Monday, September 27, 2021

"Boing Boing"......Happy 101st birthday, Dean Martin!

Hey pallies, likes welcome back for yet 'nother huge helpin' of the deepest of deep Dino-devotional from that grooviest of groovy beaut of a blog "Boing, Boing," once 'gain supremely scribed by Mr. Jason Weisberger (pictured on the left), the primo publisher of said site.

Likes today we reverently reprise a Dino-post that we first shared at our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave HERE on June 14 in the year of our Dino 2018.  This time 'round Jason offers huge homage of our most most most beloved Dino on the 101st awesome anniversary of our Dino's descent to planet earth with wonderfully wise words and a vital vibrant video of our Dino's croonin' of "Ain't That A Kick In The Head" as shared in the Rat Pack flick, "Oceans 11."

We need not say more as you can read below our original patter from 2018.  Likes once 'gain we want to deeply deeply devotionally, eagerly express our Dino-appreciato to Jason for one more time so so openly and affirmatively sharin' his absolute awesome adulation of our Dino in this wonderful way, 'gain lettin' his remarkable readership hear his powerful praise of our main man, which has certainly helped other pallies be deeply drawn into the Dino-fold...growin' in walkin' the Dino-way and livin' the Dino-life!  We eagerly wait with bated breath for yet more incredible inspirational absolute amore of our Dino from the pages of "Boing Boing."  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Hey pallies, likes by the tag of this Dino-gram youse know that we have 'nother tribute to our most beloved Dino on his 101st birthday.  On this 14th day of our month long celebration of The Day That Coolness Came To Earth we meet with Mr. Jason Weisberger who holds forth as proud publisher of the potent pad "BOINGBOING."

Likes when we saw Weisberger's name and the tag of his beautiful blog "BOINGBOING" we thought we remembered sharin' Dino-prose from him before, and indeed on June 11 in the year of our Dino, we thrilled to share his potently powerful post tagged "I drive a car with license plates that read “DRUNK.” Weird things happen as a result."  That post can be accessed  HERE.

Likes as today's Dino-gram, Jason's Dino-homage includes a youtube vid of our Dino's cool croonin' of "Ain't That A Kick In The Head" from the Rat Pack 'Vegas Baby 'Vegas fabulous flick "Oceans' 11" with a bit of patter includin' Weisberger's confession...."I've never enjoyed Christmas."  Likes obviously our Dino's departure from our presence on December 11, 1995 has had a incredibly important impact on this obvious adulator of our most most most beloved Dino.

We eagerly expresses our thanks to Mr. Jason Weisberger for remarkably rememberin' our one and only Dino on this 101 anniversary of his birth in Steubenville, Ohio.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Happy 101st birthday, Dean Martin!


Yesterday marked Dean Martin's 101st birthday. Happy birthday to the King of Cool.

Fabled performer Dean Martin was born on June 7, 1917. Mr. Martin passed away on December 25th, 1995. I've never enjoyed Christmas.

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