Saturday, September 25, 2021

Richard Metzger: The Time I Met Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that we are greatly gettin' absolutely awesomely addicted to the beautifully bodacious blog "Boing Boing" as we continue to delightfully discover more and more awesome adulation that is absolutely awesomely Dino-centric!!!!!!

Likes today we are totally totally thrilled to share more swankest of swank scribin's from Mr. Mark Frauenfelder (pictured on the left), who in July of the year of our Dino 2011 shared this grooviest of groovy powerfully perfecto post 'bout a pallie of his, Mr. Richard Metzger's meet up with our most most beloved Dino.  

We remember sharin' the stunnin' story, "Richard Metzger: The Time I Met Dean Martin" that Mark shares in part below, also in July 2011 when it appeared at the primo pad "Dangerous Minds"

Likes our original post can be read HERE as it originally appeared at "Dangerous Minds" HERE , which is the same link at the end of Mark's post below.   Richard's is truly a Dino-holic's Dino-holic and we deeply digs havin' 'nother op to repost it for all youse Dino-philes readin' Dino-pleasure.  

It always always gives us the greatest of great Dino-happiness to randily read and powerfully pass on each and every first person Dino-encounter that we find....oh to be so powerfully privileged as to have spent even a few moments in the immediate presence of our most most most beloved Dino.

We thanks Mr. Richard Metzger for first sharin' his Dino-encounter and for Mr. Mark Frauenfelder for sharin' it with all the pallies gathered 'round the "Boing Boing" waterin' hole.  To checks this post out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Richard Metzger: The Time I Met Dean Martin    



My friend Richard Metzger (on the right in the above photo), the founder of the terrific Dangerous Minds website, shares his story about meeting Dean Martin at Hamburger Hamlet in Los Angeles. I remember staring at the gigantic blowup poster of the above photograph that Richard had hanging from the wall of his apartment in Hollywood about 15 years ago.  (Here's an article about Richard that I wrote for Wired back in 1997, in which I mention the photograph.)

I was absolutely fascinated by Martin, the very definition of the devil-may-care rouéwho truly wasn't impressed by anything or anyone. Beauty? He had more women than he knew what to do with. Fame? Come on. Money? Please! Dino didn't care if you were the President of the United States, some hot piece of ass or the head of the Las Vegas Mafia. The man, to paraphrase the Super Furry Animals, simply did not give a fuck. Weltschmerz as an art form! Ennui deluxe! I reckoned Dean Martin must've been the coolest man alive.

Janet Charlton, the Star magazine gossip columnist, seen frequently on Access Hollywood,  ET and similar shows back then, told me that Dean Martin—who was generally thought to be a complete recluse, sitting home drunk in an armchair watching movie westerns, basically—did in fact dine out nearly every night at the Hamburger Hamlet (an upscale LA burger chain) on Doheny Drive in Beverly Hills. I made a mental note to myself to go there one day.

Not more than a few weeks after she told me this, Mike and Roni, two pals of mine from New York, arrived on my doorstep unannounced. They seemed quite amused by my gigantic Dean Martin album cover and when I told them that he was a regular at the Doheny Hamburger Hamlet, we all three enthusiastically agreed that this was where we'd dine that evening. And we brought a camera.

Richard Metzger: The Time I Met Dean Martin


  1. Very cool, pal! The right place at the right time? Nope! The Best place at the Best possible time! Man O man, to talk to Dean even for a few seconds would’ve been pure gold!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, swankly stated be in the immediate presence of our Dino....surely the truest of true Dino-bliss!
