Sunday, October 13, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "We Open In Venice"

 Hey pals! 

Whataya' say?! 

Welcome back, one & all! 

Man...this kooky spooky month is sure feelin' CRAZY! I swear to youse...the older I get...the crazier life seems to me! 

Am I nuts?! 

Yea...probably, pallies. Haha!! 

Oh well...seems that way to me…I mean no more Christopher Columbus parade, pals?! What's that all 'bout?!

Now, friends o' mine...I ALWAYS believe in includin' one & all. These parades are for everyone! Celebratin' our awesome lucky we is to be here...& who led the way. That's it. No need to go any deeper than my opinion, anyway. 

Well, pals...likes I is feelin' crazy these days. 

Anyways…they actually started an "Italian Heritage Parade & Festival", in it's place. It was last week & was even better, so whatever, Haha!  

So...with that bein' said...I know some of my fellow paisani might be feelin' a little upset, pushed aside & longin' for a Dino-jam that is LOTS O" FUN & may have an Italiano type flair. 

Somethin' we can ALL jam to together. 

I'm thinkin' that's I is gonna get one of those "quick quick" kinda jams playin' today. Youse keep the blood pumpin'.  A real upbeat tempo sorta Serenade for the week! After all, pals...last week's tune was so so calmin' & soothin'...I gotta wake youse back up! I don't wants my Dino-lovin' posse fallin' 'sleep on me! Hahaha!!! 

OK need for hysterics here, pals. 

I'll go easy. Nothin' crazy. 

Just tryin' to have a little fun here, folks. Ha! 

Now todays keepin' with the spooky, "Dino-ween-vibe"... was actually inspired by a COOL COOL show I caught a few "pre-pandemic" years ago. 

It was called "The Rat Pack Undead"! Hahaha!!! 

Man o man, pallies...was it FUN! 

So guess what jam came on my radio the other day?! Today’s Serenade… of course! Haha!!

It was an AWESOME show, pals!

Dino, Frank & Sam, in full zombie make-up! All the lyrics were altered to fit the occasion! "Ain't That a PICK in the Head"..."Come DIE with Me"..."What Kind of GHOUL Am I?"...Haha...youse gets the picture, pals. Anyways, it was a GREAT time & I HIGHLY rec-o-mends youse Googlin' the show to see if they is still 'round & comin' to your locale. 

So, mi amici...this week's tune simply HAS to include the WHOLE Pack! Yup...Frank & the Sam man jump in on this one...& REALLY makes it swing! 

"We Open in Venice" reminded me of that fun fun show & will DEFINATELY stick in your head all day, my friends. Its catchy chorus really pulls youse in! 

Youse can hear the good good time in their voices. 

Always laughin' & foolin'!  Partyin' together...One & All! 

Man o man...did they know how to party! I WANNA BE THERE!!! Haha!! 

Oh well, palsies...I can dream, can't I? 

Enjoy & Happy Columbus Day to ALL!!!

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Blue Moon"

 Hey there, pallies...Happy October! 


That's me doin' my bestest werewolf howl, Haha!! 

Man o man... I gots to admit it...I become TRULY nutty this spooky kooky time of year, pals! I cants' help it! I just LOVE the decorations, the scary movies, the ghosts & name it! If it's Halloweeny...I'm diggin' it! Hahaha!!! 


That's my bestest werewolf growl!  Ha! 

OK...that's 'nough monstery madness for now. 

So, mi amici...I was havin' a bit of a problem comin' up with the perfecto tune for the first Sunday Serenade of this Cooly Creepy month. I wanted to incorporate the eerie scariness... with our numero uno GHOULISH' crooner! WOW...that was a mouth full! Haha!!  

Anyways, pals...I musta summoned the ghost of Dean himself...'cause all of a sudden... it hit me! 

"Blue Moon"! 

I just looked out my window, a few nights ago, & there it was! A gloriously...devlishly...Dino-fied glowin' moon! Half covered by clouds & illuminatin' like a giant lightbulb. 

Now, I don't know 'bout youse...But I can't thinks' of ANYTHIN' that gives me more of a thrill... & a FUN FUN chill... than a BIG...BRIGHT...lunar vision...on a COOL COOL October night! 

I LOVES it, pallies! 

