Sunday, October 10, 2021

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "We Open In Venice"

 Hey pals! Whataya' say?! 

Welcome back, one & all! 

Man...this kooky spooky month is sure feelin' CRAZY! 

I swear to youse...the older I get...the crazier life seems to me! 

Am I nuts?! Yea...probably, pallies. Haha!! 

Oh well...seems that way to me. 

No more Christopher Columbus parade?! What's that all 'bout, mi amici?! 

Now, friends o' mine...I ALWAYS believe in includin' one & all. These parades are for everyone! Celebratin' our awesome lucky we is to be here...& who led the way. 

That's it. 

No need to go any deeper than my opinion, anyway. 

Well, pals...likes I is feelin' crazy these days. 

So...with that bein' said...I know my fellow paisani might be feelin' a little pushed aside & longin' for a Dino-jam that is LOTS O" FUN & may have an Italiano type flair. 

Somethin' we can ALL jam to together. 

I'm thinkin' that's I is gonna get one of those "quick quick" kinda jams playin' today. 

Youse keep the blood pumpin'.  

A real upbeat tempo sorta Serenade for the week! 

After all, pals...last week's tune was so so calmin' & soothin'...I gotta wake youse back up! 

I don't wants my Dino-lovin' posse fallin' 'sleep on me! Hahaha!!! 

OK need for hysterics here, pals. 

I'll go easy. 

Nothin' crazy. 

Just tryin' to have a little fun here, folks. Ha! 

Now todays Dino-jam actually was inspired by a COOL COOL show I caught a couple years ago. 

It's called "The Rat Pack Undead"! Hahaha!!! 

Man o man, pallies...was it FUN! 

Dino, Frank & Sam, in full zombie make-up! 

All the lyrics were altered to fit the occasion! "Ain't That a PICK in the Head"..."Come DIE with Me"..."What Kind of GHOUL Am I?"...Haha...youse gets the picture, pals. 

Anyways, it was a GREAT time & I HIGHLY rec-o-mends youse Googlin' the show to see if they is comin' to your locale. 

So, mi amici...this week's tune simply HAS to include the WHOLE Pack! 

Yup...Frank & the Sam man jump in on this one...& REALLY makes it swing! 

"We Open in Venice" will DEFINATELY stick in your head all day, my friends. It's catchy chorus really pulls youse in! 

Youse can hear the good good time in their voices. 

Always laughin' & foolin'!  

Partyin' together...One & All! 

Man o man...did they know how to party! 


Oh well, palsies...I can dream, can't I? 

Enjoy & Happy Columbus Day!!!


  1. Great video! And that tune is an ear worm!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, dreamin' Dino-dreams is where it is at dude...walkin' the Dino-way, livin' the Dino-life, dreamin' the Dino-dreams!

  3. Glad youse guys dug the jam as much as I! Viva la Dino!
