Friday, October 08, 2021

Primetime Tonight: The Lucy Show "Lucy Dates Dean Martin"


Hey pallies, likes welcome back for yet a fabulous fourth helpin' of Dino-adulation from the swingin' sixties blog "Pop '66!  -  Where the Action Is: Movies, Comics, Book, Movies and more!"  Likes today bodacious blogger "jfire2" takes all us Dino-philes from the big screen to the small screen as he powerfully puts the Dino-accent on that coolest of cool, classic of classic exuberant episode of "The Lucy Show" tagged "Lucy Dates Dean Martin."

From the friendly folks at IMDb we learn that this excitin' episode first aired on February 14, 1966...likes ain' that perfectly primo that it was on February 14....Valentine's Day...better known 'round these Dino-parts as Dino-amore Day that Lucy and our most beloved Dino got together on the small screen.

IMDb gives us this sweet summary of this Season 4, Episode 21:   Lucy is set up on a date with Dean Martin's movie double Eddie Feldman. When Eddie can't make it because he's needed in a scene, Dean substitutes as him on the date. Throughout the evening, Lucy keeps telling him how much more talented he is than that lucky Dean Martin. To make matters worse, Dean/Eddie can't get a drink anywhere. This was one of Lucille Ball's favorite's of this series."

Likes whether you're watchin' this Dino-classic for the first time or the hundredth....enjoys the cool chemistry that our Dino and Miss Ball share....truly truly beautiful bliss!  Thanks once 'gain to Mr. "jfire2" for more delightful Dino-centric pleasure from the year of our Dino 1966.  To checks this out in it's original format, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Primetime Tonight: The Lucy Show "Lucy Dates Dean Martin"


  1. Loved this episode! Lucy & Dino play good off each other.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, Miss Ball and our Dino are both class acts and this is truly a small screen comedy classic.