OK, my friends...let's get into this scary & excitin' season with some LIVE Dino!

Or "Un-dead" Dino...seems more appropriate for this spooky time o' year. Haha!! 

Time to have some FRIGHTFUL fun times with our ghostly pal! 

Beware the moon... you Dino-holics! Hahaha!!! 


Sunday, September 29, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Baby, Won't You Please Come Home"

 Welcome back, mi amici. 

Welcome to Fall 2024, week one...Haha!!'s official, pals...Summer is gone & it's time to be movin' on. 

Now, I don't mean relocatin' or nothin' like that. I'm sayin' it's time to kick Autumn into FULL gear! Let go of those hot & humid days, pallies! It's time for crisp & chilly nights. 

Wait! Is that a good trade?! Haha!! Yes it is! 

Now let's bang the sand outta our ears & get some cool cool Fall-type croons uh'-croonin'! Ha! 

These are GREAT GREAT times for throwin' in the ol' ipod headphones...gettin' outdoors...& spendin' some quality time...with Dino! Yes, my friends...DINO! Who else is the BEST companion for cleanin' up yards & packin' up the patio?! 

He relaxes my soul & cleanses my brain. Turns work into fun & chores into play. 

I'll show youse what I mean, pals. 

Let's find a nice, easy tune to get youse started. Somethin' from "The Dean Martin TV Show" al b of my personal faves. How's 'bout a little "Baby, Won't You Please Come Home?" Yes...this is a perfect Serenade for today. 

A TOTALLY chilled-out croon to EASE us into the new season. 

Just soak it in, my friends. Inhale it...hold it....ahhhhhh. See what I'm sayin', mi amici? 

So So calmin'. 

OK, pallies...let's get outside & get to work! Oops...I mean play! Haha!!  


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Things We Did Last Summer"

 Well well well...Here we are...once 'gain, my friends...kickin' off a NEW & 'CITIN' Autumny season! 

Man! Time TRULY does fly! 

We biddin' a due to 'nother BEA U TI & sunny Summer & lookin' ahead to an equally BEA U TI FUL...cooler & calmer Fall! 

Yes, we will have plenty of chilly breezes & quickly movin' towards shorter days. But guess what, pallies o' mine...It's all good to me! It's a GLORIOUS time o' year! 

But, just the same, mi amici...hope youse JAM-PACKED these last few months with ALL THINS' Summertime-DINO! I'm sure youse did. We're Dino-holics...that's what we do! Haha!! 

So, it looks like It's time for your ol' pal, Danny G., to trade in the pool swimmin' & sun-bakin' for apple pickin' & leaf-rakin'! Hahaha!!! I'm ready though, pallies! I stored as much Summery memories as I possiblly could...Stockpiled my cupboards with crushed tomatoes & vino...& most importantly...I created a SWINGIN' little "go-to" section in my brain that is COM PLETE LY STUFFED with Hot & Sunny Dino-vibes! 

Yup...Dino-tunes & cookouts... Dino-tunes & fireworks... Dino-tunes & walks on the beach...O...did I mention the Dino-tunes? Yea...I did. Haha!! 

Well, mi amici...seems pretty obvious to me & my fellow Dino-holic, Danny G's daughter, Stella G.,...that there's only ONE very special croon that can keep ALL these very special & sunny memories simmerin' on low...'til next year. "The Things We Did Last Summer". 

It will be that "life-line" we can reach for when thins' get a wee bit too tough to bare! When the chilly weather seems to be hangin' 'round just a little too long...when we find ourselves longin' for a sunny day & a yummy drink in the shade! 

Yea, pals...we'll be just fine. 

Just keep those hot Summer days in mind...& Dean is NEVER too far behind! 

Greetins' Fall! 


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Let Me Know"

 Welcome back, mi amici! 

And welcome to the LAST Sunday Serenade with Dino of Summer 2024, as well! 

Man o man...where do the months go, pals?! Years, for that matter! 

Cant even believe I've had the privelage of doin' these FUN FUN Sunday Serenades for 13 WON DER FUL years now! 

Yup...Fall of 2011 was my first. 

TRULY can't express how much I enjoy writin' my deep deep thoughts 'bout life... through the eyes of a Dino-holic. Haha!! And at the same time...spreadin' the Dino-message! 

