Sunday, June 23, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL "Month Coolness Came to Earth" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Somebody Loves You"

 Welcome back, ol' pals o' mine! 

Happy Summer 2024! 

Hot, sunny days are here! Yay!!! 

Hope everyone made it through our first heatwave! Man! Hot stuff, pallies...literally! Haha!! 

Now, mi it just me...or do youse worry 'bout Summer flyin' by? I know...I know...I get like this every year...'bout every season! I must be crazy! Haha!! Summer just started 2 days ago... & I'm already 'fraid of it slippin' through my Dino-diggin' fingers! Haha!! Maybe 'cause Spring seemed to sail by this year...SO SO quickly! Oh well, pals...we'll hold onto these long, muggy days...extra tight! 

OK, pallies...let's gets to some tunes! I'm thinkin' this is the PER FEC TO time to kick off the season with one of Dean's FUN FUN "Latin type" tunes, mi amici. Just the way we likes it...REAL bouncy!  

GREAT way to keep our "Month Coolness Came To Earth" vibe flowin' too! 

Now who says "Summer fun" better than Dino? No one! He's the party-master! Ha! 

Well...I guess the best place to start is ALWAYS one my FAVE summery Dino-al b ums..."Cha Cha De Amor". Yes, pals...this little vinyl Frisbee is JAM-PACKED with HOT HOT & yet VERY VERY COOL Dino-tunes. Let's grab a little "Somebody Loves You", for today's Serenade. 

This one will REALLY set the mood. 

Picture this, my friends...It's a hot...sweaty...Summer night. A little breeze keeps it tolerable, though. Youse grabs some yummy...icy...beverage of choice. Put the needle on the vinyl...& melt away with Dean. Ahhhhhh. That's good stuff, mi amici. 

Cheers to 'nother Summer with Dino, pals! 


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL Happy Daddy-O Day Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Little Ol' Wine Drinker Me"

 Man o man, what a day, pallies! 

So So peaceful. 

Welcome, mi amici & a GIANT Happy Daddy-O Day, to ALL the Dino-diggin' Dads out there! A title not to be taken lightly, my friends! 

Can be hard work at times! Haha!! 

Hey,'s a big responsibility for sure, that I truly cherish & consider my biggest blessin' from above. 

Man...I simply LOVES the fact that Fathers Day falls right smack in the middle of these few swingin' weeks, which we have come to know as "The Month Coolness Came to Earth"! How TOTALLY cool & appropriate is that, pals?! 

Dino is like a "Father" figure to us all, in a way, my friends. Someone to help guide us through this CRAZY life of ours! Someone we can always turn to when we need a little "pick-me-up". Our rock that is ALWAYS there...through the good times...& the not so great ones, too. Now THAT sounds like a "Dad" to me, pallies! 

So, ol' friends o' I does every year...on this special day...I'm gonna play a Dino-tune that reminds me of my pop! The man who was ALWAYS there for me & NEVER faulted me for my many foolish mistakes. And there were plenty, Haha!! 

A guy who always...ALWAYS had a matter what troubles he may of had. Just a Cool Cool fella who made me feel at ease all throughout my life. Nothin' could trouble me when Dad was 'round!  

Funny how someone can give you that TOTAL comfort, huh pals? Yup...that was Dad. My first introducer of Dino! Showed me what magic this fella, Dino, possessed! Dean, like my father, gives that TOTAL comfort to us now. A feelin' that nothin' is that bad. No problem is too big that a drink & a song can't least a little.That's the kind've vibe we can get from Dino! 

So, ol' pals o' mine...Happy Daddy-O Day.

Enjoy the Serenade..."Little Ol' Wine Drinker Me" & 'member those special guys today. 

They did/do a lot! 

BTW pallies...I simply couldn't resist playin' a second "live" Dino vid, as well. Dino is bein' his usual silly & crazy self & I just knew youse would dig it! 


This one's for you, Pop!  

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Danny G's Special "Month Coolness Came To Earth" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I Love You, For Sentimental Reasons"

 Welcome back, mi amici & welcome to week two of "The Month Coolness Came to Earth!" 

