Welcome back, my Dino-lovin' peeps!
Guess what?!
Spring is only a week & a half away!!! Parrrr-tayyy! Haha!!
But...dare I ask...how's the weather?
Well, here...anyways...it's nice one day...bloody freezin' the next! Haha!! I ain't complainin' though pallies! Told youse...Spring is a state of mind. And don't forget, pals...it IS only March. Comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb. Somethin' like that, I thinks. Comes in like a shot of booze, goes out like a glass of vino, maybe. Either way, mi amici...Winter ain't QUITE over yet.
BUT...AGAIN...it is MARCH! Parrr-tayyy! Hahaha!!!
Man o' man! I'm in a crazy mood today!
OK...OK...let's me calm down a wee bit.
Now...this month basically means two thins' to me, pals. 1) Spring is on its way! & 2) CRAZY weather! Let's concentrate on the Spring part.
To keep us on track, for the BEA U TI FUL days headin' our way...I decided on a pretty little tune, that I heard the other day, for today's Serenade.
I know youse gonna completely MELT into this one, mi amici! Hopefully will gets the icy days meltin' too!
"My Heart Reminds Me" will remind ALL us Dino-holics what our great great pal was originally known for...the MOST beautiful & romantico Italian croonin' to ever make it's way to the masses! Ha!
These cold & frosty days don't stands a chance with this tune, pals!
Man...thins' is heatin' up already!!!
OK pallies, let's settle back into a warm & comfy spot......& stay positive! Spring is on its way! We got this!
O' & by the way, pallies...Did youse set your clocks ahead? Man! I really am becommin' my mother, now! Haha!!
Most of all, my friends...ALWAYS keeps the Dino vibe in your heart!
That conquers ALL!
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