Hey pallies, just Dinonoticed that now all 12 count 'em 12 Dinoclips are now availble for our Dinopleasure from "Marriage On The Rocks." Enjoy pallies...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
"You hang out a martini to dry."
Hey pallies, the day when coolness came to earth Dinoapproacheth....here's our Dino talkin' to George Burns on the telephone as George celebrates his 100th....and what does our Dino ask of George?!??! "You hang out a martini to dry." Clebratin' the Dinodifference with ya pallies!!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Dino in "Marriage On The Rocks"
Hey pallies. like I knew it would Dinohappen...someone has posted a few Dinoclips from "Marriage On The Rocks." Here they are for your Dinoviewin' Dinopleasure....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
What is Trini Lopez doin' on the Dinoblog?
Hey pallies, the answer is....this is the only Dinoclip that I could find from any of the three Dinoflicks that got released this very Dinoday..."Some Came Running," "Marriage On The Rocks," and "Sergeants 3." Prob in a few Dinodays Dinoclips from all three Dinoreleases will find their way to the web.
Anyway, this clip of Trini singin' "Sinner Man" is from "Marriage On The Rocks" and midway through this clip you will see our great Dean Martin swingin' with Debra Kerr on the dance floor...so in honor of our Dino and that three more of his classic Dinofilms are not available on DVD..enjoy this Dinoclip.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Dean Martin: "An American Buddha Characteristic Number 2: Perfectly Self-Enlightened
Hey pallies, my Dinodialogue with pallie Keith, 'bout our Dino bein' an American Buddha continues with this Dinoexchange on how our Dino is Perfectly Self-Enlighted....
Hey pallie Keith, such "worthy" Dinoinsights you offer into the "worthy"ness of our Dino. It is clear that you have a very wise handle on our Dino's "worthy"ness. Your Dinothoughts are clear and make total Dinosense to this dude. Not sure there is anything more to be Dinoadded at this time. You are one wise and hip Dinolover pallie Keith. So, shall we go on to the 2nd characteristic of Buddha...... .....Perfectly Self-Enlightened.
Well, we know that Dino is so PERFECT in everything he does.....the perfect actor, singer, comedian.... .ever perfect in how he smokes, drinks and loves on the ladies. Dino is the most ENLIGHTENED person to ever walk the earth....... he has such wisdom on how to live the good live in the coolest way possible.... .and how did our Master of Hip get so enlightened. ...it came only from himself..... so our Dino is like totally SELF-ENLIGHTENED. ....never needed anyone to help him find his way.....he is the ultimate of the self made man....and as our Dino never ever needed anyone to show him the way to go he is indeed.....PEREFECT LY SELF-ENLIGHTENED! !!!
And, now our Dinoinsights on this characteristic of the Buddha, pallie Keith? Dinoexpectantly, DMP
Hey pallie DMP,
Glad you liked what I wrote about Dino being the worthy one. Here goes my observations about Dino being perfect self-enlightened. Dino didn't have to have a mentor. He didn't have to have anyone tell him how to live his life and how to think. He didn't need a teacher. Dino knew himself. He knew who he was and what he wanted to do with his life. He was truly a self made man, whether it was movies, television, the stage act, records, you name it. Dino had the self knowledge to be the King of Cool. He didn't have to have someone guide him. He didn't follow the rules of others. He didn't need a manual to show him how to live life. He knew it from his very soul how to live the Dinolife. This is Dino's world. Because he always knew how to be cool and hip, he's now sharing that with us.
Keep Dinoswingin,
Hey pallie Keith, such "worthy" Dinoinsights you offer into the "worthy"ness of our Dino. It is clear that you have a very wise handle on our Dino's "worthy"ness. Your Dinothoughts are clear and make total Dinosense to this dude. Not sure there is anything more to be Dinoadded at this time. You are one wise and hip Dinolover pallie Keith. So, shall we go on to the 2nd characteristic of Buddha...... .....Perfectly Self-Enlightened.