VERY humb'ly...I THANK youse for your weekly interest in my insanity & I THANK our fearless leader, DMP...wherever he is...for offerin' me the job. One which I take very the funnest of ways, my friends! 

Now, pallies o' mine...let's get to this week's Serenade! 

Seein' how it's the last week of the summery season...I figured I transition us...gently...into the new one. 

Somethin' REAL mellow & O so soothin'! 

Well, pals...thinks I got just what Dr. Dino ordered! 

It's's's...well...IT"S PURE DINO!!! Haha!! 

Pulled it from my own personal "Go to" place for ULTIMATE chillin'! Dean's 1966 al b um, "Relaxin". 

"Let Me Know" will DEF I NATE LY... gently...glide youse into these comin' cool, crisp days ahead. 

Sit back & close your eyes, pallies. Dino's at the wheel & he's on cruise control. 

Let's embrace Autumn & see what Dean has in store for us next! 

It's gonna be a GREAT Fall, pals...just hit PLAY & relax. 


Sunday, September 08, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "You Were Made For Love"

 Hey there, pallies! 

Welcome back!'s September treatin' youse so far, mi amici? 

Not so bad, here, in my part of the world.

Fall is on the way & thins' been coolin' off. BEA U TI FUL days we been havin'...70s & 80s all week. Soon, leaves will start changin' colors. And chilly night breezes will creep on in. Which I just so happen to really dig. 

Plus, I'm just LOVIN' that spooky vibe, floatin' 'round, from now 'til Halloween, pals! that I thinks 'bout it...I'm gettin' pumped for these next couple months! And Not to mention...this comin' week marks the birthday of a VERY VERY special friend o' mine...who just so happens to be a GIGANTIC Dino-holic! 

Hey! That gives me a SWINGIN' idea, pallies! 

I is gonna send this week's Serenade out to my friend & let her know just how SPECIAL she is! 

Seems that birthdays kinda get her feelin' a wee bit blue. 

She DEF I NATE LY has NUTHIN' to worry 'bout, though pals. She's a GREAT GREAT lady & STILL has ALL the wolves howlin'! If youse knows what I mean. Haha!! Thinks she just needs a little Dino-croonin' to lift her spirits. Yes! 

Now let me see...hmmmm. What tune sums her up? 

Got it! 

A touch of Dean's "You Were Made For Love", should get her smilin'! DEF I NATE LY get's me smilin', pallies! Ha! 

So, this one's for you...birthday girl! 

Enjoy your day & enjoy the Dino-jam... goin' out just for you!  

Ciao bella!

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL "Laborin' with Dino" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Fools Rush In"

 Welcome back mi amici! 

Nice of youse to stop by. 

Well, here we are, pallies...Labor Day weekend. Man o man...where do the days go?! 

Even months fly by like weeks! 

Hey, pals...if I gots to be honest though...Summer is hot & fun & I really dig the beach goin' & pool chillin'......BUT...I'm kinda anticipatin' the Fall season! 

As youse all know...I AB SO LUTE LY love that "spooky" vibe in the air! Haha! We'll gets more into that stuff soon. 

Hey pallies...I'm not sure if the beginnin' of September is bringin' some swingin' & singin' at some jammin' cook outs or hustlin' & bustlin', movin' boxes into some college dorm room...but I do knows' thins' might get a wee bit hectic. 

Let's do this Labor Day, Dino-style...& chill out a wee bit! I'm bettin' we could ALL use a little relaxin'.  

For today's Serenade, thinks' I'm gonna ask our BESTEST pal, Dean, to start windin' this Summery season down with some COOL COOL & VERY laid back croonin'. 

"Fools Rush In' should set the Dino-mood so so PER FEC TO! Real mellow & calmin’ ,pals. 

Now, this tune has been sung many many times by many many singers, pallies. But...NO ONE & I mean friggin' NO ONE can turn it into PURE PURE tranquility likes our pal! 

So...when the grills have burned out...& everythin' is cleaned up & put away...Find yourselves some "alone" time. Just youse & Dean. Pour up a little vino & soak this one in. 

Happy Dino-Laborin', pallies! 

Ahhhh serenity. 
