Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Last Photos - Last Memories of Dean Martin - Final Days..

 Hey pallies, likes this Dino-day we return to youtube to solemnly share 'nother vital vid trib to our most most beloved Dino tagged "Last Photos - Last Memories of Dean Martin - Final Days.."  Likes we have shared these and similar Dino-images before and they always mostly makes us so so sad as we view our Dino's decline in health and vitality durin' the last months of his life.  

But today, likes as we just viewed this Dino-vid, we remarkably  realized what a powerful privilege it musta been for the pallies who are pictured in these candids servin' our most most beloved Dino and givin' him lovin' assistance.  How amazin' it woulda been for any of us who name the name of our Dino to have been able to swankly serve his needs in those last months of his time on this planet.

Likes also pallies, when we focus on these later day Dino-images, we likes to think of the wonderful ways that our Dino lived his long life on his own terms as the King of Cool, the Master of Hip, the Ruler of Randy and likes when youse live your life to the full, indeed at some point decline will come to the body as noted here.  It reminds us of one of our Dino's quintessential quotations of the way he lived his life, "If I knew I was gonna live this long, I woulda taken better care of myself."  

We invites all youse Dino-holics to not only view this video montage of Dino-poses, but also to drink deeply of the wonderfully wise words printed below the vid that are a totally totally touchin' and tender tribute to our King of Cool, and likes while youse are at it pallies, likes takes a bit of time to read some of the over 1000 coolest of cool comments that Dino-devotees have posted showin' just how deeply deeply so so many pallies are deeply devoted to our one and only Dino.

Likes here are a small sample of the completely comfortin' comments solemnly shared by Dino-philes...

Al Biondi

He lived life to the fullest and lived more in his 78 years than most of us could live in 178 years, rest in peace Dino and thanks for the memories.

Kamila Agi-Mejias

His music still comforts me when I remember my father and the music he used to love.  Thank you Dino, love you forever


There's solace in having witnessed his years in the Sun, and how many centuries of fun and cool he crammed into 78 years.  Truly, a one-of-a-kind talent.  RIP Dino.  You were superb!

chris osieczanek

Met Dean Martin on a golf course in Southern California in the mid ‘60’s . It had started to rain , the members of his foursome called it a day , and he was waiting the rain out in the lounge . Stopped by his table to say ‘ Hello ‘ and he invited me to sit down . What a witty and gracious guy . Chatted for an hour or so , rain didn’t let up , so we parted company . You’ll never hear me say anything negative about good ‘ol Dino .

We sweetly salute the pallie who created this vital vid of our most most beloved Dino.  To checks this out in it's original source at youtube, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Last Photos - Last Memories of Dean Martin - Final Days..

Immortal Photos - Last Memories


Latest Photos of Dean Martin  - Final Days..

If there had to be an image for cool, the man to fit it would be Dean Martin.

Martin was born Dino Paul Crocetti in Steubenville, Ohio, to Angela (Barra) and Gaetano Alfonso Crocetti, a barber. His father was an Italian immigrant, and his mother was of Italian descent. He spoke only Italian until age five. Martin came up the hard way, with such jobs as a boxer (named Kid Crochet), a steel mill worker, a gas station worker and a casino croupier and dealer.

In 1946, he got his first ticket to stardom, as he teamed up with another hard worker who was also trying to succeed in Hollywood: Jerry Lewis. Films such as At War with the Army (1950) sent the team toward super-stardom. The duo were to become one of Hollywood's truly great teams. They lasted 11 years together, and starred in 16 movies. They were unstoppable, but personality conflicts broke up the team. Even without Lewis, Martin was a true superstar.

Few thought that Martin would go on to achieve solo success, but he did, winning critical acclaim for his role in Genç Aslanlar (1958) with Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift, and Aşk Uğruna (1958), with Shirley MacLaine and Frank Sinatra. Movies such as Kahramanlar Şehri (1959) brought him international fame. One of his best remembered films is in Soyguncular (1960), in which he played Sam Harmon alongside the other members of the legendary Rat Pack: Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Joey Bishop and Peter Lawford. Martin proved potent at the box office through the 1960s, with films such as Bells Are Ringing (1960) and 7 tatlı serseri (1964), again with Rat Pack pals Sammy Davis Jr. and Sinatra. During much of the 1960s and 1970s, Martin's movie persona of a boozing playboy prompted a series of films as secret agent Matt Helm and his own television variety show. Havaalanı (1970) followed, featuring Martin as a pilot. He also played a phony priest in Yolun sonu (1981).

In 1965, Martin explored a new method for entertaining his fans: Television. That year he hosted one of the most successful TV series in history: The Dean Martin Show (1965), which lasted until 1973. In 1965, it won a Golden Globe Award. In 1973, he renamed it "The Dean Martin Comedy Hour", and from 1974 to 1984 it was renamed again, this time "The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts". It became one of the most successful TV series in history, skewering such greats as Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Lucille Ball, James Stewart, George Burns, Milton Berle, Don Rickles, Phyllis Diller and Joe Namath.

His last public role was a return to the stage, for a cross-country concert tour with Davis and Sinatra. He spoke affectionately of his fellow Rat Packers. "The satisfaction that I get out of working with these two bums is that we have more laughs than the audience has", Martin said.

After the 1980s, Martin took it easy--that is, until his son, Dean Paul Martin died in a plane crash in March 1987. Devastated by the loss, from which he never recovered, he walked out on a reunion tour with Sinatra and Davis. Martin spent his final years in solitude and out of the public light. A heavy smoker most of his life, Dean Martin died on Christmas Day, 1995 at age 78 from complications to lung cancer.


  1. Very touchin’ vid montage, pal. But, as youse know, I totally ‘gree with ‘memberin’ our numero uno King of Cool for how he burned his torch brighter than anyone... not how it eventually & inevitably faded out. The Comments say it all, pallies.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, the endin' Dino-images are not the way we wanna remember our most most beloved Dino, but they are a reminder that all good thin's come to an end, so likes our Dino we oughta lives our life to the fullest while we are able to....and our Dino is the premier example extraordinaire of livin' the high life. Keeps focusin' on our main man and emulatin' him in all all Dino-ways.

  3. Couldn’t ‘gree more, brother!

  4. The video was hard for me to watch.

    But I do notice one thing: he appears to be the unassuming guy he'd always been even during his better days. In other words, comfortable in his own skin -- no matter what.

  5. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, likes what an absolutely astute observation....showin' how coolly consistent our Dino was in his life, his times, and his teachin's.
