Hey pallies, I like to Dinothink of this trio of Dinopixs as "Ready, Aim, Fire." Our Dino is so cool at EVERYTHING, but I especially groove on the cool way Dino had of smokin' his butts!!!!
Hey pallie Dean, how cool that you posted this way cool Dinopixs. Noone can light his smoke cooler than Dino!!! Just as you said so perfectly: Ready, Aim, Fire!!! Dinoly yours, Nici
Hey pallie Nici, ever the great Dinolover. My great Dinothanks to you pallie for sharin' these way cool Dinopixs with me in the first Dinoplace, so I could Dinoplace them here for the Dinoworld to groove on!!! Yes, no one ever has, or ever will be as cool of a smoker then our King of Cool, our Master of Hip, the one, the only DINO!!!!
Hey pallie Dean, how cool that you posted this way cool Dinopixs. Noone can light his smoke cooler than Dino!!! Just as you said so perfectly: Ready, Aim, Fire!!! Dinoly yours, Nici
Hey pallie Nici, ever the great Dinolover. My great Dinothanks to you pallie for sharin' these way cool Dinopixs with me in the first Dinoplace, so I could Dinoplace them here for the Dinoworld to groove on!!! Yes, no one ever has, or ever will be as cool of a smoker then our King of Cool, our Master of Hip, the one, the only DINO!!!!
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