Well, we know that Dino is so PERFECT in everything he does.....the perfect actor, singer, comedian.... .ever perfect in how he smokes, drinks and loves on the ladies. Dino is the most ENLIGHTENED person to ever walk the earth....... he has such wisdom on how to live the good live in the coolest way possible.... .and how did our Master of Hip get so enlightened. ...it came only from himself..... so our Dino is like totally SELF-ENLIGHTENED. ....never needed anyone to help him find his way.....he is the ultimate of the self made man....and as our Dino never ever needed anyone to show him the way to go he is indeed.....PEREFECT LY SELF-ENLIGHTENED! !!!
And, now our Dinoinsights on this characteristic of the Buddha, pallie Keith? Dinoexpectantly, DMP
Hey pallie DMP,
Glad you liked what I wrote about Dino being the worthy one. Here goes my observations about Dino being perfect self-enlightened. Dino didn't have to have a mentor. He didn't have to have anyone tell him how to live his life and how to think. He didn't need a teacher. Dino knew himself. He knew who he was and what he wanted to do with his life. He was truly a self made man, whether it was movies, television, the stage act, records, you name it. Dino had the self knowledge to be the King of Cool. He didn't have to have someone guide him. He didn't follow the rules of others. He didn't need a manual to show him how to live life. He knew it from his very soul how to live the Dinolife. This is Dino's world. Because he always knew how to be cool and hip, he's now sharing that with us.
Keep Dinoswingin,
Dean Martin: 200th Dinoblog Dinopost
Hey pallies, just noticed that this will be the 200th Dinoblog Dinopost..... Have chosen to share with you a Dinoclip that is sorta outta Dinoseason...but for some Dinoreason this Dinoclip of our great man singin' "Marshmellow World" speaks volumes to me of how our Dino is an American Buddha....not just the way that our Dino sings this tune...but watch all his cool moves and facial inflections as he sings this....indeed June 7, 1917 is the day that an American Buddha was born, the day that coolness came to earth.
Dean Martin: Favorite Dinoclips
Hey pallies, as we continue to prepare to celebrate the Day That Coolness Came To Earth, here is a clip shared with me by my Dinobro Keith....the most faithful Dinoreader of this here Dinoblog....and you will note the dude who shares in the Dinodialogue we me on how our Dino is an American Buddha (next installment comin' Dinosoon). This here Dinoclip is from 1965 and features our great man singin' "Houston." And as an added Dinobonus, click on the tagg of this Dinopost and you will be transported to Keith's myspace pad and his great blog post of 10 of his fav Dinoclips of all Dinotime. Keep diggin' our Dino pallies...and many thanks pallie Keith!!!!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Dean Martin Jammin'

Hey pallies, here's 'nother Dinopix that I recently came 'cross....our Dino is not in his pjs, but he is certainly jammin' out...do have to wonder if Dino's boypallie Dino Jr. gave his daddy-o any lessons on the guitar? To see the Dinopix in it's original blog settin' just click on the tagg of this Dinogram
Speakin' of Dino Jr., here's a great little clip of Dino Jr. with his group, Dino, Desi, and Billy" jammin' on a 1965 TV show....even at a tender age Dino's boypallie is followin' his daddy-o's cool footsteps...enjoy....
Friday, May 09, 2008
Dean Martin: "An American Buddha" Characteristic Number 1: A Worthy One
Hey pallies, continuin' our Dino and the Buddha comparison, here is what pallie Keith and I wrote to each other on Buddha characteristic numero uno....."A Worthy One." Will be Dinodelighted to hear your Dinothoughts in the Dinocomment section.
Hey pallie Keith, you are most welcome and I am already Dinorelatin' to most of these Buddha characteristics. But, let's take them one at a Dinotime beginnin' with "a worthy one." We have often spoke at ilovedinomartin of our Dino bein' worthy. Dino is worthy of our time, energy, and devotion just 'cause he is Dino, the King of Cool, our Master of Hip. Dino is worthy of our emulation 'cause he is the standard of cool that we desire to be totally like. Some thoughts from you pallie Keith 'bout our Dino bein' the "worthy one?" Dinoemulatin' , DMP
Hey pallie DMP,
Yeah, I like the idea of taking them one at a time. Discussing how this relates to Dino. I like your insights. I agree with how you put it. Here goes. Here are my thoughts.