So, pallies, how's June treatin' youse so far? Pretty damn well here in ol' Massachusetts! Mornins' & evenins' a little chilly, but I cants complain a bit, my friends. The days are BEA U TI FUL! Amen to that! 

So as Spring is slowly slippin' through my fingers...I just gots to thinkin' 'bout what the Summer will hold. Plenty of hot & humid days for sure. Some beachin' & poolin', obviously. But what else? Knowin' myself...not too much! Haha!! 

Nah. I'm more of a chill out kinda fella. Probably the way our bestest pal, Dino was. We all read how he was more than happy just relaxin' on a golf course or watchin' TV at home. Yup, that was Dean...& that is me. 

I know...I know...I'm always lookin' for any & every little similarity 'tween Dino & myself. Haha!! But, hey! Why not?! Who better to compare to & model after? Am I right, pallies? DEFINATELY. 

And guess what else? When I'm chillin' & doin' ab so lute ly nothin'...I'm actually...usually...thinkin' 'bout this crazy life. Yea, that's me too. 

Well, pals...just so happens...that as i'm ponderin' those days & years gone by...Dean seems to be in just 'bout every thought. The background music to my life. The people I've known. The places I've gone. They all seem to somehow have Dino attached. What can I say, my friends? He's my main man! Haha!! He's my pal & my inspiration. A connectin' energy that links it ALL together. 

Today's Serenade..."I Love You, For Sentimental Reasons" one of those Dino-jams that goes through my thoughts all the time. Perfect background to my memories & PERFECTO to take me back to those GREAT GREAT easy goin' days. 

Let's check it out & see where it brings youse, mi amici. Maybe back to yesterday...Maybe takes you on a new journey forward! 

Either way, pallies...It's GREAT havin' Dino walkin' along with you! 


Sunday, June 02, 2024

Danny G's EXTRA SPECIAL "Month Coolness Came To Earth" & "Happy Birthday Dino" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "How Sweet It Is"

 Hey pals...welcome back! 

It's time to kick off 'nother "Month Coolness Came to Earth"! 

Man o man, I am just SO SO pumped! 

Can't even believe our pal amongst pals would be turnin' 107, this comin' Friday! Don't forget to checks out all your local classic TV channels! I'm SURE they will be rockin' Dino flicks all damn day! And if they isnt...start callin' your local cable provider & raise some hell! Haha!! 

Man...What a time we've had so far, huh, pals? Day after day & year after year...Dino has been an ever present companion for us all. 

He's my "Cumpare". My friend. Swingin' through life with me. My ups, my downs. Side by side & never even a worry that he would hit splitsville. It might be hard to believe or even understand, to many...but to we "Dino-holics"'s as simple & natural as olives in a martini. That's just the way it is! Dean is our pal. Like family, really. The COOL uncle who shows up for every party, weddin', or cook out. And when he does...MAN...what a time it is! The room wakes up! Dance floors are flooded like the party just started! Dino just has that effect on us. He equals FUN & GREAT TIMES! 

Now pals...I could go on & on 'bout what Dean means to me & how much happiness he's brought to my life...but...I think youse knows EXACTLY what I'm talkin' 'bout. He brings his spirit to us all.  

On June 7th, 1917...God sent us a gift. A gift that TRULY keeps on givin'. 

We were the lucky ones, mi amici. We can say that we walked the Earth at the same time as he did. Now, to me...that's VERY cool! Of course, Dino's music & movies...TV shows & live performances, will be 'round forever,'s OUR generations that were here WITH him! 

VERY cool, indeed. 

OK, pallies...I gotta go. Got some Dino tunes I gotta get jammin' too! Haha!! 

Happy Birthday, Dino! 

Hey, wait a minute! I got SO caught up in the Dino-moment...I almost forgot the main reason I is here...the Kick off SERENADE! 

Well, pals...this ones easy. All I needs to do is think of Dino. He's my guy. My mentor...& my friend. 

Man o man, pallies..."How Sweet It Is!" 
