Monday, October 11, 2021

Entertainers Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis visited with Deputy Mayor Charles Horowitz on behalf of the Heart Fund.

 Hey pallies, likes were guessin' that the potent photo of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry Lewis that is featured below is one that none of youse Dino-addicted pallies have ever laid your eyes on before....likes at least we knows that we have never ever gotten a groovy glimpse of this incredible image of our Dino and Mr. Lewis ever before in all of our valiant viewin' of Dino-poses.

Likes today ilovedinomartin takes all youse Dino-holics to the wonderful web presence of  the "NYC DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS & INFORMATION SERVICES" where in doin' some special searchin' a la Dino via our pallies at google, we found at potent post tagged "Official Mayoral Photographs" shared by Mr. Kenneth Cobb.  And, likes youse guessed it pallies...the first powerful pix shared is one of our great great man and his great great partner snapped on March 14, 1952 and they chat with Deputy Mayor Charles Horowitz in their offical capacity of reverently representing the Heart Fund.

Pallies, we are guessin' likes we, that you are totally totally thrilled to the nth Dino-degree to gloriously gaze on this perfect pose of our Dino and Jerry doin' good, likes as the prose sez below, "to promote  their good works."  We largely loves the looks on both our Dino and Mr. Lewis' fabulous faces!   We can never ever gets 'nough Dino-learnin' of the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino and then sweetly sharin' it with all the Dino-philes who gather 'round our humble little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole seekin' Dino-refreshment Dino-day by Dino-day.

ilovedinomartin expresses our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to the pallies at the "NYC DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS & INFORMATION SERVICES" and in particular, Mr. Kenneth Cobb, who gettin; this Dino-historical moment shared with the larger Dino-world.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-post.

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

January 3, 2020

Official Mayoral Photographs

Kenneth Cobb

The photograph collections of the New York City Municipal Archives are deservedly well-known for their extensive documentation of the physical city—the buildings, streets, highways, bridges and parks. The 1940 and mid-1980s “tax” photograph collections are perhaps the best examples. But there are “people” pictures, too, most notably in the mayoral photograph collections. 


Charitable organizations made sure to stop by City Hall to promote their good works. Entertainers Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis visited with Deputy Mayor Charles Horowitz on behalf of the Heart Fund. March 14, 1952. Official Mayoral Photo #724, NYC Municipal Archives.


  1. Awesome random pic, pallie! Just like our Dino to help out a good cause. Great guy that he was!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, and it was the Heart fund....and likes how appropriate that is 'cause our Dino, the King of Amore has captured more hearts than anyone else with just a smile and a croon.
