Sunday, June 30, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I'd Cry Like A Baby"

Hey pallies... Summer is in FULL swing & heat waves are meltin' the country! This "4th", as we celebrate our independence, let's try to keep Cool Cool vibes flowin' & DEF I NATE LY keep in mind how TRULY lucky we is to live in this GREAT GREAT nation!
This week's Serenade, "I'd Cry like A Baby", has me thinkin' 'bout our BESTEST pal with his SWEETEST Summertime fling! I can tell he's REALLY diggin' on this lucky young chicalina & is REALLY hopin' she sticks 'round ALL year long!!!
I would DEF I NATE LY be cryin' like a baby if our Dino said "goodbye" & DEF I NATE LY feelin' like a snowball on this up & comin' Fourth of July!!! Dont stress out pallies...Our Dean ain't goin' nowhere!!! Celebrate the day pals...Salute a la America!



I'd cry like a baby if you told me goodbye
I'd feel like a snowball on the 4th of July
If you ever said you were leaving for good
I'd weep like a weeping willow, honest I would
I'd cry like a baby with a busted balloon
I'd let out a wail that would be heard to the moon
Our love was so splendid don't end it so soon
Don't leave me here sighing, sobbing and a-sighing
Crying like a baby for you

I'd cry like a baby if you told me goodbye
I'd feel like a snowball on the 4th of July
If you ever said you were leaving for good
I'd weep like a weeping willow, honest I would
I'd cry like a baby with a busted balloon
I'd let out a wail that would be heard to the moon
Our love was so splendid don't end it so soon
Don't leave me here sighing, sobbing and a-sighing
Crying like a baby for you

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dean Martin Happy Birthday!

Hey pallies, likes dudes likes what a magnificently marvelous month June has been as ilovedinomartin  has shared with all youse Dino-holics such a delightfully diverse set of Dino-posts homagin' our most beloved Dino on The Day That Coolness Came To Earth.

 Here is yet 'just one more B-day  trib  to our most beloved Dino shared by the pallies at "OLDIES COUNTRY."  Their post homagin' of our Dino,  "Dean Martin Happy Birthday!" includes a couple of classic Dino-poses, a couple of classic Dino-croons..."That's Amore" and "Return To Me," and a bit of patter of Dino-facts and figures as well as other Dino-details.

'gain, likes how cool is it dudes, to find 'nother blogger makin' with the Dino-devotion on the 96th annivesary of our Dino's descent to planet earth.  Likes we just never ever know how such a  Dino-reflection will do to turn on many many more to adulation of our King of Cool.

ilovedinomartin is pleased to say our Dino-thanks to the pallies at "OLDIES COUNTRY" for honorin' our most honorable Dino on his day of days.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Dean Martin Happy Birthday! Dean Martin Music Store

birthday cake with elvis and shirley

Dean with the only lady Ratpacker, Shirley McLaine and the King
of Rock and Roll back from an Army stint . The Party's going on over @


pool table freinds

 Don Rickles roast Frank sinatra on Dean's show

Dean Martin

Singer / Actor
Born: 7 June 1917
Died: 25 December 1995
Birthplace: Steubenville, Ohio
Best known as: Crooner, actor, and comedy partner to Jerry Lewis
Name at birth: Dino Crocetti Between 1949 and 1956, Dean Martin made 16 films as the singing straight man to his comedy partner Jerry Lewis; the two were one of the hottest entertainment acts of the era. After their bitter (and much-publicized) breakup, Martin continued making movies, including both comedy and dramatic roles and the spoofy Matt Helm spy movies of the 1960s. A nightclub singer and solid member of Frank Sinatra's "rat pack," Martin also had hit records, most notably "That's Amore" and "Everybody Loves Somebody." Martin's easygoing attitude helped make him a hit on television, where he hosted a comedy and variety show from 1965-74.
Extra credit: Martin's son Dean Paul (also known as Dino) was an actor, singer and sometime tennis pro; he died in a California Air National Guard plane crash in 1987. Editor's note: Many close friends say that the loss of his son was effectively the end of Martin's life,  even though he would live several more years, dining alone many nights  at the same la Famiglia restaurant in Beverly Hills.
Read more: Dean Martin Biography (Singer/Actor) |


Friday, June 28, 2013

Dean Martin was truly the wit of the Rat Pack..

Hey pallies, likes posts in honor of our Dino's day of days, June 7, 1917, The Day That Coolness Came To Earth, keeps pourin' in from all over the world wide web.  Today ilovedinomartin stops at the blog, "VEGAS TRIPPING - An Award-Winning Guide to Las Vegas," where a dude who tags himself  "Chuckmonster" has shared his BD wishes to our most beloved Dino.

Likes how fittin' is it dudes that someone who loves 'Vegas baby 'Vegas...and it is clear that "Chuckmonster" digs it to the mostest.....woulda homage our great great man who made 'Vegas his playground!  This guy obviously is a true Dino-devotee as he speaketh the truest of true Dino-thoughts when he sez, "Dean Martin was truly the wit of the Rat Pack."

