Sunday, June 13, 2021

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Go Go Go Go"

 Hey there, ol' pals o' mine! 

How's thins? 

Hopefully all is well, my friends. 

Life's up's & down's can be dizzyin'! Believes me...I know! Haha!! 

Let's concentrate on the Up's. 

Obviously there's a HUGE Up this week! 

Yes, mi amici...the return of our fearless leader & guru of all thins' Dean Martin...Dino Martin Peters!!! 

I thinks I went into shock when I seen his post, Monday! Hahaha!!! 

It was TRULY the highlight of my week. 

Anyways, without gettin' TOO serious at our Fun & Silly little Dino-blog...I just wanted to give youse an official "Welcome back, Pal!" It's GREAT to read your Dino-postins' & feel your energy for spreadin' the Dino-message. Truly inpirin', my friend. The blog needs you & missed you. Welcome back. 

Now...'nough with all that "adult" stuff! 
Let's get to the Fun & Silly thins', we all love! 

I mentioned on a comment the other I heard 'nother Dino-tune bein' used for a new TV commercial. A video game, "Candy Crush". 

The very wise "higher ups" no doubt knew the perfecto & catchy little jam to promote the fun fun vibe of their product..."Go Go Go Go". 

Couldn't help but boast to my kiddies how even after our great pal, Dino, has been gone for over a quarter century...his music is STILL bein' chosen to titillate the masses! Haha!! 

Hey, pallies o' mine...this speaks VOLUMES 'bout the spreadin' of the Dino-message. 

With so so many new, young, trendy Pop-artists out there today...Dean friggin' Martin is STILL a "Go to" grab the youth's attention! 

Yes, mi amici...the Dino-vibe is burnin' like a flame! 

Cool Cool feelin' too...knowin' that we is also doin' our part to keep Dean's spirit alive & thrivin'...just by bein' our Dino-blog. 

So thanks for your help pallies! 
Truly a blessin' to me, my friends. 

OK. Are youse ready for this week's Dino-Serenade?! 
Me too! 

This one's goin' out to the Boss man! DMP! Haha!! 
I know he dosen't like the attention on him...but this is a celebration!! with it! 

And now...let's get the party started! 

Let's "Go Go Go Go"!!! 



  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks for the kindest of kind welcome back to our humble little ilovedinomartin Dino-conclave. Mucho Dino-thanks for holdin' down the fort and keep the Dino-action goin'.....your faithfulness to our Dino is perfecto! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous majestic...our one, our only DINO!
