Thursday, October 07, 2021

At the Movies: Dean Martin in "Texas Across the River"

 Hey pallies, likes after the last couple of Dino-days awesome accent on our Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm likes we just had to check out what other delightful Dino-centric Dino-devotionals coulda be found at "Pop '66!  -  Where the Action Is: Movies, Comics, Book, Movies and more!"  And, we are totally totally thrilled to say that blogster "jfire2" has swankly shared more Dino-action for our Dino-delight.

Today we offer all youse Dino-philes great supreme screen caps from our Dino's 1966  coolest of cool comedy western "Texas Across The River."  Below are a half-dozen perfect poses taken from this big screen funniest of fun flick, as well as one of the potent posters used to premierly promote it.  

As we write this, the Dino-thought just came to us that 1966 is the precise same Dino-year that the first two Helmers were filmed.  Likes we did a wee bit of Dino-searchin' and if the info we found is correct, our Dino sandwiched "Texas Across The River' between Helmer uno and Helmer duo.  More proof positive that our Dino was no slacker when it came to workin'.

As a Dino-bonus likes we went over to youtube and lovin'ly located the original trailer for the flick and share it at the end of this Dino-gram.  This thrillin' trailer calls "Texas Across The River" "The Swingin'est Fun Romp That Ever Fractured The Frontier."  Likes we once 'gain thanks "jfire2" for sharin' more 'n more Dino-treasure at his blog.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

At the Movies: Dean Martin in "Texas Across the River"




  1. Man! Dino was a bit of a workaholic! That’s ok...I’m a Dino-holic! As they say...if youse love what youse ain’t work! And I LOVES Dino! Haha!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, no truer words coulda be spoketh by a true Dino-addict likes youse!