 And likes ilovedinomartin is likes simply simply thrilled to read Chuck's wise words of Dino-edification...." if you haven't listened to (and memorized) Rat Pack: Live at the Sands and Dean Martin Live At The Sands you've got some studying to do.... this is essential listening/reading/laughing."  Likes dudes how very very cool to hear 'nother lover of our Dino encourage his readership to studyin' and memorizin' our Dino's coolest of cool teachin's!

ilovedinomartin salutes "Chuckmonster" for homagin' our Dino on his special day and for so deeply and devotedly encouragin' his readership to followin' the Dino-path of cool.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.  Dino-growin', DMP

Happy Birthday Dean Martin
By Chuckmonster on Friday, 7th June 2013 9:35am

Today would've been Dean Martin's 96th birthday. Dean Martin was truly the wit of the Rat Pack... if you haven't listened to (and memorized) Rat Pack: Live at the Sands and Dean Martin Live At The Sands you've got some studying to do.... this is essential listening/reading/laughing.

Here's a very tame sample of Dean's schtick taped in 1965 at the St. Louis Opera House.

Happy Birthday Dean!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Martin was nicknamed the "King of Cool" for his seemingly effortless charisma and self-assuredness.

Hey pallies, well likes just when we thinks we won't find 'nother bit of Dino-rememberin' to share with all youse Dino-philes, likes 'nother reference pops up while doin' google blog searchin' a la Dino!  So today ilovedinomartin shares with you 'nother new-to-ilovedinomartin blog with the coolest of cool tags, "BlueisKewl."

The main man there who we learn works in telecommunications in Massachusetts, appears to make his main effort sharin' momentous moments in history....and likes what coulda be more momentous  then the descent of our most beloved Dino to the earth?!?!?!?!

The blogster simply shares one of the hippest of hip pixs of our Dino ever shot, along with a we bit of patter 'bout the life and times of our King of Cool.  Likes how cool is it to find more and more average everyday bloggers who take the time, make the effort to homage our most beloved Dino.  Sure, it's fab to find mega posts with mega Dino-adulation...but likes how cool to find 'nother every day ordinary Joe puttin' his readership o nto the Dino-truth....very very cool indeed!  Likes it is such grass root efforts that are fuelin' the fires of the Dino-revolution!

So, likes ilovedinomartin salutes this expert in communicato for communicatin' their Dino-appreciato at their blog.  To checks this out in it's original format, as usual, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Dean Martin (born Dino Paul Crocetti; June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995) was an American singer, film actor, television star and comedian.

One of the most popular and enduring American entertainers of the mid-20th century, Martin was nicknamed the "King of Cool" for his seemingly effortless charisma and self-assuredness. He was a member of the "Rat Pack" and a star in concert stage/nightclubs, recordings, motion pictures, and television. He was the host of the television variety program The Dean Martin Show (1965–1974), and subsequently The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts (1974–1985).

Martin's relaxed, warbling crooning voice earned him dozens of hit singles including his signature songs "Memories Are Made of This", "That's Amore", "Everybody Loves Somebody", "You're Nobody till Somebody Loves You", "Sway", "Volare" and "Ain't That a Kick in the Head?".


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Dino

Hey pallies, here we are back 'gain at ilovedinomartin for 'nother piece of Dino-prose homagin' our most beloved Dino on the 96th anniversary of his descent to be with us on planet earth.  Today we visit with a Mr. Max Robberts at his self-tagged blog "Max Robberts."  Robberts is the published author of three volumes includin' the cleverly tagged recent tome, "Just What The World Needs....Another Self-Help Book."

Likes from gazin' at Max's blog it's clear that he enjoys celebratin' a variety of birthdays, and on June 7th his blog entry was simply stated, "Happy Birthday Dino."  Robberts shares a few choice details 'bout our Dino's life and times as well as a classic Dino-pose.  There are a couple of errors in Max's remembrances...likes which of youse Dino-philes can find 'em?

ilovedinomartin expresses our thanks to Mr. Max Robberts for puttin' the accent on our most beloved Dino on his day of birth and for helpin' his readership to grow in their knowin', lovin', and honorin' of our great great man.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Happy Birthday Dino

Gaetano Crocetti was an immigrant to the USA from Abruzzo in Italy. In 1914 he married Angela Barra who was of Neapolitan and Sicilian descent. Gaetano worked as a barber in Steubenville where he and his wife raised two sons; Guglielmo born in 1916 and Dino born just one year later; on the 7th June 1917.

Dino dropped out of school early and found jobs delivering bootleg booze and as a croupier while making some money as a prize-fighter, though not much because, as he put it, of his twelve bouts he “won all but eleven”. Realising that his future may lie outside the ring he continued to work in the casinos and speakeasies where he was occasionally given a singing spot. In the Autumn of 1940 he started singing with Sammy Watkins and His Orchestra and was billed as Dean Martin for the first time.
He toured with Sammy Watkins and as a solo act before a spell in the army. It was after the war that he started working with Jerry Lewis, first of all at Atlantic City’s 500 Club. Their partnership lasted ten years during which time they made sixteen movies together and became one of the hottest acts in the world.
After their double act came to an end Dean continued to make records and movies but it was during his time at The Sands in Las Vegas that he hit upon and perfected his stage persona of the drunken comic and singer, his introduction was always;  “Here he is, direct from the bar….” In his act he often had a small bar on stage with him, although the bottle was never filled with anything stronger than apple juice. It was at this time that the Rat Pack was at its height with the “Chairman of the Board”, Frank Sinatra appearing alongside Dean, Sammy Davis Jr, Joey Bishop and Peter Lawford not only on stage but in a string of movies.
Dean Martin appeared in 61 movies and recorded over 600 songs including his signature tune, “Everybody Loves Somebody,” which knocked ”A Hard Day’s Night” from the number one spot in 1964. When he died on Christmas Day 1995 they dimmed the lights of Las Vegas.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bespectacled Birthdays: Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-gram makes it likes crystal clear that sometimes Dino-devotion can be very short and likes yet very very sweet!   A lady , Miss Allyn Scura who makes her livin' designin' eye wear in Sebasopol, Cali hosts a fun little blog tagged "Bespectacled Birthdays."   On June 7th, the date of our Dino's entrance onto the planet, she posted this really really cool pix of our most beloved  Dino wearin' what else....specs...circa 1960s.

