Sunday, September 26, 2021

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Baby Won't You Please Come Home?"

 Welcome back, pals o mine! 

How's thins'? 

Did youse get the yardwork started yet? 

Pack up the patio stuff? 

Stock the shelves with crushed tomatoes & vino?! Haha!! 

Hey,'s gonna be gettin' chilly 'round these parts! I needs my Fall supplies! Haha!! 

Yup...its that time of year, my friends. Time to hunker down & turn the Dino up! 

I'm thinkin' if we can gets' 'nough Dino-tunes flowin' this Fall...we should be able to keep that "warm & fuzzy" glow uh-glowin' right through to Spring! 

Now, palsies, are youse with me?!?!?! 

Yay! I just knew I could count on ALL my fellow Disciples of Dean, out there! here's what we is gonna do. 

Seein' how Thursday is the last day of September...& creepy spooky October is comin' up next...I thinks we should EASE into the cool cool weather headin' our way, with a "nice n' easy" Dino-tune. 

How's 'bout somethin' off Dean's "The Dean Martin TV Show" vinyl masterpiece? 


DEF I NATE LY one of my FAVE al b ums. 

I knows of a jam that will relax us right into this fantastic frenzy of foliage headin' our way, mi amici! 

This week's Serenade, "Baby Won't You Please Come Home?", is just what the doctor ordered! 

It's calm & soothin' & is SURE to light the fires that will keep us warm. 

Now , I don't know 'bout youse guys...but I'm gonna go pour me some of that "Fall supply" vino...& heat this beautiful mornin' up! I is feelin' a little chill in the air. Haha!! 

Join Dean & I, pallies! 

Youse'll be all SNUGGLY 'til the April thaw comes! Ha! 


1 comment:

  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, there's an old sayin'..."Home is where the heart is" and likes since all us Dino-holics' hearts are with our most beloved Dino...home is where Dino is!
    Thanks for weekly welcomin' Dino-devotees to our humble little Dino-home for 'nother supreme serenade coolly croons by our one, our only DINO!
