Hey pallies, here's some more great Dinotunes with Trini. But of special Dino note is the way cool way Dino takes time to gaze at his smoke and take a way cool puff...no one cooler then our Dino!!!!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Dean Martin - Intro 7
Hey pallies, no one tells stories like our Dino. Listen especially to the cool Dinostory that Dino tells 'bout his youngest boypallie Ricci. Oh, to return to the days when our Dino walked the earth!!!!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Monday, January 22, 2007
Dean Martin
Hey pallies, here's our Dino with Arthur Godfrey singin'the fun song "Tiny Bubbles" and note that our Dino has also has a beard in this Dinosequence!!!!
Dean Martin - Houston
Hey pallies, 'nother great hit from the King of Cool. Dino not only sings so well, but watch all those great Dinomoves....and the harmonica bit is so DINOFUNNY!!! And, pallies, like our Dino no only has a bit of that cowboy beard, but also the cool cowboy hat as Dinowell. Oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth!!!!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Dean Martin
Hey pallies, 'nother great Dinosong, but part of the great Dinofun of this Dinoclip is that our Dino is sportin' a beard...must of been in the middle of a Dinowestern.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Dean Martin
Hey pallies, like we all Dinoknow that there is no one cooler, hipper, or randier then our Dino. But, this Dinoclip proves that their is no one cuter then Dino singin' with Miss Lamb Chop!!!!
Monday, January 08, 2007

Saturday, January 06, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Hey pallies, like here's a great set of duets by Dean Martin and Miss Ann-Margret. They make quite the cool couple. Makes me think 'bout how Dino and Miss Ann starred in the Matt Helm flick "Murder's Row" together and had such a great time workin' with each other. Just makes a dude wonder if............
Hey pallies, this is like my fav of fav Dinoclips. This is the only Dinovid that Dean Martin ever made. Filmed in 1982 and directed by Dino's boypallie, Ricci, this is like pure Dinomagic. Since I met Dino, I am like totally a different man......like a total Dinoholic. Long live our Master of Hip, our King of Cool, the one, the only DINO!!!!!! Keepin' the Dinogrove with you pallies, Dino Martin Peters