Welcome back, mi Dino-lovin' amici! So very happy youse stopped by.
Well, pals...looks like April is windin' down & a new Springtime month is headin' our way!
Each new day seems to be gettin' more & more BEA U TI FU! Truly a blessin' from above, my friends.
Let's get some Dino-tunes flowin' & make the most of this SWEET & COOL COOL time of year!
"I wish you bluebirds in the Spring, to give your heart a song to sing." Man...that says it ALL, my friends. Dino wishing us somethin' as peaceful as that REALLY says a lot to me. It's one of the simplest thoughts in the world. Calmin'...happy...tranquil even! Haha!! But, man o man...it's great!
It tells us that the smallest thins' in this world can be the BIGGEST treasures!
I've said it before & I'll say it 'gain & 'gain! The BESTEST thins' in life don't come from a fancy store or a sparklin' showroom. They come from our heart & soul, my friends.
Some of the GREATEST joys in my life & MOSTEST specialist moments have been quiet & calm. No fantastico party...no over-the-top celebration...just a sunny day with a special friend or a relaxin' night with some Dino & vino!
That's the good stuff, pallies. Embrace it all.
So as we welcome in a new WON DER FUL month...let's keep those "easy, breezy days" in mind. Their what REALLY matter, mi amici.
"I Wish You Love" is EXACTLY the way I want to slide into May! Dean's voice floatin' in on a warm Spring breeze...laid back & chillin'.
Ahhhhhhh...it's the good life, pals.