A Worthy One.
Is there any reference that more fits our Dino? Not many. Dino is The worthy one. There is no human being more worthy than Dino. Dino is after all the Master of Hip, the King of Cool. He is the height of hipness and coolness. He is worthy of our adoration, our devotion, our respect, our homage, our love, and so much more. He is the prime example, the role model, for living a swingin' life. He shows us how to live life to the fullest, not to just pass each day the same as the last. He shows us what a worthy life should be like. We should be happy with life and love livin' it. Dino did that. He is worthy because he shows us what a good life could be like. He showed us how to drink, how to smoke, how to flirt with the ladies, how to dress, how to tell a joke, and so much more. Dino is worthy because he showed us the Dinoworld. He showed us what paradise could be.
Make any sense at all? I hope so.
Keep Dinoswingin,
Hey pallie Keith, you are most welcome and I am already Dinorelatin' to most of these Buddha characteristics. But, let's take them one at a Dinotime beginnin' with "a worthy one." We have often spoke at ilovedinomartin of our Dino bein' worthy. Dino is worthy of our time, energy, and devotion just 'cause he is Dino, the King of Cool, our Master of Hip. Dino is worthy of our emulation 'cause he is the standard of cool that we desire to be totally like. Some thoughts from you pallie Keith 'bout our Dino bein' the "worthy one?" Dinoemulatin' , DMP
Hey pallie DMP,
Yeah, I like the idea of taking them one at a time. Discussing how this relates to Dino. I like your insights. I agree with how you put it. Here goes. Here are my thoughts.
A Worthy One.
Is there any reference that more fits our Dino? Not many. Dino is The worthy one. There is no human being more worthy than Dino. Dino is after all the Master of Hip, the King of Cool. He is the height of hipness and coolness. He is worthy of our adoration, our devotion, our respect, our homage, our love, and so much more. He is the prime example, the role model, for living a swingin' life. He shows us how to live life to the fullest, not to just pass each day the same as the last. He shows us what a worthy life should be like. We should be happy with life and love livin' it. Dino did that. He is worthy because he shows us what a good life could be like. He showed us how to drink, how to smoke, how to flirt with the ladies, how to dress, how to tell a joke, and so much more. Dino is worthy because he showed us the Dinoworld. He showed us what paradise could be.
Make any sense at all? I hope so.
Keep Dinoswingin,
Dean Martin Circa 1960

Hey pallies, here's a great pix of our great man from 1960.....never had seen this before until it found me through a Dinogram from flickr yesterday....if you click on the tagg of this Dinogram you will see it in it's original Dinocontext over at flickr. Just wonderin' pallies what our Dino is doin' in his pjs and who took the pix...and is this like in Dino's trailer on a movie set? Dig the old phonograph and telephone. Lookin' forward to your Dinopatter on this. Latter pallies....
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Dean Martin: An American Buddha

Hey pallies, gonna begin sharin' the Dinodialogue between pallie Keith and myself 'bout how our Dino is like the Buddha. Please feel Dinofree to enter into this Dinodialgue by leavin' your Dinothoughts in the comment section.
Here is the Dinopost that began the Dinobuddha Dinodialogue and pallie Keith's response.
Hey pallie Keith, just did a little research on the buddha and found these nine characteristics of a Buddha over at Wikipedia... ...I am findin' some strikin' similiarites between our Dino and the Buddha!
Here is the list of 9 Nine Characteristics of a Buddha:
1. a worthy one
2. perfectly self-enlightened
3. stays in perfect knowledge
4. well gone
5. unsurpassed knower of the world
6. unsurpassed leder of persons to be tamed
7. teacher of the gods and humans
8. the Enlightened One
9. the BLessed One or fortunate one
I thought that we might just have some Dinodialogue on each of these nine characteristics and how they refer and relate to our Dino. So, let's begin with a Dinodiscussion of how our Dino fits as "the worthy one."
