Monday, June 21, 2021



Hey pallies, likes our sharin' on last Saturday of the newest of new Dino-documentary, "AUTOPSY: The Last Hours Of Dean Martin" beautifully broadcast on the premium channel REELZ last evenin' incredibly inspired us to to a bit of Dino-searchin' on youtube for vital vids related to our Dino's death and in the comin' few days we are gonna share the Dino-devotional vids that we discovered.

Likes today we takes all youse Dino-philes to the Dino-tube where "THE REAPER FILES" has posted our most most beloved Dino's Death Certificate.  There are likes to parts to the certificate and it is extremely edifyin' to be able to view this virtually and read all the Dino-details.  Likes we have no idea how these dudes went 'bout acquirin' a copy of this certificate, likes whether it was easy or hard, but we wanna express our great great gratitude to those who did the Dino-research and created this video to our Dino-enlightenment.    Hats off to "THE REAPER FILES" for their contribution to our growth in Dino-knowledge.

To checks this vid out at youtube, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters



This is the death certificate for Dean Martin!


  1. Well pals...I watched the Reelz show last night “Autopsy-The Last Hours of Dean Martin”.
    Obviously was depressing & extremely saddening to see & hear how Dino lived the last 10 years of his life. However it was an interesting & seemingly fact based show. Definitely worth a viewing for all Dino-fans. Just do as I do & ‘member our main pal for the fun, cool, smart, talented, charismatic & handsome fella he was! Forever my main man!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks ever so much for your Dino-patter and, likes, of course we echo your supreme sentiments..."Just do as I do & ‘member our main pal for the fun, cool, smart, talented, charismatic & handsome fella he was! Forever my main man!" We are so proud to be able to call you pallie and am ever grateful for your awesome adulation of our most beloved Dino and your faithfulness to our Dino-mission here at ilovedinomartin.
