Sunday, May 26, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Memorial Day Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Think About Me"

 Welcome back, mi amici. 

Hard to believe 'nother Memorial Day has arrived! 

Man! These years must be gettin' shorter 'cause I swear I was just doin' this a few months back! O well, goes on...& so do we! We is hopin' anyway! Haha!! 

O, & by the way...I am NOT callin' this the "un-official start of Summer"! No sir! It is still Spring for 'nother WON DER FUL month, pals! Let's not rush this GREAT season off! Please, pallies! I'm beggin' youse! Haha!! 

Ok...let me gets down to Dino-business, here. 

This beautiful, extra long weekend, is all 'bout the 'memberin' of those precious souls who have come & gone, my friends. The memories of our veterens. Our family. Our friends. Of course...our Dino. The EXTRA special people who have sacrificed for us...Who have guided us...And who have made our lives better just because they were here. I can think of many, mi amici. I'm sure youse can as well. 

As I may have mentioned, a few hundred times...Many of my own personal memories always seem to involve 2 of the coolest & funnest fellas, ever to walk the Earth! My Dad & Dean Martin. Ha! 

Man o man, pallies...these guys REALLY helped make me the Cool Cool cat I am today! Hahaha!!! 

Seriously though, mi amici...I owe a lot of fun & happy times to them both. Always had my one way or 'nother. Always made me feel invincible. And NEVER left my side. And, pals...let's not forget our fearless leader, Dino Martin Peters...wherever he may be. We wouldn't be here, at the coolest blog on the "Net", without him. 

Today's Serenade, "Think About Me", is goin' out to ALL those who maybe gone from our sight...but NEVER from our hearts, souls & minds. It's a wee bit sad type o' tune. But, mi amici...let's ALWAYS 'member...someday we will ALL be together ' The Sands...watchin' Dino & the boys...laugin' & bein' foolish! Together forever! 

Salute, Dad! 

Salute, DMP! 


Salute youse ALL! 

Enjoy, my friends & Happy Memorial Day!  

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "If Love Is Good To Me"

 Welcome back, mi amici! 

Welcome to a 'nother BEA U TI FUL Spring day & welcome to 'nother life lesson with our one & ONLY, Dino! I love this time of year, pals! 

I know youse already know this, but WOW! It just seems to OOZE Life...Love...& Dean Martin tunes! Haha!! 

Seriously though, my friends...these are the best days to me. The world is in full bloom! The birds are tweetin'...the sun is shinin'...& Dino is flowin' through my speakers. 

He's sorta leadin' the way, actually.  

Guidin' us to through this insanity we is goin' through. Singin' his words of praise for the simple thins' in life. The BEST & MOST precious thins', pallies!  

We have to 'member, my friends...not to get caught up in all the negative stuff. Enjoy EVERY moment you can & don't take them for granted, mi amici! . And even if youse is having' a not so cool cool day...just throw on some Dino & let it melt away. Thins' always work themselves out! 

One way or 'nother...we get through. 

Allow me to play youse a tune...a VERY smooth & inspirational Dino-jam to me. 

Keeps me focused, pals. 

Anytime thins' just ain't goin' the way I wish they was goin'...this number gets me back on track! 

Today's Serenade, "If Love is Good to Me", will set the stage. It will be a guidin' light & a play by play plan. 

Keep your mind optimistic, my friends & listen to how Dean sings these lyrics. Happy words of wisdom! Haha!!

He knew how to live, pals. 

Just stick to the plan & NEVER waste your GOOD energy...on UGLY problems! 

Listen to Dino & let life happen! 

Dean's got you! 


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL Happy Mama's Day Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Mamma Rosa"

 Welcome back, mi amici! 

Let me start today's "Sunday Serenade with Dino" off with a GIGANTICO Happy Mama's Day to ALL the Dino-lovin' moms out there! 

What a BEA U TI FUL day it is too! 

A happy Spring day like this is PERFECTO to help us celebrate these VERY special ladies! After all, pals...we wouldn't be jammin' right here...right now...with Dino...if it wasn't for Dear ol' Mom! 

And don't forget...Moms come in ALL forms, pallies! She can be an older Sister...or just a good good friend who's helped you through tough times.  

Check it out, my friends...I wanted to share a SO SO PRETTY & SO SO FUN  little tune for this LOVELY LOVELY Day! Well...I keeps goin' back to a BEA U TI FUL Italiano-type croon...which I seem to pick every year, Haha!! 

Now, pallies o' mine...I know Dino croons SO SO many pretty & fun jams...I pretty much had my pick! But, pallies...this one has a special little somethin' 'bout it. Maybe it's 'cause the "mama" in these lyrics isn't a person...but a place. Yes...Bella Roma! Beautiful Rome! What a place it must be! Huh, pals? 

What a place to find AMORE! 

"Mamma Roma" is a tune 'bout two sweethearts meetin' & fallin' head over heels in love in this VERY special city! Ahhh pals...SO ROMANTICO! Haha!! 

OK...let's get to the Mama's Day croonin'! 

This one is SURE to get all youse mamas in a GREAT GREAT mood today! Youse deserve it too...for ALL that youse do...& ALL that youse mean to some lucky somebody...& I mean pets too! Haha!! 

This one's for my own Mama G. & ALL the mammas, here at our Cool Cool little blog! I have one particular Mama in mind also, today. A SUPER mommy & still a BEA U TI FUL lady! You know who youse are! Haha!!

Have a GREAT day & let the Dino serenades play forever! 


Sunday, May 05, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL "Dino De Mayo" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Siesta Fiesta"

 Hey pal's...Happy Cinco de Mayo! we, here at our humble little waterin' hole, is callin' it...Happy Dino de Mayo! Haha!! 

Whatever youse call is DEF I NATE LY a Cool & Swinging' party kinda day, pallies! 

Man o THIS is Spring! BEA U TI FUL blue skies & warm, gentle breezes just breezin' 'round! 

These are the days I live for, mi amici. Even the very air I'm breathin' today silently SCREAMS Spring! Haha!! "Silently screams?" Is that even possible, pallies? Ha! Well...that's how it feels to me, anyway. 

OK my friends, all a day like this be a fun fun Mexicano type Dino-croon! Now, paisanos o' mine...I know I don't need to tell youse this...but...when you mix warm, Springtime weather...with Dean's fiesta-type croonin'...youse better get ready for some serious par-tayin'! Hahaha!!! . 

After all, pals...Spring is also a season for celebratin'!! 

Agree? doubt. 

So, mi I reach for Dean's Cool Cool "Dino Latino" vinyl masterpiece...and throw on some "Siesta Fiesta"...let's get ready to CELEBRATE! 

Pour up the margaritas & shots o''s time for Fiesta! 

Forget the siesta! 

I don't wanna waste a single momento! Ha!   

Can't waits' to get this one spinnin', pallies! Let it play over & over...& inhale every note! 

This is the GOOD stuff, mi amigos! 