In Dinodevotion, DMP
Hey pallie DMP,
Thanks for the research. That's pretty interesting. I'm going to have to look over those and make some feedback. Any ideas yet yourself? It's neat that Dino inspires us to even talk about world religions up here. What will Dino do next? :-)
Keep Dinoswingin,
Dean Martin: "I kinda thought of him as an American Buddha"
Hey pallies, like here is some way cool Dinoprose tagged "The Song Of The Soused" written by Ty Burr soon after our Dino departed planet earth. At the end of the article Burr quotes Dinobiographer Nick Tosches 'bout our Dino bein' like an American Buddha. This gave way to some Dinoinspiration by my Dinobro Keith (who is most faithful in his readin' of and respondin' to the Dinoblog) and I to share some Dinopatter on how our Dino is like the Buddha. Plans to run those comments over the next several Dinodays for your Dinoreadin' Dinopleasure, and of course for your Dinocommentary as well. If you wanna read this Dinoarticle in it's original format, just click on the tagg of this Dinopost.
The original slacker, Dean Martin
glorified the lush life on stage and screen.
By Ty Burr, Entertainment Weekly, 12 January 1996
If the signal attribute of late-20th-century American pop culture is cool, and if the essence of cool is the projection of detachment, then maybe--just maybe--Dean Martin was the real Chairman of the Board. Sinatra is the greater artist, of course, but in a way, that's what hangs him up--despite naming an album No One Cares, Sinatra obviously has cared, especially about his music. But Martin, who died Christmas Day 1995 from acute respiratory failure at age 78, never seemed to give a rat pack about anything. He achieved success on the charts, in movies, even on TV (the one arena that Ol' Blue Eyes never conquered) while floating above the fray with bibulous serenity. In an industry of self-publicists, Dean Martin remained insistently unknowable.
That quality gave him charisma while marking him as a lightweight, made him seem absurdly passe by the mid-'70s while giving him a weird, nearly existential purity in his final decades. Slackers may be sipping martinis and neo-hipsters like Greg Mangus might be singing Martinesquely, but there was no Bennett-style comeback for Martin; in fact, he sourly bailed out of a 1988 reunion tour with Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. after hollering "I wanna go home!" from the stage and flicking a lit cigarette butt into the audience. His ex-wife Jeanne, to whom he was married for 23 years, once sighed, "There's either nothing under there or too much." Nick Tosches' 1992 biography, Dino: Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams, calls him a menefreghista, Italian for "one who simply does not give a f---."
Born Dino Paul Crocetti on June 17, 1917, Martin grew up the son of an immigrant barber in Steubenville, Ohio. He worshiped at the altar of Bing Crosby and made a go at a singing career, mutating from Dino Crocetti to Dino Martini to Dean Martin, and picking up a new nose in the process. In 1946, he and a lantern-jawed comedian named Jerry Lewis began kibitzing in on each other's acts; by the time the duo played Slapsie Maxie's in Los Angeles two years later, they had the industry in their palms.
Sixteen hugely popular Martin and Lewis films followed in seven years, and as the comedian's ambitions ballooned, Martin simmered, despite having a successful recording career on Capitol that crested with the 1953 top hit "That's Amore." By 1956, tired of breakups and makeups with the insecure Lewis, Martin told him, "You can talk about love all you want. To me, you're nothing but a f---ing dollar sign." And he was outta there, pally. Martin never looked back, rarely acknowledging Lewis' existence, while his ex-partner erupted in public outpourings of separation anxiety. (Lewis was too "shattered by grief" to comment on Martin's death, according to Lewis' manager.)
No one thought Martin would make it on his own. Reviews for his first solo film, Ten Thousand Bedrooms, were brutal ("Apart [from Lewis], Mr. Martin is a fellow with little humor and a modicum of charm," said The New York Times). But Martin's ensuing choices were inspired: a GI in The Young Lions opposite Brando, an alcoholic deputy (his best dramatic role) in Rio Bravo.
Then the Rat Pack came calling, offering the position of Frankie Lite alongside Sinatra, Davis, Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop in movies and Vegas nightclubs. To make his allegiance clear, Martin left Capitol to record on, and financially back, Sinatra's Reprise Records. His apotheosis came in 1964: "Everybody Loves Somebody" knocked the Beatles out of the No. 1 spot, and he starred in Billy Wilder's Kiss Me, Stupid, which epitomized Martin's persona as a lovable, lecherous lush. Condemned by critics and the Catholic Legion of Decency, Stupid was the Showgirls of its day, yet its acrid playboy nihilism may be the closest he came to a personal statement.