Now, likes there truly truly ain't a huge number of poses of our Dino in eye wear, and if memory serves me well, most of the images that we do have are of our magnificent man latter in his magnificent life.  So, this Dino-image is a rare rare treat for pallies likes us....and what an absolutely delightful shot of our Dino....ain't he lookin' so so happy and  content?!?!?!

ilovedinomartin salutes this eye wear maven for such a unique way of homagin' our most beloved Dino on his day of days.  She has possibly set a new trend for pallies likes in all sorts of fields of endeavor to find their own unique ways of developin' devotion to our Dino.   To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Dean Martin, circa 1960s


Monday, June 24, 2013

Everyone wanted to be like Dino, he was the King of Cool. Always a drink in his hand, and a cigarette in his mouth. A carefree boozer, he capitlized on his laid-back persona.

Hey pallies, likes how totally totally fab is it to be fillin' this entire month of June...the month that our most beloved Dino chose to make his entrance onto our planet on the 7th day.....with special special devotion accentin' our Dino's special day of days.  And, likes how different and unique has each and every bit of Dino-homagin' been!

Likes today's Dino-remembrance comes from 'nother new-to-ilovedinomartin site....and what an absolutely cool pad it is dudes!  Tagged, "," likes all youse Dino-philes canna tell what sorta accent these pallies take with their bloggin'.  Anywho their Dino-admiration is tagged "WSIDT - June, 7th: Dean Martin's Birthday."

Likes I have searched the blog high and low, and likes did come up with a pix of "Mr. Booze 'n Foodie" himself, but likes can't find what WSIDT stands for.  But, likes it is clear that this dude is likes totally totally sold out to our the dude sez, "Everyone wanted to be like Dino, he was the King of Cool. Always a drink in his hand, and a cigarette in his mouth. A carefree boozer, he capitlized on his laid-back persona."

How cool to find 'nother pallie who is usin' the platform of their blog to lift up the name of our Dino...boldly honorin' our King of Cool on his date of birth...and helpin' others in diggin' Dino deeper and deeper.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

WSIDT – June,7th : Dean Martin’s Birthday
June 7, 2013
dino“The King of Cool”
Dean Martin was one of the most popular American entertainers of the mid 20th century. But, it was a good while till he rose to fame. During the 10th grade he dropped out of high school because he thought he was smarter than most of his teachers. He took up boxing and fought in 12 bouts, saying  “I won all but 11.” He started singing in local bands calling himself Dino Martini. Sammy Watkins suggested he change his name to Dean Martin.
He later met Frank Sinatra at a nightclub where they both performed on the same night. Although they did not work together until Dean Martin started becoming famous.
Everyone wanted to be like Dino, he was the King of Cool. Always a drink in his hand, and a cigarette in his mouth. A carefree boozer, he capitlized on his laid-back persona.
Sit back today, watch a Dean Martin Roast and have a glass of Bourbon. From heaven if you can find it.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Manana (Is Good Enough For Me)"


Hey pallies....WELCOME TO SUMMER!!! Man O man...can't believe we FINALLY made it to that HOT & SWINGIN' time of year!!! This is DEF I NATE LY A great great time to get some STEAMY & SULTRY type jams a'jammin'!!! Let's start it off with a BANG & throw on some "Dino Latino"! WHAT BETTER WAY TO GET THINS' ROLLIN'?!!!
Now, I could actually pick just 'bout ANY one of these Summer-type numbers to begin this HOT HOT season...BUT...I wants' just the right one to REALLY get the Summer-vibe flowin'!...let me see now...hmmm...GOT IT!!! I'm thinkin' "Manana (Is Good Enough For Me)" should do the trick!
 Let's picture ourselves havin' a drink with Dean...dancin' in the sand...& cool cool music playin'! Ahhh...Summertime. Let's soak it up pals...Enjoy!



The faucet it is dripping and the fence is falling down
My pocket needs some money so I can't go in to town
My brother he ain't working and my sister doesn't care
The car it needs a motor so I can't go anywhere
Manana is soon enough for me
Once I had some money but I gave it to a friend
He said he'd pay me double he was only for a lend
But he said a little later that the horse it was so slow
Why he gave the horse my money is something I don't know
Manana is good enough for me
My brother took his suitcase and he went away to school
My father said he only learned to be a silly fool
My father said that I should learn to make a chili pot
But then I burned the house down the chili was too hot
Manana is soon enough for me
The window it is busted and the rain is coming in
If someone doesn't fix it I'll be soaking to my skin
But if we wait a day or two the rain may go away
And we don't need a window on such a lovely day
Manana manana is soon enough for me
Manana manana is soon enough for me

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dean Martin, the eternal Hollywood heartthrob

Hey pallies, likes gotta say dudes that likes I have been likes totally totally thrilled by the fantasticly fabulous 'mount of international homagin' of our most beloved Dino on the 96th anniversary of his comin' to life with us on planet earth.  And, likes today's Dino-gem of Dino-adulation comes from South America, Chile to be precise, in the form a radio station tagged "Radio Imagina" who has shared the delightful Dino-trib, "Dean Martin, the eternal Hollywood heartthrob."

