Monday, October 04, 2021

.....He adds that Dean Martin made it cool to mix scotch and soda and so should we.....

Anoothi Vishal
Hey pallies, likes as we have said a ton of times before, youse just never ever knows where the name of our most beloved Dino will be lifted up. Today we coolly celebrate international Dino-devotion from Delhi, India from the blog tagged "THE HINDU."  Scriber Miss  Annothi Vishal's  post "Free Spirit," in the "LUXE LIFE & STYLE" department, shares powerfully potent patter with Mr. "Bill Lumsden, director of distilling and whisky creation at Glenmorangie" that likes, of course, just happens to swankly speak of our most most beloved Dino.

Likes as youse will enjoy readin' below, Mr. Lumsden "assured" Mr. Vishal that "there are no rules, in life or scotch," when Vishal quired Bill 'bout  the mixin' of scotch and soda.  The awesome authority that Lumsden coolly cites for this you will revel in below....none other then our one, our only Dino!  How fantastically fabulous to see our Dino's incredible ideology of imbibin' liquid libations bein' followed in the likes of India!

We stand in awe of our Dino, of Mr. Bill Lumsden's revelin' in followin' our Dino's amazin' advice, and of Miss  Anoothi Vishal and all the pallies at "THE HINDU" for spreadin' this Dino-notion in print.   We have shared just a brief portion of the entire article, so to reads it all in it's original format, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-prose.

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

vintage drink dean martin 1965 GIF


Free spirit

Anoothi Vishal

There are no rules in life or scotch says Bill Lumsden, the mad scientist of Glenmorangie

.......As soon as we’ve sat down to the Bukhara meal, Lumsden has somewhat startled the good folk bringing us our drinks. He’ll have his Glenmorangie 10 year old with soda, he says, asking me whether I’d like the same. This is an effective throwing of all hard and fast rules about scotch and soda to the wind. “But I thought that’s the wrong way to drink a single malt,” I prod. Lumsden assures me there are no rules, in life or scotch. He adds that Dean Martin made it cool to mix scotch and soda and so should we, and that because this is a hot Delhi afternoon, the beverage is perfectly acceptable.


  1. Haha!! Dino ALWAYS did thins’ his own way! And usually set a new standard in doin’ so.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, nothin' "higher" then the Dino-standard!