The next year saw the debut of The Dean Martin Show, a variety program that ran for nine successful seasons on NBC. Yet pop culture was shifting away from him: The show's va-va-voom chorus line, the Golddiggers, caused the National Organization for Women to give Martin a Keep-Her-in-Her-Place award during the final season. The Matt Helm spy spoof series that began promisingly with 1966's The Silencers quickly ran aground with three limp follow-ups. His records veered toward workaday country; Martin would lay down vocals only after producer Jimmy Bowen had recorded all the other tracks.
The late '70s and '80s saw Martin slope off into halfhearted singing gigs and celebrity roasts featuring the likes of Milton Berle and Foster Brooks--Last Suppers for the borscht belt. After his son Dino Jr., 35, died in a 1987 plane crash, Martin seemed to vanish into himself. He haunted Hollywood restaurants, alone, with an ever-present drink in his hand. "I'm just waiting to die," Paul Anka says Martin told him one night.
But that tragic vision doesn't square. Tragedy necessitates self-knowledge, and indications are that Dean Martin rolled blissfully on the waves of unthinking fortune to the end of his days. "He had no interest in his own life," says biographer Tosches. "He was completely content in his solitude. I wanted him to hit 80. That was the age that Buddha was when he died. I kind of thought of him as an American Buddha."
The original slacker, Dean Martin
glorified the lush life on stage and screen.
By Ty Burr, Entertainment Weekly, 12 January 1996
If the signal attribute of late-20th-century American pop culture is cool, and if the essence of cool is the projection of detachment, then maybe--just maybe--Dean Martin was the real Chairman of the Board. Sinatra is the greater artist, of course, but in a way, that's what hangs him up--despite naming an album No One Cares, Sinatra obviously has cared, especially about his music. But Martin, who died Christmas Day 1995 from acute respiratory failure at age 78, never seemed to give a rat pack about anything. He achieved success on the charts, in movies, even on TV (the one arena that Ol' Blue Eyes never conquered) while floating above the fray with bibulous serenity. In an industry of self-publicists, Dean Martin remained insistently unknowable.
That quality gave him charisma while marking him as a lightweight, made him seem absurdly passe by the mid-'70s while giving him a weird, nearly existential purity in his final decades. Slackers may be sipping martinis and neo-hipsters like Greg Mangus might be singing Martinesquely, but there was no Bennett-style comeback for Martin; in fact, he sourly bailed out of a 1988 reunion tour with Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. after hollering "I wanna go home!" from the stage and flicking a lit cigarette butt into the audience. His ex-wife Jeanne, to whom he was married for 23 years, once sighed, "There's either nothing under there or too much." Nick Tosches' 1992 biography, Dino: Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams, calls him a menefreghista, Italian for "one who simply does not give a f---."
Born Dino Paul Crocetti on June 17, 1917, Martin grew up the son of an immigrant barber in Steubenville, Ohio. He worshiped at the altar of Bing Crosby and made a go at a singing career, mutating from Dino Crocetti to Dino Martini to Dean Martin, and picking up a new nose in the process. In 1946, he and a lantern-jawed comedian named Jerry Lewis began kibitzing in on each other's acts; by the time the duo played Slapsie Maxie's in Los Angeles two years later, they had the industry in their palms.
Sixteen hugely popular Martin and Lewis films followed in seven years, and as the comedian's ambitions ballooned, Martin simmered, despite having a successful recording career on Capitol that crested with the 1953 top hit "That's Amore." By 1956, tired of breakups and makeups with the insecure Lewis, Martin told him, "You can talk about love all you want. To me, you're nothing but a f---ing dollar sign." And he was outta there, pally. Martin never looked back, rarely acknowledging Lewis' existence, while his ex-partner erupted in public outpourings of separation anxiety. (Lewis was too "shattered by grief" to comment on Martin's death, according to Lewis' manager.)