Beginnin' with a vid clip of our great man singin' his greatest of great signature croons, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" taken from that live recordin' of our Dino playin' London's Apollo Theatre in 1983, the folks at "Radio Imagina" include a few brief bits of Dino-info to give their readership a taste of the life and times of our King of Cool.

Likes ain't it the coolest pallies to know that the entire known world loves our most beloved Dino and that simply doin' a bit of Dino-searchin' brings amazin' results of Dino-passion from all parts of the globe!  ilovedinomartin salutes the pallies at Chile's "Radio Imagina" for homagin' our Dino and spreadin' words of Dino-cool to their readership.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Only Devoted To Dino, DMP

Dean Martin, the eternal Hollywood heartthrob
The comedian, actor and singer Dean Martin's birthday this June 7.
The son of a housewife and a popular barber in Ohio, from very small showed interest in music, and was a teenager when he started playing drums in the school where he studied, but later had to move to another school campus, and his English mixed with Italian was of ridicule among their peers.
He worked as an assistant at a gas station and tried as a boxer, fighting under the name of Kid Crocetti.
In 1949, Dean Martin with Jerry Lewis already had some fame, and in seven years rolled 18 films together.
The ego broke their successful partnership. They turned to talk through the intervention of Frank Sinatra.
Part of legendary Rat Pack, a group of friends and undisputed talent Intregrated by Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford who seduced on stage and off.
He died, aged 78, on Christmas Day 1995 in Beverly Hills, California as a result of emphysema which produced its advanced lung cancer

Dean Martin, el eterno galán de Hollywood

jun 07, 2013

El cómico, actor y cantante estadounidense Dean Martin está de cumpleaños este 7 de junio.

Hijo de una ama de casa y un popular barbero de Ohio, desde muy pequeño mostró interés por la música, y fue en plena adolescencia cuando empezó a tocar la batería en la escuela donde estudiaba, aunque más tarde tuvo que trasladarse a otro recinto estudiantil, ya su ingles mezclado con el italiano era motivo de burlas entre sus compañeros.

Trabajó como ayudante en una gasolinera y probó como boxeador, peleando bajo el seudónimo de Kid Crocetti.

En 1949, Dean Martin junto a Jerry Lewis ya tenían cierta fama, y en siete años rodaron 18 películas juntos.

El ego rompió su exitosa sociedad.  Se volvieron a hablar gracias a la intervención de Frank Sinatra.

Parte de mítico Rat Pack, grupo de amigos y de talento indiscutido intregrado por Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Junior y Peter Lawford que seducían en el escenario y fuera de él.

Murió, con 78 años, el día de navidad de 1995 en Beverly Hills, California como consecuencia de un enfisema que le produjo su avanzado cáncer de pulmón

Friday, June 21, 2013

Dean Martin Park, opened to the sound of music

Hey pallies, likes has ilovedinomartin got the bestest of best news today for all youse Dino-holics.  While doin' our constant searchin' for continual world wide web coverage of special homagin' of our most special man on his most special of days, ilovedinomartin was directed to an Italiano pad tagged "II Giornale de Monesilvano (The Journal of Monesilvano)."

At said blog  is likes the most most excitin' of news that on Friday, June 7-----the 96th anniversary of the day that our most beloved Dino entered our planet----the city of Montesilvano hugely hugely honored our Dino by openin' the "Dean Martin Park."  Now Montesilvano is a town in the province of Pescara in the Abruzzo region of Italy.  It was in Montesilvano that our most beloved Dino's most beloved mama,  Angela Barra Crocetti was birthed.

Below is the glorious news of the fabulous devotion that the residents of Montesilvano have for our King of Cool and all the details of openin' day for the "Dean Martin Park."  Sounds likes the park is puttin' the accent on  servin' all the desires of all  ages gatherin' there....includin' providin' "games for the kids."  And, of course a "bulletin board" tellin' the Dino-story is at the entrance of the grand grand  Dino-grounds.

Likes whata coulda be any cooler then in the land of Dino-heritage, the pallies of our Dino's mana's hometown are puttin' this awesome accent on our awesome Dino.  To checks this out in it's original Italiano format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.  Dino-honorin', DMP
Dean Martin Park, opened to the sound of music

Friday, 7 June 2013 23:01 | Written by Loris Zamparelli |


The notes of the song "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometimes" they closed the official opening of the park dedicated just to the author, the American-born montesilvanesi, Dean Martin , in the course of which it was presented, again this morning, although the Foundation to his name. An inauguration that was a morning of celebration to mark what would have been the 96th birthday of the artist, born Dino Paul Crocetti, was born in Steubenville, Ohio on June 7, 1917 by Gaetano and Angela Barra Crocetti, the latter born Montesilvano. Event alongside Mayor Di Mattia, the commissioner of Public Works, Feliciano D'Ignazio, the Councillor for Culture, Germano D'Aurelio , the president of the Foundation, Alessandra Portinari, and mayor of the past administration.

