Hey pallies, like WOW!!!! Such chemistry between Miss Marilyn and the King of COol
Monday, February 19, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Hey pallies, here's 'nother great Dinopix of our Dinokissin' from the Helm capers. No one more lovely then the King of Cool.
Hey pallies, like how cool is this....the great Dinopix of Dino and Miss J kissin' in the round bed. No love like Dinolove. AMORE DINO!!!!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Tina Louise in THE WRECKING CREW (1969)
Hey pallies, the ever cool, the ever hip, the ever randy Dino as Matt Helm. A Dinolovescene with a BLAST!!!
person2person - dean
Hey pallies, met the Dinochildren. Dinogirl Nici guess who begins this Dinoclip?
like way cool pallies
This is such a marvelously cool Dinopaintin'. Done by a babe from Iceland. Bet our Dino would have grooved on ICEland since he was as cool as ICE and he like to use a litle ICE in his beverages.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Dean Martin Mural
Hey pallies, like one more cool Dinopix, like the most wonderful of wonderful Dinotribs in Dinomecca....the amazin' Dinomural....tellin' the Dinolife Dinomessage!!!!!
Dean Martin & Peter Sellers & Danny Kaye
Hey pallies, 'nother cool Dinopix of Dino's hands and feet prints and is signature.
Dean Martin's Star
Hey pallies, Dino is the star of stars....our King of Kingfs....the King of Cool!!!!!
Dean Martin Drive
Hey pallies, like here is a Dinopix of the drive named after our Dino. Oh, to walk the Dinoway, to live the Dinolife.
Charlie's Angels - Dean Martin
Hey pallies, like here a repeat of part 1, so they all ought to be in Dino-order!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Dean Martin - Since I Met You Baby
Hey pallies, our great pallie Dorota has returned this stellar Dinovid to the net!!!! Thanks so much Dorota!!!!! DINO LIVES!!!!
Charlie's Angels - Dean Martin
Hey pallies, like how cool is this....the Dinoscenes from Charlie's Angels!!! Groovy!!!!
Dino's Lodge
Hey pallies, here's like 'nother interestin' Dinopix....of the cool Dinopad that Dino owned in Hollywood. Wonder if Dino ever hung out much at this waterin' hole?
Dean Door
Hey pallies, ain't this so cool. Wonder what Dinostory goes with this Dinodoor. And pallies what might lie behind this Dinodoor? Just doin' some Dinowonderin'.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Naughty talk from Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin
Hey pallies, just as they say, this is Dino at his rawest.
Super Bowl Commercials 2007 - Budweiser 001
Hey pallies, ain't this a kick in the head...the stellar Superbowl Budweiser commerical featurin' our Dino. Oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth.
Hey pallies, last but not by any Dinochance Dinoleast is this Dinoposter from the fourth Helm caper. As always our Dino wins the Dinoday!!!
Hey pallies, and like here is a Dinoposter for the third of the Helm spy flicks, "The Ambushers." Dino is as cool as always and he makes it with the chicks!
Hey pallies, like here's a Dinoposter for the 2nd Helm caper, like my fav of fav Matt Helm flick, and to be like totally Dinohonest, my fav Dinoflick of all Dinotime.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Office Furnishings 5, Wellington
Hey pallies, like how cool is this Finnish Dinoposter Am I Dinocorrect that this Dinoad is for "The Ambushers"?
dean martin is not a pizzaïolo
Hey pallies, like what a groovy Dinopix. I would truly dig to know more 'bout this great Dinofind. If any pallies know more 'bout this Dinocreation, like kindly leave a Dinogram....and thank you so Dinomuch!
Friday, February 02, 2007