard work that Bernard put into the club and promoting his career.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Welcome to the official DEAN MARTIN ASSOCIATION site.

Hey pallies, today we takes you to the home page of THE DEAN MARTIN ASSOCIATION, which we learned 'bout for the first time yester-Dino-day when we shared that most outstandin' post by Mr. Elliot Thorpe, the beloved son of Mr.  Bernard Thorpe, the beloved founder of "the first and only official organisation dedicated to Dean Martin in the world at the time."

We are thrilled to be able to share for the first time this wonderful site of deep, pure, and true devotion to our most beloved Dino.  A little bit 'bouot the DMA history is found here and we are absolutely awestruck by the coolest of cool quotation 'bout our King of Cool by entertainer extraordinare Mr. Michael  Bublé..."Cool is as cool does." Dean Martin was the epitome of that statement. A distinctive vocal ability and effortless grace have made Dean an icon for the ages.

The site seems to still be a work in progress as several of the page links are yet to be completed.
And, that's sweet with us 'cause one coulda never ever completely tell the Dino-story 'cause there will always always be more and more to share!

Tomorrow we plan to return and accent the fully completed page, "DEAN AND BERNARD" which shares an abundance of awesome thoughts on our most beloved Dino and Mr. Thorpe journey of deep deep devotion to our King of Cool.  We truly stand in awe pallies of Mr. Bernard Thorpe who has dedicated  55 years of his life to liftin' up the life, the times, and the teachin's of our most beloved Dino!!!!!

We salutes Mr. Bernard Thorpe and his son Mr. Elliot Thorpe for their on-goin' energetic efforts to keeps the Dino-light glowin' Dino-bright at the DEAN MARTIN ASSOCIATION!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Deeply, deeply diggin' Dino, DMP


"Cool is as cool does." Dean Martin was the epitome of that statement. A distinctive vocal ability and effortless grace have made Dean an icon for the ages.

Michael Bublé

Welcome to the official DEAN MARTIN ASSOCIATION site.

Founded in 1960, THE DEAN MARTIN ASSOCIATION was proud to be the first and only official organisation dedicated to Dean Martin in the world at the time.

The DMA's honorary Association president until his sad death in December 1995, Dean personally sanctioned the creation of the Association for Bernard H Thorpe, enabling Bernard and the DMA to promote his career and honour his talent as one of the world's greatest entertainers.

Dean kept close contact with the DMA over the 35 years he knew Bernard, giving a unique insight into this otherwise elusive figure.

Monday, April 06, 2015

Dean Martin personally asked my dad to set up his first ever fan club for him in 1960.

Elliot Thorpe-edit

 Hey pallies, likes we're hopin' that today's Dino-entry is  just the first  of many many magical moments with a pallie tagged Mr. Elliot Thorpe.  Mr. Thorpe's brief bio tells us that he is "a writer and jazz aficionado," and, of course, from his wordsmithing  below we know that he is very very much in the Dino-know.  Thanks to the wonders of google's Dino-blog search, last Saturday we were transported to a new-to-ilovedinomartin blog tagged "Sweet Dreams Musical Romance Series"  where Miss Emmy Z. Madrigal holds forth.

As we understand it, Miss Madrigal usually scribes on the main character of her romance series, Victoria and her jazz singing career. But as Miss Madrigal relates in her intro to today's prose..."A friend of mine, Elliot Thorpe, is here today to tell us about one of the Jazz greats Victoria strives to emulate, Dean Martin."  And boy are we greatly grateful that Emmy turned her column over to Mr. Elliot Thorpe and his considerable connections to our most beloved Dino.

Mr. Thorpe's pure 'n powerful prose, "Dean Martin and the Meaning of Cool" contains many many  intriguin' 'n intimate insights into the life, the times, and the teachin's of our Dino.  As you will read below, seems that Elliot's father had the purely powerful privilege, as Thorpe relates it, that our Dino "personally asked my dad to set up his first ever fan club for him in 1960."  Likes we coulda goes on and on with all the deeply delightful details that Elliot shares 'bout his father and his fam's connection with our King of Cool, but we desires that all youse Dino-holics have the pure pleasure of drinkin' 'em in for yourselves.

We gotta say that we have drunk deeply at the well of Dino-knowledge through Thorpe's swank scribin's.  We have gained so so much incredible insight into our Dino that we have never had before in all our years of studyin'  our main man's magnificant life.  We are deeply deeply indebted to Mr. Elliot Thorpe for this most extraordinary 'n excellent essay and to Miss Emmy Z. Madrigal for spreadin' it upon the pages of her personal blog.