"We are here today - the mayor said Di Mattia - because we have concluded the work of this park. A work created with the Administration Gallerati, funded by the Mayor of chordoma and supplemented by our work. I have decided to extend the invitation to those who preceded me because public works can not belong to a political party rather than another. The works are montesilvanesi and occur when the administrations that follow have the ability to overcome ideological barriers and carry out projects for the benefit of citizens. " An invitation that the former mayor, Pasquale Chordoma, welcomed with enthusiasm and for which he wished to thank the First Citizen Di Mattia: "Beyond the personal relationship - he said - this day is to mean the great respect of the institutions by Di Mattia, in particular for the tricolor flag that bears on the skin. " The commissioner D'Ignazio then explained the details of recent speeches, of what he described as a jewel of the city: "The opening and closing of the park are entrusted to a grandparent alert, we also have restored the games for the kids , we get that new avenue, breaking down the barriers, we replanted new tree species, restored the irrigation system, reconditioned benches and a bulletin board located at the entrance of the park with the story of Dean Martin. The intention of my Department is to carry out actions to redesign all of the city parks. " Emotion also in the intervention councilor D'Aurelio who stressed its relationship with the artist and raised the prize Dean Martin: "This year we were able to secure the support of Paul Limits will present the award on July 13 . An event that continues to exist because culture can not have a political color, indeed, must be shared by all as well as our mayor is doing Di Mattia. The founding president of the Portinari also give new strength to the award. " "The idea of ​​the foundation - said Alessandra Portinari - is to return to Montesilvano a strong cultural connotation linked precisely to Dean Martin. Among the objectives of the Foundation is to promote and disseminate the phenomenon of emigration through testimonies of the Italians in the world, with particular reference to those from Abruzzo. We also want to istaurare collaboration in particular with the city of Steubenville, the birthplace of Dean Martin, to disseminate the culture of the area and the image of Montesilvano in the world. "

Parco Dean Martin, inaugurazione a suon di musica
Venerdì 07 Giugno 2013 23:01 | Scritto da Loris Zamparelli |

Le note della canzone “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometimes” hanno chiuso l’inaugurazione ufficiale del parco dedicato proprio al suo autore, l’americano di origini montesilvanesi, Dean Martin, nel corso della quale  è stata presentata, sempre questa mattina, anche la Fondazione a lui dedicata.  Una inaugurazione che è stata una mattinata di festa per celebrare quello che sarebbe stato il 96esimo compleanno dell’artista, al secolo Dino Paul Crocetti, nato a Steubenville in Ohio  il 7 giugno del 1917 da Angela Barra e Gaetano Crocetti, quest’ultimo nato proprio a Montesilvano. All’evento al fianco del sindaco Di Mattia, l’assessore ai Lavori Pubblici, Feliciano D’Ignazio, l’assessore alla Cultura, Germano D’Aurelio, la presidentessa della Fondazione, Alessandra Portinari, e , sindaco della passata amministrazione.

“Oggi siamo qui – ha dichiarato il sindaco Di Mattia – perché abbiamo concluso i lavori di questo parco. Un’opera nata con l’Amministrazione Gallerati, finanziata da quella del Sindaco Cordoma e completata dal nostro lavoro. Ho ritenuto di estendere l’invito anche a chi mi ha preceduto perché le opere pubbliche non possono appartenere ad uno schieramento politico piuttosto che ad un altro. Le opere sono dei montesilvanesi e si realizzano quando le amministrazioni che si susseguono hanno la capacità di superare steccati ideologici e di portare a termine  i progetti per il bene dei cittadini”. Un invito che l’ex sindaco, Pasquale Cordoma, ha accolto con entusiasmo e per cui ha voluto ringraziare il Primo cittadino Di Mattia : “Al di là del rapporto personale – ha dichiarato  - questa giornata sta a significare il  grande rispetto delle istituzioni da parte di Di Mattia, in particolare per la fascia tricolore che porta sulla pelle”. L’assessore D’Ignazio ha poi spiegato i dettagli degli ultimi interventi, di quello da lui stesso definito un gioiello della Città: “L’apertura e la chiusura del parco sono affidate ad un nonno vigile, inoltre abbiamo ripristinato i giochi per i bambini, sistemato il nuovo viale, abbattuto le barriere architettoniche, abbiamo ripiantumato nuove specie arboree, ripristinato l’impianto di irrigazione, rimesso a nuovo le panchine  e posizionato una bacheca all’ingresso del Parco con la storia di Dean Martin. L’intenzione del mio assessorato è quello di portare avanti azioni di restyling su tutti i parchi della città”. Emozione anche nell’intervento dell’assessore D’Aurelio che ha sottolineato il suo legame con l’artista ed ha rilanciato il premio Dean Martin: “Quest’anno siamo riusciti ad avere l’adesione di Paolo Limiti che presenterà il Premio il 13 luglio. Un evento che continua ad esistere perché la cultura non può avere un colore politico, anzi deve essere condivisa da tutti così come sta facendo il nostro sindaco Di Mattia. La fondazione della presidentessa Portinari darà nuova forza anche al premio”. “L’idea della fondazione – ha spiegato Alessandra Portinari - è quella di restituire a Montesilvano una forte connotazione culturale legata proprio a Dean Martin. Tra gli obiettivi della Fondazione c’è anche quello di valorizzare e diffondere il fenomeno dell’emigrazione attraverso  testimonianze degli italiani nel mondo, con particolare riferimento a quelli di origine abruzzese. Vogliamo anche istaurare rapporti di collaborazione in particolare con la città di Steubenville, città natale di Dean Martin, per divulgare la cultura del territorio e l’immagine di Montesilvano nel mondo”.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Dino - Happy Birthday To A Talent Unparalleled In Today’s Entertainment