No one thought Martin would make it on his own. Reviews for his first solo film, Ten Thousand Bedrooms, were brutal ("Apart [from Lewis], Mr. Martin is a fellow with little humor and a modicum of charm," said The New York Times). But Martin's ensuing choices were inspired: a GI in The Young Lions opposite Brando, an alcoholic deputy (his best dramatic role) in Rio Bravo.
Then the Rat Pack came calling, offering the position of Frankie Lite alongside Sinatra, Davis, Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop in movies and Vegas nightclubs. To make his allegiance clear, Martin left Capitol to record on, and financially back, Sinatra's Reprise Records. His apotheosis came in 1964: "Everybody Loves Somebody" knocked the Beatles out of the No. 1 spot, and he starred in Billy Wilder's Kiss Me, Stupid, which epitomized Martin's persona as a lovable, lecherous lush. Condemned by critics and the Catholic Legion of Decency, Stupid was the Showgirls of its day, yet its acrid playboy nihilism may be the closest he came to a personal statement.
The next year saw the debut of The Dean Martin Show, a variety program that ran for nine successful seasons on NBC. Yet pop culture was shifting away from him: The show's va-va-voom chorus line, the Golddiggers, caused the National Organization for Women to give Martin a Keep-Her-in-Her-Place award during the final season. The Matt Helm spy spoof series that began promisingly with 1966's The Silencers quickly ran aground with three limp follow-ups. His records veered toward workaday country; Martin would lay down vocals only after producer Jimmy Bowen had recorded all the other tracks.
The late '70s and '80s saw Martin slope off into halfhearted singing gigs and celebrity roasts featuring the likes of Milton Berle and Foster Brooks--Last Suppers for the borscht belt. After his son Dino Jr., 35, died in a 1987 plane crash, Martin seemed to vanish into himself. He haunted Hollywood restaurants, alone, with an ever-present drink in his hand. "I'm just waiting to die," Paul Anka says Martin told him one night.
But that tragic vision doesn't square. Tragedy necessitates self-knowledge, and indications are that Dean Martin rolled blissfully on the waves of unthinking fortune to the end of his days. "He had no interest in his own life," says biographer Tosches. "He was completely content in his solitude. I wanted him to hit 80. That was the age that Buddha was when he died. I kind of thought of him as an American Buddha."
Hey pallies, dudes, like thinkin' that a great way to kick off our celebration of the day that coolness came to earth woulda be to have you all take the Dean Martin Dinodetails Challenge....all right the Dinofest folks tagg this "Trivia"...but this Dinoholic maintains that nothin' and I mean nothin' pallies 'bout our Dino is trivial...so have retagged it the "Dinodetails" Challenge. Click on the title of this Dinopost and see how many of the 20 Dinoquestions you have gotten Dinocorrect. First time I took the Dinochallenge I got a mere 16 correct...will be tryin' again myself to see if I can improve my Dinorecord. Leave some Dinopatter to let all the pallies know how you do.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Dean Martin: Dinofest 2008

Hey pallies, a great way to begin our Dinobirthday Dinotrib is to let all you Dinoholics know 'bout Dinofest 2008 to be held in Dinomecca (Steubenville, Ohio) on June 12-15. Click on the link to the title of this Dinopost to go to the offical Dinosite where you will find all the Dinodetails. Just wish I was goin' to be able to make the Dinopilgrimage to Dinomecca this Dinoyear.