Mr. Thorpe's Dino-prose inspired us to check out more information on the first Dean Martin Fan Club which you will find  here.  Be certain pallies that we will be doin' our best to mine all the Dino-treasure to be found at this pad and will be sharin' it with all Dino-devotees that find their way to our humble little ilovedinomartin home.

Likes kudos upon kudos to Mr. Elliot Thorpe for his powerful proclamation ""Dean Martin and the Meaning of Cool" givin' insight upon insight into our most most beloved Dino!  To checks this out, per usual, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-only, always, and ever, DMP

Dean Martin and the Meaning of Cool by Elliot Thorpe

Hello, Sweet Dreamers! I know you are all interested in Victoria and her Jazz singing career, but what about the ladies and gentlemen who inspired her to sing those awesome songs? A friend of mine, Elliot Thorpe, is here today to tell us about one of the Jazz greats Victoria strives to emulate, Dean Martin. Enjoy! ~Emz
Dean Martin and the Meaning of Cool
by Elliot Thorpe
 At some point, most likely the 1960s, the word ‘cool’ entered public consciousness as description for something ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.
When, then, did ‘cool’ become synonymous with Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr and a whole host of others? Clearly, they were charming, laid back and smooth, a hit with all demographics – so it seems that the meaning of ‘cool’ was tailor-made for them!
Ironically, it was never a term used to describe them in the 1970s and only really came into regular use towards the end of the 1990s.
When Dean and his contemporaries were regularly performing, they were stars pulling in the crowds. But was it ‘cool’ to go see them live? ‘Cool’ never entered the equation: they were perceived as celebrities, entertainers and a guaranteed good night out in Vegas.
Times move on. Tastes change and the public perception of a ‘celebrity’ in has altered drastically these last few years.  Our digital set-top boxes and satellite dishes are crammed full of reality shows. Unknown members of the public are being shot to celebrity status because of something embarrassing they have done on front of millions of viewers. Worse still, those with just an ounce of fame, and little self-respect sometimes, go and live in a camera-crammed house to become the victim of their own plunging popularity.
But the clamour for public recognition is worryingly alluring. Not so long ago, I attended a convention in Birmingham, UK to promote a ‘Doctor Who’ story that I had scripted. The day before, no one knew me. The day after, I had signed so many autographs I had wrist ache. And I’m not famous. Not in the slightest. But my ‘public’ couldn’t get enough of me. They thought it was ‘cool’ to meet me because I was now linked, and always will be, to a ‘cool’ show. And it was a very surreal and fantastic experience. I had a cool time, you might say!
Dean Martin personally asked my dad to set up his first ever fan club for him in 1960. Cool! Dean Martin used to communicate all the time with my dad. Cool! Dean Martin sent my older sister a doll that he was holding once on a cover of one of his discs. Cool! Dean Martin once sent my dad a very limited edition Sinatra box set that Frank had personally signed it, too, at Dean’s request. Cool! Dean Martin specifically asked to meet my dad face-to-face whenever he came to London. Cool!
I apologise for sounding like I’m in a teen-movie but, when you think about it, all this was pretty cool, eh?
But at the time, we were simply honoured that Dino took such a vested interest in us so I don’t mean to sound big-headed. ‘Cool’ never came into it. It was my dad’s past-time, running the fan club. The additional stuff that came with it, the dolls, the discs, the regular contact, were added bonuses – and gave us a unique insight into Dino himself. Yet my dad never really got to know him, no one ever did, but he got to understand him. And that, both for Dean and my dad, was the most important thing of all in their relationship. They understood each other and knew how each could best benefit each other.
Let’s not beat around the bush, here: Dino knew my dad because my dad helped promote his career. If my dad had remained just a fan back in the 50s and 60s, Dino would have not given him the time of day.
And that’s no disrespect to Dino.
The man was a true celebrity. He held audiences with presidents. He ‘phoned Apollo mission crews while they were orbiting the Earth. He was best mates with Frank Sinatra. But he couldn’t meet his fans, just couldn’t face them. As he told my dad once, “…that’s why you’re here. You do it. You meet them for me and tell them how grateful I am.”
Dino was incredibly shy. And we felt that he perhaps saw our family as opportunities of quiet and down-to-earth normality in an otherwise topsy-turvy life of touring, performing, recording, partying and having hundreds of shallow friendships. He probably took advantage of that normality. My dad was open with him, honest with him. And it was reciprocated.
He was a huge star who had time for us: time he made and found himself, not through his manager or agency. And that’s why my dad has been and continues to be so dedicated to him and the promotion of his career over the last 47 years.
So, if you ask me if Dino was and is ‘cool’, then the answer would be…well, the answer would be: yes – for those reasons, more than anything.
Almost as cool as my dad.