Wednesday, June 23, 2021

DEAN MARTIN Grave & Last Home - Jordan The Lion Travel Vlog


Hey pallies, likes over the years we have lovin'ly lifted up the beloved name of our Dino here at ilovedinomartin we have been beautifully blown 'way by the marvelous many and viral varied ways that our Dino continues to be hugely homage all over the ol' world wide web.  Likes today we once 'gain return to youtube where we delightfully discovered a pallie tagged Jordan whose devotion to our Dino is absolutely awesomely outstandin'!  Jordan's youtube pad tagged "Daze with Jordan the Lion" and his gig is to take his viewership to important places that he visits.  (Jordan and his doggie are pictured on the left.)

In the vibrant vid below we go with Jordan, his dog, and his lady friend to visit our most beloved Dino's final restin' place at Westwood Village Memorial Park & Mortuary, Los Angeles, CA and to see the outside of his last pad of residence.  The terrifically touchin' 'n tender thin' 'bout this vid is that our newest pallie Jordan has done his Dino-homework and gives a rad remarkable runnin' cooler then cool commentary 'bout our Dino's life 'n times durin' this over 20 minute vid.

Now, we gotta 'fess up that on a few Dino-details Jordan is a bit off the mark....such as our Dino had four youngens by wife numero uno Elizabeth and three youngens by wife numero duo Jeanne...which Jordan gets the number of pallies by each wife mixed up.  But it wonderfully warms our Dino-hearts to see 'nother of today's youthful hipsters so so sweetly into the Dino-story and doin' their powerfully potent part to spread Dino-devotion far and wide.

Likes the one new thin' that we learned 'bout our Dino is that the part of Westwood Village Memorial Park where he rests is tagged "Sanctuary Of Love".....likes as Jordan powerfully points out, likes how absolutely appro is that pallies?!?!?!  Sits back and enjoys viewin' our Dino's restin' place and final residence and revel in 'nother solidly solidly sold-out-to-Dino-dude speakin' sweetly of the story of our King of Cool, our one, our only DINO!

We supremely shouts out our Dino-appreciato to Jordan for his extraordinary efforts in the coolest of cool cause of spreadin' the Dino-tale and bringin' many many more into the Dino-fold!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


1277 DEAN MARTIN Grave & Last Home - Jordan The Lion Travel Vlog (4/8/20)

Daze with Jordan the Lion


  1. Great vid! Very Dino-educational & fun journey! I especially dug all the kisses on Dino’s final restin’ place. Haha!! Still makin’ the ladies swoon!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes our King of Cool is still receivin'awesome amore many many years after his departure from our presence....'nother way of deep demonstratin' the total total transformin' power of our most most most beloved DINO!
