Hey pallies, like click on the title of this Dinopost to read Cleveland Plaindealer's columnist John Petkovic's cool birthday trib to our King of Cool. Petkovic names Dino as the "patron saint" of his column. So let the Dinocelebratin' begin. Never was, never will be anyone as cool as the King of Cool. Oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth!!!!!
A true fan!
Thank you for visiting my blog. You know, my posting of that quotation was totally random, I had no knowledge of Dino's upcoming birthday! But all the better.
I agree with you that he is/was just SUCH a gem. I love him.
My one claim to... Dino-fame?
When I was a kid, nine years old in 1972, my family went to Disneyland and in our journeys we took this tour in Beverly Hills. Went past Dean Martin's house and [I am not kidding] a man in the doorway waved at us as the tourguide announced whose house we were all gawking at, and I do think it was the Dino himself. Everyone gasped. It looked like him. It did.
All the best to you.
-- Cip
Hey pallie cip, man like thanks so much for droppin' by the Dinoblog. In the Dinoworld little is truly random. I'm sure our Dino inspired you to do that post. Yeah Dino IS SUCH a GEM!!! Thanks so much for the great Dinostory...only wish I had such a great Dinoencounter to relate. Keep groovin' on our Dino.
they broke the mold! Dino waving at you is like the Pope blessing the faithful.
To honor Dino Crochetti, I'm sipping a negroni right now. He remains the most charming of men -- certainly the handsomest ever to be born in my home state.
Hey pallie dl, thanks for droppin' by the Dinoblog and for your insightful Dinothoughts.
Hey pallie Irene, are you the lady who thought you loved me? How cool that you claim Dinoterritory as home. Thanks for joinin' in the Dinogroove at the little Dinoblog. Keep celebratin' our King of Cool!
June 7th is a day that should be a national holiday. It's a day we celebrate the birth of the patron saint of cool. Dino is still the King of Cool. There will never be another cat who is as cool and hip as Dino. I raise a toast to Dino. You are the greatest and we all still love you so much! Great pics of Dino by the way.
Hey pallie Keith, dude so good to have you back at the Dinoblog. Yeah, tomorrow is a day of celebration for all true Dinoholics 'cause just think how different our world would be for the poorer if the King of Cool had never walked into our ordinary lives and transformed them by his cool!!!!
Yes, I am that very same lady and I'm really enjoying this swellest celebration of all things Dino.
Hey pallie Irene, thanks for droppin' in again and for your kind Dinowords. So glad you are enjoyin' the little ol' Dinoblog. And, you are so right, this is the place to celebrate all things DINO!!!
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