Tuesday, October 05, 2021

At the Movies This Week: Dean Martin in "The Silencers"

Hey pallies, likes we've 'fessed up before and we are goin' to 'fess up 'gain that we are always always always in the deepest of deepest of deepest  Dino-state of mind and in particular a Dino-As-Matt-Helm state of Dino-bein'!  So youse guessed it pallies, we are always always always on the lovin' lookout for anythin' and everythin' 'bout our most beloved Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm.

Likes  we were reviewin' just a terrific ton of Dino-draft posts when we happily happened 'pon  one tagged , "At the Movies This Week: Dean Martin in "The Silencers."  It's from the bodacious blog  "Pop '66! where a pallie who tags himself "jfire2" holds forth.  In this blog this delightful dude has powerfully posted on as he sez, "Where the Action Is: Movies, Comics, Book, Movies and more!"

It the grooviest of groovy look at all thin's from the year '66 and all youse Dino-philes know that it was in this swingin' year that Helmer numeros uno and duo were released, "The Silencers" and "Murders' Row, and likes today we will absolutely accent "jfire2's" post on "The Silencers" and on the 'morrow his powerful presentation of "Murders' Row."

Likes as youse will neatly note below, this beaut of a blogger offers all us Dino-holics a beautiful bevy of incredible images of our darin' Dino and the ladies of Helmland.   We have a fabulous feast of potent poses from stunnin' screen shoots, perfect publicity stills, awesome al-b-um covers, and marvelous movie poster art...some in black and white and some in color.  As we sez, it's a fabulous feast of powerful pixs for our Dino-viewin' pleasure.

We shouts out our absolute appreciato to "jfire2" for coolly celebratin' the ravin' release of  "The Silencers" in the year of our Dino 1966.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Thursday, February 18, 2016

At the Movies This Week: Dean Martin in "The Silencers"


  1. Awesome display of Helm pics, pallie! James Bond who? Haha!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o,it's hard to believe that all the Helmers were filmed over half a century 'go and our Dino is cooler then ever as swingin' spyster Matt Helm.
