Wednesday, October 06, 2021

At the Movies: Dean Martin and Ann-Margret in "Murderers' Row"

Hey pallies, we're back with that promised second helpin' of Dino-delight from Mr. "jfire2" and his swingin' sixties blog "Pop '66!."  Yes, we're back with a precious post on the second of the Helmer quartet, likes our Dino-fav of favs, "Murders' Row."

 The vibrant variety of intriguin' images include a black and white promo pix of our most beloved Dino with his two stars of the opposite sex, baddie Miss Camilla Sparv and lovely lady Miss Ann-Margret.  Our great great man seems to be exceptionally enjoyin' his closeness to his co-stars.
Then we have a swank selection of superb stills from MR....but look closely and youse will see that one 'em has Miss Ann-Margret but it ain't from this Dino-flick.  Send us some patter and let us know you found the impostor image!    Likes roundin' out this sweet selection are a image of the original movie advert and a thoroughly enjoyable original trailer that musta certainly enticed tons of pallies into theaters to view this Dino-epic.

Likes once 'gain we thank bodacious blogger Mr. "jfire2" for bringin' back so many movin' memories of our Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm in what we consider one of his funnest and coolest silver screen roles.  Thanks pallie "jfire2" for rememberin' these magical moments of Dino-delight from the year of our Dino 1966.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

At the Movies: Dean Martin and Ann-Margret in "Murderers' Row"


  1. Love the trailer! Haha Dino! Strange they included the pic of “Made in Paris”. An overlook perhaps??? Actually, never even heard of it, pallie.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, our Dino is at the pinnacle peak persona of the hippest hipster swinger spyster Matt Helm in "Murders' Row."
