Saturday, June 12, 2021

Meet Matt Helm. He’s a smooth-talking, smooth crooning, hard drinking womaniser with an eye – and a camera lens – for a beautiful girl in a well-filled bikini.

 Hey pallies, likes we warmly welcome all youse Dino-devotees back for yet 'nother installment of purely potent pleasure a la our most most beloved Dino as the swingin'est of swingin' spyster Matt Helm with today's awesome accent on Helmer numero uno "The Silencers.  Today's deeply delightful Dino-devotion comes coolly courtesy of an unnamed blogger whose blog pad is tagged "all my reviews in one place," that features this delightful dude's remarkable reflections on both music & music (note to self that we gotta be sure to checks out what other Dino-remarks this blogger may have blessed his readership with on other Dino-flicks and Dino-croons.)

Likes while we don't know the name of this beautiful blogger we do know a wee bit 'bout them, as they share their powerful passion for big screen epics sayin'... "About me… I’ve been an avid movie fan for as long as I can still remember.  Since before the days of DVD, Blu Ray and Netflix, even before the days when VCRs were big, clunky mechanical things with analogue clocks and buttons you had to engage with both thumbs, before even the battle with Betamax, I’ve been in front of the screen."

Likes well today's Dino-thoughts are more on the shorter but sweeter Dino-side as this radiant review is somewhat short of Dino-prose but greatly great in Dino-appreciato for our King of Cool playin' his ol' so cool, hip, and randy personal persona as Matt Helm.

These Dino-remarks begin with a truly truly powerfully potent pix of our Dino with his leadin' lady Miss Stella Stevens as he helps her remove her nylons after her comin' in from the rain.  Likes the deeply delightful detail 'bout this incredible image besides our Dino's lovin' attention to Miss Stella is that if youse looks closely below Miss Stella's propped up leg you will know a pack of Kent smokes on the counter....proof positive that our Dino's smoke of choice was Kents.

Permit us to briefly share some of this rad reviewer's best thoughts on our Dino as Helmer....

 Meet Matt Helm. He’s a smooth-talking, smooth crooning, hard drinking womaniser with an eye – and a camera lens – for a beautiful girl in a well-filled bikini.

Indeed, it’s hard to say how seriously Martin took the role, as there is ample evidence of humour and action present throughout the series. One thing is for certain – he sure enjoyed playing the role.

The main thing about this movie is the spark between Martin and Stevens. Their scenes together (especially the part where they pull off the road to sleep in the car overnight) are great.

To be as enjoyable, timeless and watchable as The Silencers, it’ll have to be damn good…. (referrin' to a possible reboot of the Helmer flicks)

Likes pallies, it makes our Dino-heart thrill to find more and more Dino-diggin' pallies out there in the Dino-universe proudly proclaimin' this Dino-adulation of our one and only Dino in his coolest of cool big screen role as Matt Helm.  

ilovedinomartin shouts out out of thrillin' thanks to the blogger at  "all my reviews in one place" for this deeply delightful Dino-prose that is sure to help many many of their readership be drawn into the Dino-fold of Dino-bliss." To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

The Silencers

SEPTEMBER 16, 2012  Posted in 1960S, MOVIES Tagged 1960S, COMEDY, DRAMA, MOVIES, REVIEW


Year: 1966

Director: Phil Karlson

Stars: Dean Martin, Stella Stevens, Victor Buono, Daliah Lavi, James Gregory

Meet Matt Helm. He’s a smooth-talking, smooth crooning, hard drinking womaniser with an eye – and a camera lens – for a beautiful girl in a well-filled bikini. Thing is, he’s also a secret agent, in fact one of America’s finest, and it’s time for him to crack his next case.

Dean Martin turned his hand to the spy genre in the mid sixties, starting with The Silencers, based on one of the 27 books written by author Donald Hamilton. Where Hamilton’s books were dark, gritty and very realistic, the movies took a more light-hearted view, such as was seen in the Flint movies and in the original Casino Royale. Indeed, it’s hard to say how seriously Martin took the role, as there is ample evidence of humour and action present throughout the series. One thing is for certain – he sure enjoyed playing the role.

In The Silencers, Martin is pitched, along with his fellow I.C.E agents, against the organisation known only as Big O. There’s a nuclear test taking place in three days time, and there’s also a test of a new missile. Big O plan to disrupt both, sending the missile off course to crash into the nuclear test, causing much of America to be engulfed in radioactive fallout. They just need the final piece of the jigsaw – computer tapes from a traitorous scientist. Helm is sent to intercept the handover, and whilst they are successful, the trail leads him on to San Jose in the company of the innocently ditzy Gail Hendricks, wonderfully played by Stella Stevens.

Of course, they sort it out in the end, but that’s not important. The main thing about this movie is the spark between Martin and Stevens. Their scenes together (especially the part where they pull off the road to sleep in the car overnight) are great.

Martin went on to play Helm in three sequels: Murderers Row, The Ambushers, and The Wrecking Crew. Rumour has it that there are also plans for a Spielberg-led reboot.

To be as enjoyable, timeless and watchable as The Silencers, it’ll have to be damn good….



  1. My personal fave of the 4 Helmers... The Silencers. ‘Nother fun read, pallie!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o "The Silencers" is perfecto premier DINO!