Hey pallies, likes  wondrous words of absolute adulation for our Dino on the anniversary date of his birth continues to be pourin' in all over the web as freely as our most beloved Dino enjoys his liquid libations.  Today we stop by  blog "You Viewed/ Editorial" where blogger Mr. John Galt holds forth and Galt's birthday blast to our great man is a great Dino-hearted post tagged "Happy Birthday Dino - Happy Birthday To A Talent Unparalleled In Today's Entertainment."

Likes really really don't need to sez anymore 'cause Mr. Galt likes speaketh the ultimate in Dino-truth 'cause our Dino's amazin' talent is truly truly "unparalleled."  As you will note below, John takes a really refreshin' look at our Dino's life and times usin' awesome images and well known vid clips to celebrate our Dino with his readership.  In addition Galt  shares some fact and figures on our Dino's life and times and teachin's as well as a "mini biography."

ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. John Galt for showin' so so much devotion to our Dino through his celebrative post that simply shows through how much he knows, love, and honors our great man.  It is clear pallies that John has put quite the amount of time and energy into his Dino-homagin' and it is sure to pay big Dino-dividends in helpin' others grow in deeper and purer and truer Dino-devotion.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-sharin'  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Happy Birthday Dino

Happy Birthday To A Talent Unparalleled In Today’s Entertainment

Photo: Happy Birthday Dean Martin.  You are truly missed.  In celebration of the King of Cool's birthday tell us what is your favorite Dean Martin song and why in the comments.

  Date of Birth

Date of Death
25 December 1995, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA (lung cancer and emphysema)

Birth Name

Dino Paul Crocetti


King Leer (given to him by Life magazine)


5′ 11″ (1.80 m)

Mini Biography

” Though best known for the 51 films he made, Dean Martin was a prizefighter, steel mill laborer, gas station attendant and card shark before seeing the first glimmer of fame. It came when he teamed up with comedian Jerry Lewis in 1946. Films such as At War with the Army (1950) sent the team toward superstardom. After teaming with Lewis, Martin – born Dino Paul Crocetti – became a dramatic actor and the star of a long-running television variety show. Personality conflicts broke up the comedy duo in 1957. Few thought that Martin would go one to achieve solo success, but he did, winning critical acclaim for his role in The Young Lions (1958) with Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift. A succession of films followed for the singer-actor, including Some Came Running (1958) with Shirley MacLaine and Frank Sinatra. All would later be members of the “Rat Pack.” Martin learned well and proved potent at the box office throughout the 1960s, with films such as Bells Are Ringing (1960) and Robin and the 7 Hoods (1964), again with Rat Pack pals Sammy Davis Jr. and Sinatra. During much of the 1960s and 1970s Martin’s movie persona of a boozing playboy prompted a series of films as secret agent Matt Helm and his own television variety show. Airport (1970) followed, featuring Martin as a pilot. He also played a phony priest in The Cannonball Run (1981). His last public role was a return to the stage, for a cross-country concert tour with Davis and Sinatra. He spoke affectionately of his fellow Rat Packers. “The satisfaction that I get out of working with these two bums is that we have more laughs than the audience has”, Martin said. “

Trade Mark

Cigarette and a glass of alcohol whenever he was doing his night club acts


” His son, Dean Paul Martin (Dino), was killed in a plane crash in March 1987.
Member of the “Rat Pack” with Frank SinatraSammy Davis Jr.Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop. All appeared in Ocean’s Eleven (1960).
Grandfather of Alexander Martin.”
” Much of the “booze” that he drank on stage during his famous “Rat Pack” performances was really apple juice. (Son Dean Paul Martin spilled this secret, after the variety show ended production, stating that his father couldn’t have performed if he’d really drunk that much liquor.)”

” From 1973 to 1984, he was the host of the “Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts.” In one of the most classic television series of all time, Dean and his panel of actors and comics would shower the guest of honor with insults. This series contained the most famous names in the history of entertainment, such as Bob HopeFrank SinatraLucille BallGeorge BurnsJames StewartOrson WellesJack BennyPhyllis DillerMilton BerleGene KellyDon RicklesRich LittleJohn Wayne, and Foster Brooks.”

” He and Frank Sinatra were best friends, a fact he held very dear to his heart. The two didn’t speak much, in the years after Dean quit the “Rat Pack Reunion” tour, but they did reconcile a few months before his death, over dinner – and a breadroll fight.”  

” Dean is one of few actors who have received not just one, but three stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: one for Motion Pictures at 6519 Hollywood Blvd., one for Television at 6651 Hollywood Blvd, and a third for his recording career.”