Dean Martin: Celebratin' The Day That Coolness Came To Earth

Hey pallies, just a heads up that just a month from today we celebrate the anniversary of the date that Dino was born...so for the next month the ilovedinomartin Dinoblog will be "Celebratin' The Day That Coolness Came To Earth".....June 7, 1917. So sit back, relax, put on some Dinotunes or a Dinoflick and enjoy the celebration of all thin's Dino...later pallies!!!!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Dean Martin in "Sergeants 3" comes to DVD on May 13
The 1939 adventure classic Gunga Din is transferred from British India to the American West, courtesy of Frank Sinatra's "Clan." Sinatra, Dean Martin and Peter Lawford play three cavalry officers, always ready for a brawl but willing to die for each other if need be. Sammy Davis Jr. a cavalry bugler who has aspirations of being a combat soldier. The three officers and the bugler take on a Napoleonic Native American chief, who plans to unify all the tribes and kill every white man in sight. Davis does his "Gunga" bit by blowing his bugle and warning the approaching cavalry that they're riding into a trap. About all that isn't pilfered from Gunga Din is the death of the noble bugler; Davis survives being shot up by the Indians with little more than a flesh wound! Sergeants Three also stars another Sinatra crony, Joey Bishop, playing the role originally essayed in Gunga Din by Robert Coote
On May 13, "Sergeants 3," the only remaining unreleased Rat Pack flick will come to DVD.
Dean Martin flick "Some Came Running" arrives on May 13
After a round of partying he can’t remember, World War II veteran Dave Hirsh is placed on a bus headed for the last place he’d choose: Parkman, Indiana, the hometown Hirsh hasn't seen in well over a decade. Frank Sinatra plays Hirsh, whose arrival in Parkman brings small-town hypocrisy to the unforgiving light of day in this character-driven tale directed by Vincente Minnelli and based on a novel by James Jones (whose From Here to Eternity had led to Sinatra’s 1953 Oscar). In his first screen pairing with Sinatra, Dean Martin plays a sharp-witted cardsharp. And Shirley MacLaine earned one of the movie's five Academy AwardÒ nominations as the good-hearted floozie with a potentially fatal attraction to Hirsh.
"Some Came Running" debuts in DVD on May 13.
coming May 13...DEAN MARTIN in "Marriage On The Rocks"
What do you do when you have a beautiful house, two great children, and a Marriage on the Rocks? If you're bored Val Edwards (Deborah Karr), you swap your fuddy-duddy hubby Dan (Frank SInatra) for his swingin' bachelor best friend Ernie (Dean Martin) - and watch the spraks fly. Ol' Blue Eyes breezes through this romantic comedy romp at the head of an all-star cast. Along for the laughs are frequent Sinatra co-stars Martin, Cesar Romero, and Tony Bill, plud daughter Nancy Sinatra and Kerr. The fun starts when the Edwards take a second honeymoon in Mexico and fall into the hands of the quickie-divorce/quickie-marriage lawyer Romero. Faster then jumping beans, everybody's unhitched, rehitched, confused, confounded, and cohabitating. But Dan has the right attitude. "We had a bad marriage", he says. "Let's have a happy divorce!"
"Marriage On The Rocks" will be released on DVD on May 13.
Iraqi and American Youth Both Dig Dean Martin

Hey pallies, now this is just 'bout the coolest ever. Here is a vid chat that Iraqi students in Damascus had with American students at the Ross School in E. Hampton, New York. Scholars at both schools dialogued on many things, but this exchange caught my Dinoeye....
"Iraqi students asala wants to know if you like dean martin
Ross school: i love dean martin"
Just so Dinothrilled to know that Iraqi students know who are Dino is and must groove on him to ask their American counterparts 'bout their Dinointerest...and how cool to have one of the American students respond "I love Dean Martin."
It is truly Dinowonderful to find more and more of today's youth who know, love, and freely share their Dinodevotion. The thought that our Dino is a bridge between east and west youth is just so so Dinocool!!!! With all the conflict between Americans and Iraqis goin' on....it is so amazin' to find that youth in both cultures have found Dino to be common ground.....so great to see this kind of dialogue goin' on between youth in both cultures and to know that today's youngens east and west dig our Dino so very very much....loves it....to read the transcipt of the whole dialogue, please click on the title of this Dinopost.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Dean Martin: Just Tryin' To Spread Some Dinohappiness 'Round
Hey pallies, like I am feelin' the Dinourge to share some Dinohappiness with all my Dinoholic Dinopallies....loves the Dinocombo of the Dinojokes and great Dinotune in this Dinoclip....Dino, all we ask is that you "Lay Some Happiness On Me!" Remember pallies, our Dino is the only true source of happiness!!!!!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Dean Martin Dinocalendar Dinopix for May
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