Friday, September 24, 2021

Dean Martin sings 'Lay Some Happiness On Me'


Hey pallies, likes welcome back for some more Dino-fun and Dino-frolic from Mr. Jason Weisberger (pictured on the right), the coolest of cool potently powerful publisher of the bodacious blog, "Boing Boing." Likes we gotta 'fess up that today's Dino-devotional is simply one of our most fav of fav Dino-vid croons from the Dino-show, "Lay Some Happiness On Me."

We loves! loves! loves! watchin' and listenin' to our Dino as he lays some happiness on all use Dino-philes. Likes truly truly, to our way of Dino-thinkin', these wondrous wise words are some on Dino's most edifyin' teachin's and if we follow 'em we will always always be filled to the brim with mucho mucho Dino-happiness.

We note that Jason has swankly selected one of the thoughtful teachin's of our Dino to his post....."That good good loving makes a bad bad fighter."  Indeed if all us Dino-devotees put the accent on "good good loving" the world woulda be a much much better place.  So, let's all turn on to the absolute amore that our Dino teaches and be filled with absolute, awesome abundant Dino-happiness.

Likes thanks once 'gain to Mr. Jason Weisberger for sharin' these tremendous teachin's of our Dino with the wider  Dino-world.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.  And, likes for all youse Dino-learners, we have shared all the lyrics to this very Dino-educational croon to grow deeper in livin' the Dino-truth!

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Lay Some Happiness On Me

Dean Martin

Lay some happiness on me

So the brighter side you'll see

No more loneliness to me

Lay some happiness on me

Tell me I'm great and I'll be greater

Build me up and I'll fly

Love me now and I'll be glad later

And tell your troubles goodbye

Lay some happiness on me

So the brighter side you'll see

No more loneliness to me

Well, lay some happiness on me

Spill that cup of trouble and sorrow

Sooner, the better for you

Fill it up with a happy tomorrow

We got some living to do

Lay some happiness on me

So the brighter side you'll see

No more loneliness to me

Well, lay some happiness on me

Cover me up and I'll squeeze tighter

Honey let's kiss me, do

That good good loving makes a bad bad fighter

And I'm not picking on you

Lay some happiness on me

So the brighter side you'll see

No more loneliness to me

Well, lay some happiness on me

Lay some happiness on me

So the brighter side you'll see

No more loneliness to me

Well, lay some happiness on me

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Bob Jennings / Jean Chapel

Lay Some Happiness On Me lyrics © Sony/atv Acuff Rose Music

Dean Martin sings 'Lay Some Happiness On Me'

That good good loving makes a bad bad fighter.


  1. A Dino tune that always makes me smile!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, likes we are trustin' in our most beloved Dino to keeps layin' Dino-happiness on youse and your mate in your new marriage and your new home.