”  Dean’s TV career began in 1950 with The Martin & Lewis Show on The Colgate Comedy Hour, which ran through 1955. He hosted various other shows before reluctantly taking the 1965 gig which turned into a 19-year success under various names.”

RIP … Cheers Dino

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

While Dean’s usual “accessories” tend to include a cigarette and a glass of whiskey, both of which are present in his hands throughout most of these scenes, he also sports a silver pinky ring and a silver bracelet, both worn on his left hand.

Hey pallies, likes devotion to our Dino on his day of entry onto our planet continues to be uncovered by ilovedinomartin on the old 'net.  Yesterday while doin' the usual google Dino-bloggin' search likes we found ourselves  'gain at one of the very coolest of cool male blogs, "BAMF Style - Dress Like A Man" where their celebration of our most beloved Dino's 96th anniversary of his date of birth is a very very stylish piece of prose accentin' oh so well our Dino's dress as Sam Harmon in the original big screen version of "Ocean's 11."

BAMF does an absolutely stunnin' Dino-reflection of our King of Cool as the coolest of cool style icon in O11 in their post, "Dean Martin's Classic Brown Sport Coat."  Likes ilovedinomartin thinks this is perhaps the bestest of best Dino-posts ever on our Dino's awesome attire...and for sure one of the most unique and unusual bits of homagin' of our great great man.  This is one piece of Dino-devotion that all youse Dino-philes are gonna wanna sink your teeth into!

Likes loves how BAMF uses both prose and photos to  make their swankest of swank survey of our Dino's awesomely attractive attire in the greatest of great heist flicks on all times.  This particular Dino-observation is truly worthy of bein' lifted up for special note..... "Definitely the most casual Rat Packer, as he even wore his tuxedoes with an informal button-down-collar shirt, Dean Martin never let his laid-back style get in the way of looking good.  In fact, Dean shows a good example of how even a minimal satorial effort can go a long way.

ilovedinomartin salutes the pallies at "BAMP Style - Dress Like A Man" for one of the finest piece of Dino-prose we've come 'cross in quite a while...and such a truly truly interestin' of accentin' our most beloved Dino on The Day That Coolness Came To Earth."  To checks this out in it's original format, simply likes clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.   Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

JUNE 7, 2013

Dean Martin’s Classic Brown Striped Sport Coat

Dean Martin and co-star Angie Dickinson in 1960's Ocean's Eleven.
Dean Martin and co-star Angie Dickinson in 1960′s Ocean’s Eleven.
Today would have been the 96th birthday of Dean Martin, the King of Cool.


Dean Martin as Sam Harmon, lounge singer and part-time casino heister
Beverly Hills, December 1959


Although Sinatra’s vision may have been for a more serious heist film, the presence of Dean Martin ensures that this time capsule of lounge-era cool kept things fun and lighthearted. After his brief introduction earlier in the film (where he sports a very sharp gray suit at the airport to be covered later), our true introduction to the Sam Harmon character begins at the Beverly Hills hotel as Sam provides a piano accompaniment to his own vocal rendition of Dino’s too-racy-for-radio hit “Ain’t That a Kick in the Head”.
It’s true that the song was considered too risque to be released as a single back in 1960 due to lyrics such as “The room was completely black / I hugged her and she hugged back.” Cut to fifty years later, where lyrics in most hit songs are either unacceptable in polite society, unintelligible garbage, or just names of various cities (I’m looking at you, Pitbull.)
Dean’s character, and his attire, are a throwback to when male entertainers could be mischievously classy, romancing women rather than hitting them and indulging in a few drinks without making headlines with substance abuse.

What’d He Wear?

Definitely the most casual Rat Packer, as he even wore his tuxedoes with an informal button-down-collar shirt, Dean Martin never let his laid-back style get in the way of looking good. In fact, Dean shows a good example of how even a minimal sartorial effort can go a long way.
The main item in Dean’s pre-Vegas attire is a sharp brown single-breasted sport coat, worn with both an open neck shirt and with a tie.
The coat itself has moderate notch lapels and double rear vents. The slightly padded shoulders are a good match for Martin’s athletic build and the jacket, with its long opening, hangs loosely and coolly around his frame. It buttons in the front with two dark brown buttons, with two smaller dark brown buttons on each cuff.
A jacket like this can be worn dressier with a tie or more casually without a tie. Also note that Dean Martin has a piano in his hotel room, mostly used for serenading a set of awestruck maids.
A jacket like this can be worn dressier with a tie or more casually without a tie. Also note that Dean Martin has a piano in his hotel room, mostly used for serenading a set of awestruck maids.
Dean’s sport coat is brown with a dark brown stripe that makes the whole garment look a shade darker, especially from a distance. It features three patch pockets – two hip pockets and one breast pocket, garnished with a white linen handkerchief.
Evidently, this type of jacket was a Dean Martin favorite, as he later wears a blue version in the film and can be spotted sporting the same type on some of his album covers.
Dean’s choice of pants is a dark mink-colored pair of flat front trousers with plain-hemmed bottoms. Some men have to be careful when matching a brown blazer with brown slacks, but Dean pulls this off especially well in the pre-khaki days.
and lawford
Dean was probably just as comfortable in a sharp sport coat and slacks as Peter Lawford was in his terrycloth robe.
The shirt is Dean’s usual lightweight white button-down. Much like most of his shirts in the film, it is a casual style with a loose fit and large button-down collars. White buttons fasten down a wide front placket and the wide barrel cuffs are buttoned on each wrist.
For the later scenes at Spyros Acebos’ Beverly Hills home, Dean dresses up a little for his night of scheming with his old Army buddies. He adds a dark brown silk necktie, very much a 1960 style with its narrow width and relatively short length. The tie is primarily brown but three small rectangles – white, black, and white – sparsely litter the front of the tie.
Left: Dean in the brown tie worn for most of the scene. Right: Dean now sports a dark block-striped tie when he's surrounded by his team. What gives?
Left: Dean in the brown tie worn for most of the scene.
Right: Dean now sports a dark block-striped tie when he’s surrounded by his team. What gives?
Strangely, a few shots of Dean in this scene show him instead wearing a darker block-striped tie with blue and red tones. This tie will later be featured in another scene where Dean wears the blue version of the brown striped blazer. Dean also wears this tie for the funeral scene finale. Its appearance in this scene is just a continuity error.
Dean’s footwear in these scenes are a pair of dark brown leather 3-eyelet plain-toe dress shoes, worn with a pair of very thin black silk socks.
dean and frank
The good old days.
While Dean’s usual “accessories” tend to include a cigarette and a glass of whiskey, both of which are present in his hands throughout most of these scenes, he also sports a silver pinky ring and a silver bracelet, both worn on his left hand.
dean stuff

