Saturday, October 09, 2021

The Dean Martin Show - November 16, 1967

 Hey pallies, likes as we close out yet 'nother week of lovin'ly liftin' up the name of our most most most beloved Dino here at our humble little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole keenly keepin' all youse Dino-holics supplied to stays on a Dino-high 24/7 we for a fifth and final time return to the swingin' sixties blog, "Pop '66!  -  Where the Action Is: Movies, Comics, Book, Movies and more!"  We've share potent posts accentin' our Dino's awesome appearances on both big and small screen in the year of our Dino 1966 and it seems absolutely appropriate to end with a engagin' episode of "The Dean Martin Show" that aired on  November 16, 1967.  

Likes as youse will read below and watch with youse very own Dino-focused eyes, this fantastic full episode fabulously features great great guests that include Buddy Ebsen, Cyd Charisse, Dom DeLuise, Barbara Mc Nair, Albert T Berry, and Phil Harris.  Seein' this excellent episode simply makes Dino-philes likes us yearn even more for the full release of all nine glorious years of the Dino-show that incredibly includes all 264 impressive installments of Dino-delight.

Once 'gain we thank boacioius blogger "jfire2" for awesomely accentin' some of our Dino's amazin' accomplishments from the year 1966.  To checks this out in it's original location, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


TV: "The Dean Martin Show"

The Dean Martin Show - November 16, 1967

 The way The Dean Martin Show was meant to be aired.

Guests include Buddy Ebsen, Cyd Charisse, Dom DeLuise, Barbara McNair, comedian Albert T Berry, & Phil Harris in closet. Songs include "Turn to Me," "Nevertheless," "Sam's Song," and "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea."


  1. Man o man...what a swingin’ decade the 60s must’ve been! Dino ruled supreme! Always did...but the 60s were definitely his!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, Dino ruled supreme in the swingin' 60's and likes became ever more the swinger sensation in the '70s.