Go Big or Go Home

These early scenes are the best reflection of the real Dean Martin’s character: a romantic crooner with a few vices of his own (notably smoking and drinking very heavily) but a reluctance to go along with the rest of the Rat Pack’s debauchery. While Frank and Sammy would be rounding up girls for all-night orgies, Dean – the closest thing the group had to a family man – would refuse to participate and head home. Although he wasn’t the perfect example of a loyal husband, Martin was much more discreet with his comparatively minimal affairs. His longest marriage, to his second wife Jeanne, lasted 24 years and – although he briefly left her for a younger woman in the 1970s (a decidedly sleazy era anyway) – they reconciled later and remained friends until his death. Also, Dino refused to have any association with Frank and Lawford’s Mafia cronies, despite allegations that he was linked to the mob early in his career.
Although no mention is specifically made of orgies and the mob in Ocean’s Eleven (for obvious reasons), Dean’s character is the one who is most reluctant to take on the heist, instead suggesting that the group finishes their drinks and goes home – likely something the real Dino would have said after a wild suggestion from Frank.
Glad the title clears it up.
Glad the title clears it up.
If you’re looking for something to listen to that will keep you in the right sort of swinging mindset, pick up Dean’s aptly-titled 1958 Capitol album This Is Dean Martin! Besides the rather obvious title, Dean dons a sport coat on the album cover very similar to the one he wears in Ocean’s Eleven. The track list, which includes “Volare”, is comprised of some of Dino’s most popular songs – a series of lighthearted and romantic songs with an Italian flair.
(As a side note, the backing orchestra on This Is Dean Martin! was conducted by Dick Stabile on some tracks and Gus Levene on others. Levene would later conduct a 1930s-style orchestra for the excellent period soundtrack of 1973′s Dillinger.)
Dean slips from cocktail to cocktail in the film, in accordance with his stage persona. He typically drinks whiskey highballs, a good drink for keeping your whistle wet all day long without getting too messy.
Dean (or Sam, if we’re talking about his character) has the hotel room of Rat Pack dreams – a fully-stocked bar and a piano for serenading the bevy of attractive maids who coo at each note. If your hotel room doesn’t have a bar and a piano, it’s time to change hotels.
The life of Dino.
The life of Dino.
He also smokes unfiltered Lucky Strikes, the brand of choice for people ranging from old time movie stars Gary Cooper and Myrna Loy to fictional characters such as Don Draper and Gator McKlusky. According to Lucky Strike’s ad campaign, even Santa Claus lit up Luckies.
Just remember that a gentleman always lights a lady's cigarette first.
Just remember that a gentleman always lights a lady’s cigarette first.

How to Get the Look

Dean dressed simply but grandly. A few accessories here and there liven up a casual and cool look.
Dean sports the continuity error tie while clowning around with the Rat Pack on set.
Dean sports the continuity error tie while clowning around with the Rat Pack on set.
  • Brown self-striped single-breasted sport coat with slim notch lapels, patch breast and hip pockets, 2-button front, 2-button cuffs, and double rear vents
  • Mink-colored flat front trousers with plain-hemmed bottoms
  • White lightweight casual button-down shirt with button-down collars, white buttons down a wide front placket, and buttoned barrel cuffs
  • Slim brown silk necktie with a white/black “box” pattern
  • Thin black silk dress socks
  • Dark brown leather 3-eyelet plain-toe dress shoes
  • White linen pocketsquare, worn in breast pocket
  • Silver pinky ring (on left pinky)
  • Silver chain bracelet (on left wrist)

Do Yourself A Favor And…

Buy the movie. Go ahead and pick up a copy of This Is Dean Martin! while you’re at it.

The Quote

Sam decides to take a very misogynist platform for his entry into politics:
Repeal the 14th and 20th Amendment; take the vote away from the women, make slaves out of them.